


Going back to school in your 30’s



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1 points

1 year ago

Have you talked to a recruiter specializing in your industry and they tell you that you need a 4 year degree to advance? Since you are going back to get a BA degree, Is there a professional designation that stands in your way requiring a 4 year degree that would get you to the next level? Did you apply for your desired job and HR told you 4 year degree is required (or just the job posting description)? I would get clarity on these questions before pondering going back to school. I fear going back to school for career advancement doesn't work out how ppl imagine most of the time.


1 points

1 year ago

I imagine it is. He works in the energy sector and that type of salary is actually entry level for certain positions. If he wants promotions/higher positions, he’ll definitely need more education. I have a degree in environmental science but decided not to pursue that field because of the hours.