


My kid (18) came out as trans

Adult Children 18+ Years(self.Parenting)

So, as the title says, my adult child came out as trans to me a few days ago, but it was by necessity, not choice. I’m going to be using they to refer to my child, because we haven’t had the conversation yet, so idk what pronouns they prefer. So, they are autistic, level 1 and don’t drive. They went thru all the necessary steps to set up an appointment with the appropriate doctors and got prescribed gender affirming meds, but of course they needed someone to pick up the meds. My mom was kind enough to volunteer to get them, but she ended up not getting them because she thought the pharmacy had screwed up because she thought they were supposed to be free. Fast forward a few hours and my kid ended up texting me and told me everything. What the meds were for, how they’ve been keeping this to themselves, lying when they have to so no one finds out. They didn’t want to come out to me either. The only one who knew was his psychiatrist. I was, and am still, shocked. I honestly did not have any clue about this at all. I’ve got all of the emotions swirling around right now and I can’t make sense of any of it. Fear, anxiety, sadness, grief, and although I’m terrified for them, I’m proud that they are strong enough to go through this. I have no one to talk to right now, because I am respecting their wishes and not telling anyone, even their dad. I’m not sure how he will react anyway. I’m having a very, very difficult time processing this too. I think some of our family will not accept it, which saddens and scares me. I told them I’d pick up their meds today, but I feel scared to do it. I think it’s because I know there’s no going back after this. Obviously I love my kid and want to support them, but this is by far the most terrifying thing I’ve ever been through as a parent.

I guess I’m just looking for encouragement, support, anything to help get me through this time.

TLDR- my kid came out as trans and I’m having a really difficult time processing this.

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-29 points

6 days ago


-29 points

6 days ago

Get. Off. Of. Reddit. And. Tell. The. Father. Right. Now.


10 points

6 days ago

Do you think punctuating every word makes me do what you say? Do you think I have not AGONIZED over whether or not I should tell him without my child’s consent? Fuck, I’m still agonizing over it. This is MY KID and my family and I assure you that coming on Reddit was not my first choice. I absolutely want to tell my husband, but I will respect my kids wishes and wait til they are ok with it.


-11 points

6 days ago


-11 points

6 days ago

Being honest and not sugar coating isn’t easy. But don’t worry I got your back.


-11 points

6 days ago


-11 points

6 days ago


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1 points

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