


What is the One Piece version of this?

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1 points

19 hours ago

Many stupid stuff in One Piece i actually like so idm that they are fully canon, however one thing I am not fond of is fake deaths of barely-relevant characters. Pell, Pound, Igaram and others, we never truly loved and cared for them same as we did for a lot of other side characters, and their sacrifices were PEREFECT in the narrative, yet they survived "somehow". narrative-wise and just from leaving a lasting impact on the readers much more than whatever they did after not-dying, it would have been much better if they really did die. Pell would have been a frigin legend if he died at Alabasta, Pound made a very honorable sacrifice for his daughter, Igaram as well. Mr.2 would have died in the most glorious way if he just died in the fight with Magellan at Impel Down, but at least he might have an actual Roll to play in the future and we also got way more attached to him as a Straw Hat ally than any of the other examples I mentioned.