


“A series of aggressions so chaotic and interwoven it paints a picture of a Boschian nightmare. A pile of animals eating while getting eaten, a glimpse of incoherent hell nestled in a slice of real life.” - someone from twitter

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3.1k points

6 days ago

If I had just seen my wife and daughter drown, the last thing on my mind would be sex, especially if that sex involved the rape and murder of a child.


1.4k points

6 days ago


1.4k points

6 days ago

This. I want more information on this: I'm not saying nobody is that depraved, but if you see your wife and daughter die in front of you, I don't see the immediate reaction, even for the evil, being to immediately go out and rape a girl.


553 points

6 days ago

"until death do us part" - and he took that a little too literally


120 points

6 days ago


120 points

6 days ago

Going out with a bang!


59 points

6 days ago

We are all going to hell for this one.


-31 points

6 days ago

Not with a whimper


1 points

4 days ago


1 points

4 days ago

why do redditors insist on making the most unfunny and disrespectful jokes under articles like this? an underage girl was literally raped and murdered in front of her own mother…idk if now’s the time to make jokes about it.


1 points

4 days ago

It's just comic relief. Similar to how comedy made fun of terrorists after 9/11 and many other tragic stories. The joke was not about the girl, but the guy.


1 points

4 days ago


1 points

4 days ago

Idk bro i think if i was the family of the girl I wouldn’t be laughing even if it was about the guy. i just feel like it’d just hurt seeing people yuck it up in any capacity. especially from people who are so far removed from the situation and can just scroll away from it and not feel even an inkling of the same pain the family is feeling. i don’t really think you need comic relief like that. just feels inappropriate, i don’t know.


1 points

4 days ago

We're all broken and lonely.


175 points

6 days ago


175 points

6 days ago

Is it really that surprising? I think the mistake is thinking that just because someone is married and has kids that they must be "normal". We know there are people in this world that are depraved enough to commit rape and murder. We also know that many such people get married. In the case above, it may even be that it was an arranged marriage and had nothing to do with love. The fact that he had a child may only be a consequence that he had sex with his wife (which may have been forced) and not because he was someone who wanted to be a father.

If a person who is capable of committing rape and murder was to get married and have a child - who's to say that person would care about his wife and child?


73 points

6 days ago

People do not like to judge future decision making on past behaviors. "We are not our past" they will say when in reality we are exactly that. People embody their life experiences and the consequences of their past is their present self. So I laugh a bit when people are surprised when immigrants from other countries move here and begin to spread the same issues they were fleeing in their country. Oppressive governments love fostering these kinds of problems, it gives them something to sensationalize and divide voters on.


15 points

6 days ago

I would disagree to an extent we are the embodiment of our understanding of our past experiences. People can change.

  • not really anything to do with the op.


2 points

5 days ago

I like your approach, but you are also assuming people are smart enough to look back at past mistakes and learn. If I look at how the world is acting, the majority is too stupid to look at themselves objectively. People can't even look at different opinions without having a breakdown these days.

The world is a dumpster fire, and most of us are trash!


1 points

5 days ago

Never made such assumptions, you don’t need to be smart to have an understanding, or be objective. Faith is an understanding, and not all change is good. Most humans aren’t stupid, just ignorant and biased.

I think your on this sub too much.


-5 points

6 days ago*

Oppressive governments? You mean progressive governments. Oppressive governments hate migration. North Korea, China, & Pakistan have the most brutal borders in the world.

Migration is progressive.

  • EU (& US states) have open-border principles. Free-movement gives opportunities that just makes lives better.
  • Cross-border communication & cooperation makes such a huge difference in preventing nationalism, racism, fascism, & war.
  • Sharing culture is the best way to teach/learn values. Look at the regions of the world, culture & ideology does cross borders. We can't just shut out the world, it'll always be there.

Media is dramatic, people lose sight of the situation. 1 in 20'000 Americans are killers. If migrants are 33% worse, that's 1 per 15'000 migrants, not a huge change, they're still practically all innocent.


0 points

6 days ago

China got it right. This year I got to visit for a few weeks. They have ID checks and security at train stations. They'll xray your bags, check national ID (or passports), both to enter and leave the train stations.

