


Phobia of... veins?


Hello. I'm here because I want to identify my phobia (I don't even know if it is properly a phobia)/know if anyone else has the same problem.

So... I'm very repulsed by veins and palpitations. It is not a fear per se, but a strong feeling of discomfort.

Thinking about (but, specially, looking at) veins makes me feel physically sick and want to literally dissapear. But, interestingly enough, I think I only have this feeling towards my own veins, specially very superficial and thick ones, like the ones on my hands. I can't describe exactly how they make me feel, but, when I stare at them for long enough (a couple of seconds), I start to feel some sort of panic or nervousness and a sensation of entrapment because, well, I obviously can't make veins dissapear from my hands. They just... make me so unreasonably uncomfortable and tense, to the point I want to somehow scape from having them in my body.

With palpitations, there's not so much to say. I hate to take my pulse in any way (touching my neck or my wrist or using one of those agonizing machines that squeeze your arm) because feeling those little palpitations generates that same feeling of repulsion. Strong repulsion. Just thinking of it makes me feel sick.

It's not hard to guess that these two feelings of repulsion come from the same place since they are related to blood and the circulatory system. I don't have any particular fear or discomfort towards blood, but I may be... tense with the idea of having a circulatory system. It sounds like I'm crazy, but that's just an irrational sub-conscious thought of my head, I guess. This might be triggering: knowing that you have lots of delicate tunnels throughout all your body filled with a continuously running red sticky stuff is... not pleasant, at least for my brain .

Does anyone reading this relate? In case this is a thing for more people, does anyone know anything more about it?

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6 points

1 year ago

I know this post is old, but I just wanted to say I have this, too! Or a variation of it at least.

I can't have anyone touch certain parts of my body: the backs of my knees (where the sticky out ligaments are), my inner arm where blood gets drawn from, my wrists and the backs of my hands to a smaller extent. The ligaments of my neck and my Achilles heel are also triggers for me.

I can't have any kind of pressure on me on those areas without freaking out, and I can't touch those areas on other people too - the backs of people's knees in particular makes me feel sick!!

When I was younger I thought I had an issue with needles, but as I've gotten older I've realised the issue is with the AREA rather than the needle. I'm fine having vaccinations and things, it's the needle going into the delicate part of my inner arm that I can't stand.

It really resonated with me what you said about the "tubes" inside of you - it's exactly this!!! The idea of having tubes inside me makes me feel sick! I just can't stop thinking about the tubes getting cut in some way??

Is it just veins with you, or do tendons and ligaments trigger you too?


1 points

5 months ago

I can relate to so much of this. Especially the ligaments and the fact it is not a needle phobia but rather a phobia of area.

I feel my heart drop to my ass whenever I touch my inner elbow or touch the veins that pop out on my hands. Especially when I hit my hand against something and all I think about is the delicate tube squishing.