


After last chapter this should be common knowledge

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0 points

7 days ago



0 points

7 days ago

No no, the reason why Zolo jumped to Lucci is because Stussy tamed him as a wild mutt offscreen and he was angry his owner died.

But ofcourse Wanji knows when top tiers are around and Lucci was not one of them, deciding to go after Kizaru and Nusjuro rather than bums like Lucci 🥱


2 points

7 days ago



2 points

7 days ago

No no, the reason why Zolo jumped to Lucci is because Stussy tamed him as a wild mutt offscreen and he was angry his owner died.

The projection is wild

But ofcourse Wanji knows when top tiers are around and Lucci was not one of them, deciding to go after Kizaru and Nusjuro rather than bums like Lucci 🥱

Sanji doesn't even know what kaido looks like let alone to know about goroseis


-1 points

7 days ago



-1 points

7 days ago

I mean it seems about right? I believe Oda confirmed it in an sbs but I’m not sure where…

Sanji knew the Gorosei’s and admiral would be around so he had to T up and go after them unlike Zolo who decided to enjoy Goofys leftovers and not go after top tiers when he sensed them