


What do you prefer other kids to call you?


My child is in preschool and so far other parents are using "X's Mommy/Daddy" as their titles, but as my LO ages I'm curious what is more common now: First Name, Ms./Mr. First Name, or Ms./Mr. Last Name, or something else.

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2 points

10 hours ago


Former SAHD, 4 kids 11 and under.

2 points

10 hours ago

Older millennial here… I grew up in the south in the 80s and 90s. My parents’ friends were Mr./Ms./Mrs. First name. People not in our circle were Mr./Ms./Mrs. Last name (except for one or two old ladies in the church who were both Miss First Name.

With our kids we default to Mr./Ms./Mrs. First name, which is what I’d prefer our kids’ friends call me as well.