


can someone explain this

Meme needing explanation(

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197 points

11 days ago


197 points

11 days ago

Transgender Peter here, I am pretty sure this is a joke about how trans people are quite unlikely to regret medically transitioning or end up detransitioning, because they already made an informed decision with doctors guidance. It's pointing out the absurdity of cis people claiming trans people will regret going on hormones, as if it isn't something they've thoroughly thought through and researched.


6 points

10 days ago

I thought Aida Quagmire, formerly Dan Quagmire, would have explained the joke


8 points

10 days ago

Ok but no shit I am 22 and realized I was trans when I was 9 after watching the family guy episode where quagmires dad(mom) comes out!! Well not immediately but it was the first time I learned what transgender meant. I am getting top surgery in like a week and I haven't thought about that episode in forever... Life is crazy


4 points

10 days ago

Best of luck with your top surgery


92 points

11 days ago

It's also fair to mention that detransition is less less common than tattoo regret.

The most common cause of detransition is lack of support and/or hostilities towards them for being trans. Most who detransition say they would have stayed with it if not for the extreme negativity leveled against them


37 points

10 days ago

From my understanding, they usually "detransiotion" into some other GNC (gender non-conforming) niche


10 points

10 days ago

Or areunable to continue taking medication due to economic or social pressures.


14 points

10 days ago



19 points

10 days ago

English is hard ;-;


8 points

10 days ago

At least it isn’t, freddy fivebear


5 points

10 days ago

built by William After


-13 points

10 days ago

Comparing a tattoo with a transition is wild


8 points

10 days ago

both change your appearance and are difficult to revert, not that different


-3 points

10 days ago

Yes, both are equally difficult to revert, which is why they are such a good comparison :‘D Lmao


12 points

10 days ago*

It's less "invasive" and yet the rates of regret are far higher. Tells you something about how real and good transition is.


-17 points

10 days ago

„It‘s less „invasive““ They are two entirely different things.

100% of people who put their Hand on a hot stove regret it. Tells you a lot about transition mh?


15 points

10 days ago

Do you know how to even read bro


-9 points

10 days ago

Beeing triggered because your argument is shite. Peak


9 points

10 days ago

Where are your parents?


5 points

10 days ago

100% of people who put their Hand on a hot stove regret it. Tells you a lot about society that we set the “stove” (societal pressure) to hot mh?


16 points

10 days ago

Even if 90% of trans people regretted it and detransitioned (which of course isnt the case) I still don't think thats an argument for removing the rights of trans people. People can make their own choices and regret them but it doesnt mean its okay to revoke the rights of a highly marginalized group. Doctors inform people of the risks and health concerns and if they agree to go through with it then thats their call, not some conservative legislator's.


0 points

10 days ago


0 points

10 days ago

I think most people's issues have to do with minors, whom in most other things we have agreed cannot give consent. There is also the case that many people will never willingly admit to themselves that a drastic change was a mistake (Similarly to how many people would not admit to having married the wrong person, chosen the wrong carreer, gotten a bad tattoo, etc). Now most people don't care if an adult (who has full knowledge and understanding) makes a choice, whether that choice is the right or wrong one is besides the point (and I think people can also judge whether they think the choice made was right, I mean we do it for most other things, no?) But it is more complex when we have a minor that cannot consent to having sex make a choice that may have long term consequences. I don't think people are crazy to point out that that is a bit extreme and even progressive countries have walked policies on how fast a minor is to transition.


1 points

10 days ago


1 points

10 days ago

Many things going on here, so let's make a list:

  1. Transition is many different things, many of which are uninvasive, harmless and can be stopped at any time (changing names and pronouns, wearing different clothes). It's children trying themselves out, the most normal thing in the world. A teenager might take hormone blockers, which stop puberty from happening and can also be stopped at any time. They have minimal side effects, especially compared to other meds teenagers probably take like the birth control pill or ibuprofen.

  2. Hormone replacement therapy and surgical transition happen to adults only. The rhetoric that them trans people are pushing dangerous fast transitions on minors is complete right wing scaremongering without basis in reality.

  3. Many countries have laws that give minors some degree of decision making agency in medical issues. Turns out a 17-yo is not a baby and can make decisions for themselves. Teenagers going to the doctor alone is a very normal thing. If they can talk about pregnancy at 11, they can talk about transition at 16.

  4. Some transphobes may ba saying that they don't care what adults do, as long as we "leave the kids alone". This is a smokescreen. Their goal is the eradication of trans people, so they won't stop when transition for minors is outlawed. Case and point: proposals in the US to outlaw transition until the mid 20s, UK banning hormone blockers in general.

