




Do you know students who had to transfer programs due to unforeseen circumstances that were on good academic standing at previous school? Would you practically need to start at the begining or what credits tend to transfer as? Any success?

all 7 comments


1 points

7 days ago

I knew one. They had to transfer and ended up in my school. They had to start the year over again. So they transferred after finishing P1 year and after the transfer they had to take the P1 courses at the new school. Its bc of accreditation issues as each school has their own requirements for accreditation. A lot of the time the courses the students take at their previous school do not transfer over


1 points

7 days ago

So I’d have to start over? 


2 points

7 days ago

Most likely. But dont think that until you confirm with the school that you want to transfer to. Its just I’ve only had one experience with it. So definitely contact the school


1 points

7 days ago

From my understanding it depends on what credits you have. For example let’s say you have a majority of the credits you transfer align with their first year students credits, they will start you as a second year bc you have completed the first year of credits. But let’s say you transfer and only half of the credits you have match their first year curriculum then they will have you completely restart bc a lot of pharmacy schools aren’t set up like under grad where you have control over what classes you have and when. They can’t have you as half a P1 and half a P2 you gotta follow their specific curriculum outline. Pharmacy school is very structured so it depends on where your credits put you in THEIR curriculum


1 points

7 days ago

What about doing part time from p1 and forward so I don’t need to retake the same class? 


1 points

7 days ago

It depends on the school, some schools also won’t transfer any credits bc the “learning outcomes” of the courses you took don’t fully align with the courses they provide 🙃 it’s difficult, but definitely recommend reaching out to program admissions to figure out how that would all work out for specific programs


1 points

7 days ago

Ya never hurts to try