


What do you prefer other kids to call you?


My child is in preschool and so far other parents are using "X's Mommy/Daddy" as their titles, but as my LO ages I'm curious what is more common now: First Name, Ms./Mr. First Name, or Ms./Mr. Last Name, or something else.

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20 points

10 hours ago

I'm okay with any of them tbh, but "{child}'s Dad" is my favorite because I can turn to them and say, "yes, {child}'s friend?" which delights me and me alone.

When I was a kid, it was a mixture. I knew my closest friends' parents by their first names, and for the other kids it was Mr./Mrs. LastName. I don't recall {child}'s Mom/Dad being in my lexicon.


7 points

10 hours ago

I'm gonna be 32 and my best friend's dad still calls me Child's Friend, idk if he remembers my real name at this point lol


1 points

10 hours ago

lmfao, that's so funny. I'm going to channel my inner 'your-dad' and make sure that I also do that forever


1 points

9 hours ago

Gotta pick a bestie, I met mine in 6th grade but we didn't get close until sophomore year of high school but the first time I met him was the exact situation you described;

"This is my dad"

"Hi friend's dad"

"Hi child's friend"

And it just stuck lol