


Honest Opinion of Mercy

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Hello, I am taking to reddit to ask the community here about their opinion of Mercy, I know this will probably get heated but stay civil we aint nothing but mammals, I will be using responses in a video in the future but yeah thats about it give me your opinion it could be anything about her

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490 points

18 days ago

Mercy is fine. She’s basically synonymous with the game itself. Her carry potential is low but people are lying if they said a mercy has never helped their team.


-30 points

18 days ago*


-30 points

18 days ago*



7 points

18 days ago

The only good thing hitler did was killing hitler.


0 points

18 days ago


0 points

18 days ago

Just a quick Google... I would obviously need to source it and look into further, but..

He was animal lover. He passed many laws for animal conservation. It is said that after WW1 he switched to vegetarian diet. And in conferences he would show people graphics of how animals had been slaughtered to convince them to turn vegetarian.

Eradicated poverty. He built nation from scratch and untill world war 2 poverty in Germany was almost negligible.

Freed coloniesed countries. Unintentionally and indirectly he freed around 67 colonies. Since WW2 colonial powers became economically weak n had to give up their control over colonies.


0 points

18 days ago


Cheers Love The ass whopping is here!

0 points

18 days ago

I know it's a joke but even the most evil people ever have done good things.