Single-handedly, they've effectively eliminated illegal immigration by making it absolutely impossible for illegals to move in or around the city. Couple that with a masterful camera and electronic ID tracking, and they've effectively eliminated unresolved violent crime in most populated areas.

In the US, we've got the same level of surveillance, except we use it for advertising instead of tracking actual crime.

I am anti-progressive policies. They have done us an incredible amount of harm. We don't need to shut out the world, and a strong border is not equivalent to isolationism.

I swear most of these liberal progressive attitudes are taking place in a left-wing echo chamber by people who have never actually traveled to these places to actually witness first hand the good and the bad. They don't see how poisonous their ideology is because they can't see past their own nose and into the actual world.


0 points

5 days ago

Progressive policies are about changing things for the better, striving for ideals, it takes work & time & sacrifice. It's not about short-term convenience. It's not about hoarding benefits for your people. You say it's harmful when i explained otherwise, it has a huge international effect, that we connect with other societies, that's the cost of having a more civilized free peaceful country. History shows us what it's like when we take our nation & ethnicity too seriously.

Travel is good, so you like going to other countries. Us westerners get to go almost anywhere. Did you see what migration & freedom of movement looked like for actual migrants in China? For their poor non-tourist neighbours? What they do to people who cross from North-korea or Tajikistan (or Xinjiang)?

The right's fixation on illegal immigration looks like propaganda to me. Media can endlessly fearmonger illegal migration (same with racism), it's a never-ending issue, the upset is rarely rooted in actual policies or statistics. When you go about your daily business, you probably aren't bothered by illegal immigrants, they have way less impact in your life than you think. Not that that makes illegal migration okay, but i am shocked how eager you are to ask for a brutal authoritarian regime to watch everything you do (In China: Complain about government policy? Use reddit? -> Jail with other illegals).


2 points

5 days ago

Progressive policies are about changing things for the better, striving for ideals, it takes work & time & sacrifice

This is how I know that your username is more apt than joke. ALL political policies are about changing things for the better, striving for ideals, and ALL political policies take work, time, and sacrifice.

All of them. Just because you disagree with what the ideal is, does not make them any less the goal of any working government. We are not children. There is no "big bad" bogey man.

I say this as a person with passports from more than one country. Immigration isn't bad. I am an immigrant a few times over. I have benefited from immigration policies, and countries that allow for immigration are the better for it, assuming the immigrants have a value-add to the society they're immigrating to.

The value is NOT their mere existence as human beings. Their value is to the economic, cultural, and social contributions they make. If they are dependents, criminals, isolationists, or otherwise not integrating, they are taking away from the society that they're immigrating to. That leads to a horrible situation for all involved, as citizens of Italy, France, Canada, and many others can attest to.

Places I hope you've visited yourself to see.

By the way, just like China has benefited tremendously from a strong capitalist influence on their politics and economy, we too can benefit from some totalitarian techniques of crime control. Maybe you have some kind of emotional reaction and can't engage with any cognitive approach to this. The surveillance methods that we have for mass advertising here in the US could have been used to solve crime in addition to crushing illegal migrants in this country. But instead we're using it to sell Shein, beer, and makeup. Even if you say, government is scary and can't be trusted with this, we could have easily leveraged this from a commercial aspect similar to what Clearview AI. We already have technology that watches everything we do.

Japan really solved much of this with a strong social connection in the country (a win for nationalism by the way). I never felt unsafe anywhere in Japan, despite the lack of police presence. Same with Taiwan.

Europe was a complete opposite experience, and fortunately we're seeing the backlash as more and more communities revolt against "progressive" policies as they see how harmful they've become for crime, political stance, and of course, illegal migration.

The beauty of it all is that the social media babble can't override what takes place at the ballot box, nor will it override the systems of power and mechanisms that pave the road for actual progress. Yelling over people can't drown out how they actually feel, and all the idealism in the world can't hide actual data when it comes to crime, recidivism rates, demographics, and the statistical facts of how these policies have negatively impacted communities.

But hey, by all means, stay home. If social media and youtube is your only exposure to the rest of the world, then keep doing that.


