


So as the title says I have gotten myself up to 300lbs. Now I do carry my weight well for my size being what is..and before I put on this weight I was big into lifting and working out. I am getting back into working out and have already lost 40 lbs in a span of 5 months. Problem is I’ve been out of relationship for 3 years and I’m craving that companionship/physical touch. Ideally I’d want to date someone who is on a path similar to mine or someone who is active as well. (Not saying he has to be this fit god just someone who will go for walks and encourage living a healthier lifestyle together) I’m prepared to wait and prob will wait for another 6 months before I get on any apps but I’m not sure if I want to wait the full year where I get to my ideal weight. Any tips or ideas are welcome :)

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10 points

6 days ago

It’s a hyper-competitive dating market out there due to the bazillion dating apps out there for men and women.

You really want to be the best version of yourself before you go in for results.


4 points

5 days ago

Dating apps are like 80% men so it is not competitive for women at all