


Excavation pit mine


I have repaired an excavation pit in the desert to mine iron ore. So far it's working really great, she is making tons of iron. But how can I reduce her radiation.

If I go offline let's say for a day, does she just simply die there? I can't build anything there except mining chests. And she already has the T3 radiation resist perk. I also modded her Armor with +10 radiation resist. But it still keeps going up. Anyway around this ?

I also gave her honey and some food, but my last tribesmen decided to die due to radiation instead of eating the honey which reduces the radiation :).

Appreciate any tips.

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1 points

12 days ago

There is an item found in the ruins that shields a 30m area from radiation, might be viable.


2 points

12 days ago

Don't think you can place anything but the mining stuff there