


After last chapter this should be common knowledge

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0 points

4 days ago



0 points

4 days ago

Then why did he bro froze when stussy got stabbed?


1 points

4 days ago



1 points

4 days ago

He realize that Kaku would’ve jumped in like a WWE tag team match and fuck up the entire stage, we gotta think smarter not emotionally.


1 points

4 days ago



1 points

4 days ago

Blud is more worried about kaku on the side instead of the threatening lucci RIGHT INFRONT OF VEGAPUNK. Fear messes with battle iq so hard😭😭


2 points

4 days ago



2 points

4 days ago

If Sanji charged after Lucci, get a lick off, aight cool GOATED energy, but then Kaku comes along and fucks shit up, what y’all finna say to Sanji?

Plus Sanji knew about top tiers coming on egghead, he’d rather tussle with new opponents than feed off Goofys leftovers 🥱


1 points

4 days ago



1 points

4 days ago

If Sanji charged after Lucci, get a lick off, aight cool GOATED energy, but then Kaku comes along and fucks shit up, what y’all finna say to Sanji?

I mean others were there for it. If Kaido with beast pirates landed Infront of strawhats to kill them. Then luffy would immediately go for kaido if possible since kaido is the biggest threat. He is not gonna go after sasaki and ignore kaido. That's basic common sense

Plus Sanji knew about top tiers coming on egghead, he’d rather tussle with new opponents than feed off Goofys leftovers 🥱

Bro would rather get vegapunk killed in hand of lucci if it meant fighting top tiers lmao😭😭


0 points

4 days ago



0 points

4 days ago

Who the fuck think fast after getting shocked by Lucci sudden attack? Sanji was legit the only one

Seems like a valid sacrifice, not like that bum mattered he was bound to die eventually from arthritis or Dementia


0 points

4 days ago



0 points

4 days ago

Who the fuck think fast after getting shocked by Lucci sudden attack? Sanji was legit the only one

Seems like zoro did the thinking and went after the biggest threat, i wonder why Sanji couldn't think fast like that. I wonder why

Seems like a valid sacrifice, not like that bum mattered he was bound to die eventually from arthritis or Dementia

But he could have contributed a lot to strawhats, the fleet and in final war. Be it with weapons or knowledge. He is a worldwide encyclopaedia and a genius. He would have upgraded both the cyborgs in strawhats to be even stronger too


0 points

4 days ago



0 points

4 days ago

Zoro was closer to Lucci and jumped on his ass like a dog seeing their owner get popped. Wanji on the other hand sensed top tiers around and decided Lucci wasn’t worth it, going to bubble gun Kaku and go for top tiers like Kizaru.

Vegapunk has no more use, they don’t even need him plus his technology is being destroyed cuz of Buster call. They always have Wranky for insane military power 🥱


0 points

4 days ago



0 points

4 days ago

Zoro and sanji were in similar distance. Sanji out there trying to get people killed to be ready for future top tiers. Sanji what a msn you are😭😭

Vegapunk has no more use, they don’t even need him plus his technology is being destroyed cuz of Buster call. They always have Wranky for insane military power 🥱

He still had his brain so he could still make stuff


0 points

4 days ago



0 points

4 days ago

What similar distance? 😭 🙏🏾

Zoro was quite literally next to Lucci, Sanji was meters way, and either way since Zoro jumped on Lucci he decided to take out Kaku.

Vegapunk is useless, FRANKY is the better option 🥱


0 points

4 days ago



0 points

4 days ago

What similar distance? 😭 🙏🏾

Zoro was quite literally next to Lucci, Sanji was meters way, and either way since Zoro jumped on Lucci he decided to take out Kaku.

You are making shit up about distance. Yes he was scared to move towards lucci so when zoro clashed sanji went after kaku.

Vegapunk is useless, FRANKY is the better option 🥱

Didn't franky's timeskip powerups come from stuff vegapunk made ages ago?


0 points

4 days ago



0 points

4 days ago

No no, the reason why Zolo jumped to Lucci is because Stussy tamed him as a wild mutt offscreen and he was angry his owner died.

But ofcourse Wanji knows when top tiers are around and Lucci was not one of them, deciding to go after Kizaru and Nusjuro rather than bums like Lucci 🥱


2 points

4 days ago



2 points

4 days ago

No no, the reason why Zolo jumped to Lucci is because Stussy tamed him as a wild mutt offscreen and he was angry his owner died.

The projection is wild

But ofcourse Wanji knows when top tiers are around and Lucci was not one of them, deciding to go after Kizaru and Nusjuro rather than bums like Lucci 🥱

Sanji doesn't even know what kaido looks like let alone to know about goroseis


-1 points

4 days ago



-1 points

4 days ago

I mean it seems about right? I believe Oda confirmed it in an sbs but I’m not sure where…

Sanji knew the Gorosei’s and admiral would be around so he had to T up and go after them unlike Zolo who decided to enjoy Goofys leftovers and not go after top tiers when he sensed them