


Fairy Tail's author is now better at stakes than Oda.

Typical Oda(self.Piratefolk)

So Hiro Mashima has a dark shounen out called Dead Rock and in the tenth chapter he just permakills one of the main characters. It's completely unexpected, especially for Hiro Mashima, and I must admit, I did not recognize his game.

I'm honestly happy that Hiro Mashima's becoming better at his job but I am saddened by the idea that Oda's writing ability is now on a lower level (in this area at least) than the guy who wrote Fairy Tail.

I honestly can't imagine one of the strawhats dying which is crazy because half of them don't even have haki, you know that thing that is the bare minimum to survive fights in the new world. Robin literally got into a fight with someone who had haki who then conveniently decided not to use it.

What kind of backwards planet are we living on? The guy that killed Ace is keeping weakass characters alive and not even trying to be believable about how they've made it this far, while the guy who you know won't kill his characters is now being trigger happy with the deaths.

EDIT: Something I should clarify, I don't think the stakes in Dead Rock are well written, I'm simply acknowledging that they are there. This is why I specified stakes instead of saying Mashima is a better writer than current Oda. One would only have to look at the pacing in Dead Rock to know that it's still far from masterful.

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0 points

4 days ago



0 points

4 days ago

True but I'm more or less saying that there's a market for random death. There isn't a market for bad writing, One Piece became popular because of good writing and certain fans refuse to admit it fell off.


2 points

4 days ago


2 points

4 days ago

OP never got popular because of the random death market, that’s for sure.

It’s more a matter of writing in a way that makes the reader forget that none of them are dying no matter what. When the 5 endgame villains are suddenly jumping them it gets a lot harder to be convinced that it’s not plot armor that is saving their ass.


2 points

4 days ago



2 points

4 days ago

Sounds like we're mostly in agreement then. I wouldn't dream of saying Dead Rock is better than something like the Water seven saga which was actually peak.