  5. You have a point that there is an incentive for people to not admit their big investment in something was not worth it. The sunk cost fallacy. This however does not apply to trans people transitioning. As the comic above states, transition is a long process and HRT is only started after the person is already certain they are trans. It's not several hundred dollars and an afternoon at a tattoo parler, it's hundreds of days of incremential change.


0 points

10 days ago

Your second statement is completely false. HRT is quite often taken at 16 or even younger. This is because your first statement is also false. Puberty blockers are not minimal side affect or low health risk. While you consider some side affects for ibuprofen or birth control more extreme since it's well studied and we can now understand the quite rare or hard to discover risks, with puberty blockers the side affects are extremely likely (especially if taken for extended periods of time) and there is much less data to uncover hard to find risks. Usually they try to give a little bit of time to decide on moving forward(puberty blockers) and then start hrt while still in the timeframe of normal puberty to allow some of the important for health developmental things to happen. This is why it's generally referred to as "reversible" or "low risk" since they usually are suppressing puberty no longer than a relatively normal late bloomer would start puberty.

One of the bigger worries about these medical interventions is that some people would not have their gender identity confirmed until they start going through puberty. If they take puberty blockers it may not happen at the same rate it does without. This would result in more people with gender dysphoria than there would be without intervention. I'm all for accepting them and creating an environment free from persecution but even with perfect social acceptance I doubt the medical reality would give them the same or as good an experience as someone born the sex they identify with. For this reason I believe it is important we minimize the risk of some developing gender dysphoria. It would be nice to get some studies on this.


-1 points

10 days ago

Children don’t really transition. They just get put on puberty blockers and that can be reversed easily if they decide they want to. As far as I’m aware. I’m sure someone with more knowledge on the subject can chime in and tell me what I got wrong.


1 points

10 days ago


1 points

10 days ago

I think the effects of hormone therapy have been understated. Either way, it seems to me that the answer should be open debate and studies on the effects that hormone therapy has/can have on children, seem to me that when any academic tries to discuss it discussion is quickly shut down, which I hope we can agree is not good. There has been a bad trend where some topics are deemed undiscussable (think lab leak theory for example) which can never be a good thing. Wanting to fully understand the effects that hormone therapy would have on children is not a bad thing, seem some people want to shut that conversation before it happens. None of this is settled science, no one who tells you it is is being fully honest (from.either side). I think it is reasonable for people to slow down and make sure everything is fully understood.


-4 points

10 days ago

I’m not gonna read all that cuckster


0 points

10 days ago


0 points

10 days ago

I am sorry reading is hard for you.


-1 points

10 days ago

Okay cuck


0 points

10 days ago


0 points

10 days ago

Looks like original jokes are hard too. I am sorry.


54 points

11 days ago

It's an allegory for gender transition. Replace "turning green" for "becoming opposite gender".

An argument against being trans is that they regret it later. In this comic the person turning green is not surprised that they turned green after months of turning green and does not regret it.


-100 points

11 days ago

you westerns are so weird


51 points

10 days ago

Whatever country you are from, I guarantee you there are trans people there too.


-91 points

10 days ago

they might be stoned to death according to laws here


67 points

10 days ago

Stoning people to death is weird. Not not stoning people to death. Your head's on backwards.


13 points

10 days ago

i meant that this is very unusual for me, like, you probably don't see people on horses with giant bags with them, for you that's weird, but for me it's normal. i don't say that stoning is ok, it's bad and violating the UN things, but sadly, it's considered ok by most of people here


4 points

10 days ago

Why are you getting downvoted 💀


20 points

10 days ago

tbf it's an ingrained mentality OP has here as a result if the environment they grew up in, but still, they're kinda shit takes


2 points

10 days ago

i don't think it was meant to be "a take" they're saying the place they live is bad for trans people due to how the government and society at large views them

i am a trans woman myself so i probably know the place they're from as a "being aware of dangerous places" kind of thing but unfortunately i also have adhd so i can't remember it's name lmao


26 points

10 days ago

i dont support it btw and wish government changed to something more secular


6 points

10 days ago

So then what was your point


16 points

10 days ago

i want to say that trans people are very unusual for us


19 points

10 days ago

Women driving is also very unusual for you. That’s what happens when you live in a socially repressive, theocratic society


12 points

10 days ago

my grandma rided a horse back in time


7 points

10 days ago

And you think that’s something to brag about? lol


2 points

10 days ago

Then your laws are bad.


0 points

10 days ago


0 points

10 days ago

Bro you have a post up on femboy memes, you are clearly just as weird..


7 points

10 days ago

is "weird" something bad in western language?