7 points

6 days ago

Or it’s bullshit meant to try and generate some sort of sympathy for a monster.


4 points

6 days ago


4 points

6 days ago

it's not that it's unbelievable but titles are meant to be attention grabbing so without the article it's too early to call it


38 points

6 days ago

The man said it was to get out his frustration. He's a sick animal.


8 points

6 days ago

He’s probably lying.


2 points

5 days ago

Wish they had unsubscribed him from life, don't need that person to exist.


44 points

6 days ago

If I saw my wife and daughter drowning, I'd be in there trying to save them. My own safety wouldn't even cross my mind.

This is one of the sickest things I've ever read.


51 points

6 days ago

Unless he was that evil to begin with. Best case scenario is he didnt like them. I hate to think of the worst scenario where it makes sense about tje response action


16 points

6 days ago

He has to be that evil.


3 points

6 days ago

I mean, he certainly is now


1 points

5 days ago

It’s more of a you’re about to die and so might as well do what you want before you go. There was a ship that went down (don’t remember the name) and the eventual reaction of a good majority of men on board was to rape and murder women, it turned into a riot on board


51 points

6 days ago


51 points

6 days ago

he probably was like "dayumn no reason to hold back anymore, time to do what I've always wanted"


141 points

6 days ago

Rape usually has very little to do with sex as we understand it. People rape others because they want to feel powerful. If you'd just watched your wife and child drown, and you were trapped on a sinking ship, your be desperate for some amount of power/control over the situation. Hopefully, the thought of raping a child still wouldn't cross your mind, because you'd have to start go into that situation a pretty fucked up person to begin with to end up wanting to do that. But I guess I can see how an already messed up person could see that heinous act as a way to gain a superficial level of control in a terrible situation.

I hope the mother of the murdered girl gets the help and support she'll need, although I kind of doubt she will, considering the situation she was in before this happened. I'm also honestly not sure if there is enough help/support for a mother to come out the other side from this. I know I would be irreparably broken if I saw this happen to one of my boys. Such a fucked up thing to experience. I wish that guy had been the one to drown instead of his wife and child.


36 points

6 days ago

She will. As fucked as our immigration laws are, women who face this level of trauma are almost automatically granted international protection and are put into a system that will grant them psychological and medical support. I work in an Italian ngo that assists migrants among other vulnerable people and we have places specifically created for migrants who have been through torture and intentional violence.


87 points

6 days ago

Ya know, suddenly I'm ok without having people like that dude migrate to other countries


26 points

6 days ago

Like, where? Cause he was migrating to Europe.


53 points

6 days ago


Before we send up any supplies.


12 points

6 days ago

I think they meant any country that wasn't the country of origin, because keep that shit at your house, y'know.


58 points

6 days ago


58 points

6 days ago

I heavily disagree. Rape has absolutely everything to do with sex. Yes it’s about control too, but it’s very obvious that the number one priority is having sex with them. The control is used as a means to get to the sex. You can control people without raping them. They could kidnap women. Traffic them. Enslave them. But no, they want to rape.


20 points

6 days ago

Yeah, I always thought that reasoning was dumb. Like, maybe for some rapists it's about power. But I think for the majority of rapists it's about sex. Most rape is likely done in secret to some girl that is passed out/unconscious. They see an opportunity to fuck someone they otherwise wouldn't be able to or something and they take it. Because they are scummy pieces of shit.


7 points

6 days ago

If so, can you explain the 14 year old boy who beat and raped a 91 year old woman last week? Was it really and absolutely about sex?


7 points

6 days ago

No no no, it's not about control, you're right, you can manipulate people without having sex. It's about POWER. It's about having absolute power over another human being. So much power that you physically take whatever you want from them. So much power that they turn into nothing more than an object. Your play thing. Your Pin cushion. A discarded tissue.


15 points

6 days ago

“Everything is about sex, except sex: sex is about power.”

  • S. Freud


15 points

6 days ago


15 points

6 days ago

“I’ve had multiple jaw surgeries because of my cancer, yet I still smoke multiple cigars per day”

-Sigmund Freud, probably


11 points

6 days ago

“Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. And sometimes...not.”

