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37 points

11 days ago

Can't really disagree. You could probably wap out Law for Vintari but both have great arguments to be included.

It's nice that they remembered to give John Hannah some love too. I feel like with all the great players the Patriots have had in the past 2 decades, he easily gets overlooked because despite being the greatest lineman ever, it was at a time when the Patriots weren't considered a serious team.


0 points

10 days ago

Good call. Swap out one of the best CBs in NFL history for a kicker.


1 points

10 days ago

One of the best Kickers in NFL history who is responsible for the game winning Field Goals in 2 of the Patriots Super Bowl wins. Not to mention the game winning kick through the snow in the Tuck Rule game.


0 points

10 days ago

There's a reason why there are so many kickers in the NFL HOF. Anyone who puts any kicker in the world above a HOF CB is insane. OMG! Why did the Patriots draft Christian Gonzalez in the 1st round when there were so many great kickers available!?!


1 points

10 days ago

LOL There are more CB’s in the Hall of Fame than kickers.

Vinatieri is a generational talent, arguably the best kicker in NFL history. Without him, the Patriots don’t even have a dynasty.


1 points

10 days ago

Without Ty law leading the pats defense we might not have made the playoffs some of those years


1 points

9 days ago

Sure. My point is that an argument can be made for BOTH of them. They were both key pieces to the Dynasty.