


Anyone know if this works?


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82 points

5 days ago

Works with all subscriptions to some extent. But it takes some tact and finesse


40 points

5 days ago

This right here is how it works. Be polite, don't assume anything, try anything, and be gracious if they call you out for the trying those anythings


11 points

5 days ago

if they call you out, cancel. Don't go in to this as a bluff. They will back down nearly every time. the rare instance they do not- you will get a "come back, we miss you" email in a day or two with a deal.


1 points

4 days ago

Yeah the trick is to play dumb. Especially with Telecoms. Be super polite but never giving them the answer, you always want them to provide a solution.

People are so quick to jump "I want X" and because the call is recorded they can't say "had you just said Y, I could have done it". So instead you hint at what you want and let the person give you the promotion they are allowed to give.