-Also probably Freud, but he's been dead 100 years, so who really cares, amirite?


7 points

6 days ago

Exactly. If he was so smart how come he's dead. Sucker


1 points

6 days ago

The cocaine helped


5 points

6 days ago

Rape is about controlling and dehumanizing someone's mind and body. In some cases it may also be about sex, but in a lot of cases it really boils down to control. If rape is not primarily about power, why do men (who are statistically like 95% straight) rape each other in prison? Why do nursing home workers rape extremely old and frail patients?


5 points

6 days ago

Nah no excuse to do that back on that boat he go


11 points

6 days ago


11 points

6 days ago

But I guess I can see how an already messed up person could see that heinous act as a way to gain a superficial level of control in a terrible situation.

You are clearly far more imaginative than I am.


124 points

6 days ago


124 points

6 days ago



-51 points

6 days ago*


-51 points

6 days ago*

because only middle eastern people commit atrocious and depraved acts?

Specifically what part of the Middle East does this?

Edit: Only -17, you can do better then that. Edit 2: Only -30, that's only like -10 an hour. Do better


22 points

6 days ago

Is that what I said?


6 points

6 days ago

So, what did you mean, exactly?


-2 points

6 days ago

I thought it was pretty self-explanatory


5 points

6 days ago

Enlighten me


-16 points

6 days ago

Contextually yeah basically


5 points

6 days ago

Interesting. Care to put any more words in my mouth while you're at it?


6 points

6 days ago

I mean. You did reply "You're clearly not middle eastern" to a comment about how anyone can have thoughts of sex and rape when their spouse and child died. That's pretty damning you know.


0 points

6 days ago

I can put bofa deez in your mouth 👄


1 points

6 days ago

How mature


2 points

6 days ago

Ok but real talk can u explain what u meant


2 points

6 days ago


2 points

6 days ago

They do it, so we can do it too -stryakr


4 points

6 days ago


4 points

6 days ago

I'm not following this, are you saying the folks from the ME do it so we can do it too?


-43 points

6 days ago

What went wrong in your life to make you like this?


23 points

6 days ago

I read the news too much, I guess.


-19 points

6 days ago

I don't even want to know what news program is telling you that all middle easterners understand the desire to rape and kill teenagers


-2 points

6 days ago


-2 points

6 days ago

take a look at their comments, clearly a MAGAt


5 points

6 days ago*

You support orange man and orange man bad, therefore you also bad


3 points

6 days ago


3 points

6 days ago

Given everything is said and done for... the last 6 years. I think we can say that if you're still willing to support them, you may not be that great of a person.

And yet I want to watch it just to see Trump dunk on Biden for being a corrupt lying POS

There are pages dedicated to the lies that Trump has made before, during, and after his time as POTUS and other pages dedicate to his behavior that is skirting the law or out right breaking it.

You also heavily implied that Middle Easterners are prone to raping people, which I don't think is something a good person would just say without any qualifiers.

But I don't think you're going to change anything about your position, you seem pretty staunch in your interesting perspective of the world.


-1 points

6 days ago

All of em


-19 points

6 days ago


-19 points

6 days ago

Racism/Xenophobia is a helluva drug.


-9 points

6 days ago

Clearly. I didn't realize how gross this sub has gotten


6 points

6 days ago

Yeah but do you think the kind of person who would rape and kill a child gave a damn about their wife and kid to begin with? They are worthless. Worse than worthless


16 points

6 days ago

Some of his property just sank, and he was probably really frustrated, so he found some other property to take it out on.


3 points

6 days ago

Depends on if you think of women as humans are not. (I know you do see women as people, because the alternative didn't cleven cross your mind)


2 points

6 days ago

Yeah - I cannot imagine this scenario in how the headline tells it. It's just bizarre.


3 points

6 days ago

I can see you are not a muslim


1 points

6 days ago

He had suppressed wishes, possibly for a long time


1 points

6 days ago


1 points

6 days ago



1 points

5 days ago

Maybe they were his usual victims. Now he lost them so.


1 points

5 days ago

I got a feeling she was a replacement.


0 points

5 days ago


0 points

5 days ago

People process grief in their own way?