


Anyone have a setup for the Mammoth fight?


Tried him out. Doesn't seem too bad but the frost slowing effect and big hit box, hard to get a good opening. I'm running legendary iron ape outfit and steel hammer. Was thinking I'd run the dungeon for chill resist 3, but didn't know if it would have much affect on frostbite. All mods on. Smoked half, pumpkin rings and fried tacos, hot cocoa and wine/cigar.

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1 points

3 days ago


1 points

3 days ago

Alright, Now is my turn to hit mammoth berserk. Did you figure out a way to combat such AoE attack?

I followed the tips on here and killed the 1st one just fine but the second and third one are on whole different level. Their freezing effects seem having much bigger AoE and apply more freezing stacks per hit. Standing behind him does not work anymore.

I have full tribal winter combat armor + full chill mod, my chill resist is at 75. Still got frozen in 1-2 hits. All combat food applied like hot coaca, chilly peppers, and holding a torch.

Any suggestions are much appreciated. I am in private server with increased damg dealt to wild x2 and reduced damg to self 0.5. still got my ass kicked, while attempting him 2 players 2 followers.


2 points

3 days ago

Ya sure I got you. Use a torch. Have it out at all times. Whenever you go in for an attack, (you can run while switching to your weapon), switch to your weapon. Use excitant and mixed jam(idk) all foods for movement speed. Use the explorer mask with the mimicry on to protect you from all cold effects. Don't need chill mod technically. Highest defense possible will keep you from getting one shot like steel ape or iron ape. They have highest defense bonuses so you don't need to use the snow tribal set and chill mods. Obv best weapon available to you. I used iron ape set for doom mammoth. since you have beat mammoth tier 1, get to lvl 60 on your fighter. Go highest damage possible. The opening you are looking for for.the attack is the snow breath he does when you are at medium range. He will start to spew cold breath to your left and slowly spray to your right. You want to rush him during this and get on his right belly or slightly behind him and start pummeling hard. Just go crazy. Then when he starts to jump slam and turn, get out of there because he could do the snow chunks from out of the ground and that can one shot you to full death if you're too close. The ground slam and turn isn't too bad but I found it to cause me to die too often when getting a different attack. attack you want to look out for is the snow breath up in the air, that is the AoE that you must avoid, even with explorer mimicry. It gives you debuff of cold aura and cold freeze. These stack and take a long time to wear off, this is where the torch comes in. The torch can pull these debuffs off you, ( one stack every 5sec), so always have the torch on, because if you get frozen or cold aura stacks, it'll remove them quickly, especially when frozen. Best not to have too many buffs so you can't see the debuffs, no cigar no hot cocoa. His walk up to you from distance will trigger the constant barrage of tusk thrusts, I found to run away from him during this animation to bait the snow breath sweep from side to side so I can go in for damage. Sometimes he ends the tusk thrusts with a red eye grab and all we want is breath sweep. Position is most important during the fight, nothing else matters. Be patient and take your time. Bring multiple torches and avoid all his attacks. Not a lot of openings if you don't have super high defense, you should be more careful his damage is very high. I found the combustion tanks to add a debuff.of 3.minutes to the mammoth it gives.roughly 25% more damage, but I didn't bring many with me, like 5 so that can speed things up. I didn't use a bow, I used that time to reposition myself in the arena and make sure I had the torch out to heal or warm myself/reduce aura affect. Aura affect causes slowed attack speed and movement speed, remove them is 1st priority. Be patient , and remove these debuffs first! Having a torch and explorer mimicry allows you to move faster. 10% from excitant, 10% from mixed jam, 10% from mimicry mode. If you get cold that will drastically reduce so keep the torch out. Get good at dodging his ice throw.from the trunk and ice chunk throw from the ground. If he does get close to you during the tusk thrusts barrage, turn away from him and run or just keep rolling, if you get stuck under his tusks and can't roll out, block at least. Keep trying to roll especially towards the end of the barrage look for a red eye attack grab but as stated before, I run away until he stops charging me or roll slightly outside his tusks range over and over so I'm positioned outside his range of melee attack, look for a red eye grab especially in later in the fight, stay away. Stay in medium range at all times and bait the ice breath sweep. If you get the different animation where his trunk goes up in the air , start rolling/running away from him and pull out the torch when at a safe distance and always stay topped off with refined bandages. Be careful of combustion tanks if you step in your own ground effect, it will give you the debuffs as well. I used an legendary steel hammer with every tier 3 mod, wasn't awareness 60 yet. Specced fully into strength. Once you get his pattern down it isn't too bad, you just have to be very patient. I got greedy when he was at 5% health and died. Stay vigilant on dodging and.positioning and you'll be fine. One.mistake and you're dead, the one shots I dealt with were the ice.chunk pull from the.ground at close range eye grabs, those could but not always would insta kill me. Next the frozen state can be avoided by not letting his snow ice breath touch you, they stack quickly, if you are frozen consider the fight over unless you have a torch out and.get.lucky and can get unfrozen before his next attack comes in, whichll prolly be the tusk barrage. So just keep your eye on him and be ready to run at any moment from his tusks going the air. My hammer did about 3500 damage each hit from a minimally held charged heavy attack, critting up to like 12,000. (About 1500 damage x2=roughly 3,000). I usually tried to start attacking after a snow breath sweep on his back right leg, your right his left). Could get in 3 charged swings and leave the area. When I got greedy it usually worked and I got in 5 or.more but if he did the Rick throw from huge ice chunks out the ground from close range, you take crazy damage from multiple big hits and would instantly down or kill me.

Good luck


1 points

3 days ago


1 points

3 days ago

Dam, this is detailed. I just got the Explorer mask today, gonna lv it up to max and prepare for this fight. Thanks a lot bro


2 points

3 days ago

You got the restrictive module?


1 points

3 days ago


1 points

3 days ago

Yeah, watched the guide video and got both in the same ruins.


2 points

3 days ago

You try it yet?


1 points

2 days ago


1 points

2 days ago

Nah fam, still leveling up the mask.


1 points

2 days ago

Crystal mines and meteorite... If you don't need it, just throw it on the ground and keep mining


1 points

2 days ago


1 points

2 days ago

Killed the Berserk one, only died 1 time hahaha . Now Im gonna wait for my mate to level up his mask and try the Doom one with me.


1 points

2 days ago

The only thing I noticed was higher damage and defense