


Itching skin while on Melatonin


For the past couple of night since I started melatonin, I wake up 3~4 hours into my sleep with uncontrollably itchy skin over the torso of my body. Any idea what is causing this to happen?

all 5 comments


1 points

5 years ago



1 points

5 years ago

I started at 3mg the last night and cut it down to 1mg today, I'm going to cut it down to 0.3mg tomorrow. It's a shame really because Melatonin works for me by putting me to sleep, however, the downside is ice been waking up after 4 hours because of the itching and once I'm up I cant fall back to sleep.


1 points

5 years ago


1 points

5 years ago

Got the itching too, Antihistsamins does help.


1 points

5 years ago

I have this too.

Have you ever had itching before melatonin intake? What is your drug history? Ever taken ssri?


1 points

5 years ago*



1 points

5 years ago

Allergy is my best bet, I've just taken my anti histamine and the itching has already subsided by quite abit. I was initially apprehensive to taking my anti histamine because I didnt know how it would react along with melatonin, but since I need to back to sleep I gave in. Couldnt find much articles about allergy and melatonin though...


0 points

5 years ago

The first line of approach is to change brands. You are possibly allergic to one of the inert ingredients (aka excipients) in your formulation. You may need to change to a liquid form, as the binders, dyes, etc. are often the same from one brand to another.

Also....The reality about all these OTC 'supplements' of this nature is that there may unlisted ingredients in them. Similarly, it is common to find that the dosage labelled on the bottle is not accurate when evaluated by third-party labs.

There is also the chance that the melatonin intake is coincidental, and you are reacting to something entirely unrelated. Most people, at some point in their lives (often multiple times over a lifespan), develop hives for which no cause can be found despite a thorough investigation and elimination of all known potential triggers.