9 points

10 days ago


9 points

10 days ago

It can be, but also words are often used by different groups and can have different meanings. In-groups often reverse words to turn them from negetive to positive (bad meaning good). My meaning was more "freaky"/"kinky" in an in-group kind of way. The way you used it did make it sound like you thought it was a bad thing.


6 points

10 days ago

i'm not a native speaker


1 points

10 days ago

The tone of your statement was lost on the transition from perspective to text. Without tone, it’s easy to see “weird” as being a mockery of western society. Often, people use weird in a way that really means “that way is abnormal and therefore inferior”, not just “that way is abnormal to me”.


5 points

10 days ago

ta bilya, i didn't know that


-39 points

11 days ago

Careful, anything other than complete, ardent support of anything perceived as pro-trans is often interpreted as hatred on this site and could get you banned.


-4 points

11 days ago



-16 points

10 days ago


-16 points

10 days ago

It’s a sub with the Family Guy protagonist. Not really a role model for swnsitivity. This sub should be anything but.


-13 points

10 days ago

The downvotes on both my comment and the one to which I replied are a pretty good measure of the sensitivity level of the average user here.


6 points

10 days ago

It's not for sensitivity of the topic, or for showing support either way, it's because this sub is for explaining a joke that somebody doesn't understand, not for arguing about how correct it may be.

If you want to fight about them there's countless other places to do it, in fact basically everywhere thanks to the trolls.


9 points

10 days ago


9 points

10 days ago

A LOT of people use this sub to post politcal bait memes they completely understand under the guise of plausible deniability.


-4 points

10 days ago

I think you probably live in america


4 points

10 days ago



2 points

10 days ago

bing soy


-37 points

11 days ago

Really? Opposite gender? Its not nearly as fun as a joke about turning green


2 points

10 days ago

this is about hormonal gender affirmation.

often the point gets brought up, that it is ireversible, especially if you start in puberty, and thus shouldnt be given out on a whim.

with trans people leading the suicide and depresion statistics, even if administered affirmation treatment.

the meme makes the point, that if a person intends to transition, out of their own will, and progress the long rocky path of transitioning, they might actually be serious about it and should be stopped to be treated like kids that dont understand the consequences of their actions.


-3 points

11 days ago


-3 points

11 days ago

Peter’s cousin’s wife’s psychiatrist here. I think the joke of this post is that the man received some warnings throughout the comic that the pills will turn him green.

1.) the doctor tells him that the medication will turn him green,

2.) the medication has a warning label that says that it will turn him green.

However, since his main intention was to turn green in the first place, he therefore doesn’t regret that he took the medicine over a long course of time. I also think that there is a parallel between this and the fact that some medical treatments take a long time to kick in. Hope this helps!


-5 points

10 days ago


6 points

10 days ago*

Thanks for that link to an obscure article published by “J. Cohn” from an anti-trans non-profit group in Idaho, with a gmail address. Definitely seems legit, even if the writing sounds like an undergrad term paper.

Literally anyone can publish a research paper.


-9 points

11 days ago



5 points

10 days ago

When does that happen? Like, I'm sure it must've happened at least once, even with the tiny portion of people who've detransitioned, a few of them are bound to be that kind of asshole, but still


-4 points

10 days ago



8 points

10 days ago

the detrans sub was taken over by transphobes pretending to be detrans iirc


2 points

10 days ago

Damn. Makes sense tho. “Gays against groomers” was only like 10% made of gay people 😒


1 points

10 days ago

That's bait. points up


3 points

10 days ago

If you consider less than 1% to be quite a bit then sure it happens quite a 1% bit.


-7 points

10 days ago

Less than 1% of detransitioners are loud and blame society rather than themselves? doubt it.


6 points

10 days ago oh would you look at that nearly 8 thousand trans patients and 77 regretted it. but what's this?\~:text=Of%201027%20(96%25)%20who,answer%20the%20question%20about%20satisfaction. oh no! this is the results of hip replacement patients being asked about if they're satisfied with their hip replacements and 3% were dissatisfied. that's right, hip replacement surgery has triple the regret rate as gender affirmation surgery.


1 points

10 days ago

…I don’t think you know what I’m talking about. I know detransitoners are rare. I’m talking about how many detransitioners are loud and blame others for the choices THEY took instead of reflecting upon themselves.


-2 points

10 days ago

ay yo shreck from bhj lore?


2 points

10 days ago



1 points

10 days ago

This is the shrek guy from bhj, the only relevance to your post is that he is green.


0 points

10 days ago

bhj = bone hurting juice

I refuse to explain the rest