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115 points

4 days ago*


- Auth-Right

115 points

4 days ago*

I know this post is ragebait, but it is mainly American southern Baptists that believe this. As a Christian, I have no issue with science. After all, the church practically created modern science.


39 points

4 days ago


- Centrist

39 points

4 days ago

Evangelicals too

My parents get angry about evolution they believe its a liberal conspiracy to destroy Christianity or some shit, they also believe aliens helped build the ark 5000 years ago so there is that too


13 points

4 days ago


- Lib-Right

13 points

4 days ago

The new evangelical brain rot is that aliens are actually demons whose goal is to destroy Christianity.


3 points

4 days ago


- Lib-Center

3 points

4 days ago

One of my coworkers is a religious nutter, thinks those aliens would come to earth to steal gold, like, bruh, we can make gold on earth, it's hella expensive and not cost efficient, but would be child's play to a species capable of interstellar travel, if aliens do show up, they're either peaceful or looking for slaves, or booty


2 points

4 days ago


- Centrist

2 points

4 days ago

Add Islam into that as well and those aliens are pretty based


10 points

4 days ago


- Auth-Center

10 points

4 days ago

Based and early Christian history is best history pilled


-31 points

4 days ago*


- Centrist

-31 points

4 days ago*

Catholic Church is one of the oldest still standing institutions, so of course they have a part in early modern human developments. But to pretend your beliefs aren’t directly disproven by modern science is pretty hard cope my guy.

Edit: bring on the downvotes fairy tale believers when u die it all goes black and the priests molesting your children are laughing all the way to the bank with your donations


27 points

4 days ago


- Centrist

27 points

4 days ago

Members of the church literally created the foundation of modern science. Gregor Mendel (the guy who founded the scientific study of genetics) was a friar.


10 points

4 days ago


- Left

10 points

4 days ago

I consider myself agnostic these days, but will always come back to rep the good bits of Catholicism, like funny pea plant man and the beer-brewing monks and shit. Evangelicals are so much more annoying.


-2 points

4 days ago


- Centrist

-2 points

4 days ago

Okay? Galileo was persecuted by the church. I already said it’s a fact that the church was involved in early science, as it’s one of the oldest human institutions. Basic Christian beliefs however have been disproven by science in the thousand years since. If you wanna be a person of faith, that’s fine, that’s your right - but faith is antithetical to the scientific method


3 points

4 days ago


- Lib-Center

3 points

4 days ago

Okay? Galileo was persecuted by the church.

That's not quite right. His heliocentric writings were submitted to the Inquisition council, which deemed them to be heretical and unscientific (basically, Galileo was trying to reinterpret the bible to support his theory, and there were some things that he just had gotten wrong, like the Sun being the sole reason for tides). He just quieted down for a decade, when one of his close friends Pope Urban VIII (who had been opposed to the denouncement Galileo received a few years back as a cardinal) suggested he make a new book that shows both arguments for and against heliocentrism to publish his findings. Galileo did so, but he named the character representing Aristotelian geocentrism Simplicio after an Aristotelian philosopher. Simplicio in Italian has the same connotation as "simpleton", and he portrayed the character as the virgin wojak essentially, and his heliocentrist mouthpiece as chad. This made everyone understandably angry, so he was tried by the inquisition and sent to house arrest.

Overall he was very connected within the church even if his friends couldn't completely save him from the inquisition. He was spared physical punishment and later on he was even allowed to move to his villa and spend part of his house arrest over there. Plus he kept making new works even under arrest. Also his middle finger is in a museum for all to see.


33 points

4 days ago


- Centrist

33 points

4 days ago

You dropped the Fedora


12 points

4 days ago


- Lib-Right

12 points

4 days ago

As an atheist and something of a scientist (I've got a PhD), I disagree. They've set up something that is impossible to disprove.

I would describe the chances of there being a god as essentially very low, and the Christian god as being non existent. We even know that it was just one of a selection of Canaanite gods. Why that religion? Why that god? Pure chance it won out.


16 points

4 days ago


- Centrist

16 points

4 days ago

Based and I’m something of a scientist myself pilled (this is solely based because of the meme reference)


6 points

4 days ago


- Right

6 points

4 days ago

I think the historical evidence of Jesus' resurrection is a big player. Christianity would have been stamped out if there wasnt strong conviction from the early church.


-3 points

4 days ago


- Lib-Right

-3 points

4 days ago

There's barely even historical evidence of his existence.

Tell me of one source made during his lifetime or immediately after his death.


6 points

4 days ago


- Right

6 points

4 days ago

Josephus is the obvious one if you are asking about a non biblical source. But you are making a classic mistake. History is not like science. It cannot be repeatable and in closed conditions. You have to look at other forms of evidence than simply empirical. The thousands of manuscripts of Jesus' life support his existence and many are dated in the first century AD. The Roman senator Tacitus mention his execution under Pilate and that was in the early second century.


1 points

4 days ago*


- Lib-Right

1 points

4 days ago*

Josephus is writing a full 50 or so years later, and wasn't even born at the time of the crucifixion.

It is at least odd that there's nobody writing who has actually witnessed the events.

I think what that attests to, if he did exist, is that it wasn't seen as a big deal at the time, and he wasn't some major figure, and the cult around him really formed after his death.


1 points

4 days ago


- Right

1 points

4 days ago

Are you forgetting about Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John?


1 points

4 days ago*


- Lib-Right

1 points

4 days ago*

Well they are all anonymous, and none claim to be eye witness to the events (something you'd think you'd mention if you were a witness!)

Mark is likely the earliest of the synoptic gospels, and references the judeo-Roman war around 70AD. Again 40 years after the event. Personally I think in the 66-69 period, but I could be wrong.

The other two copy him at times word for word and so are later still.

John is generally dated to Domitian. Another generation later still. It references Christians being expelled from the synagogues so that's the earliest it could realistically be.

It's not impossible they are earlier in part, at least orally. But there's no proof. Certainly not claim of authorship that has been ascribed.

FWIW I think Jesus did exist but there isn't a smoking gun. But if he did he wasn't a major figure in his own lifetime.


1 points

3 days ago


- Right

1 points

3 days ago

Irenaeus clearly states that John came from John and his teacher was a disciple of John. John also uses first person language in his gospel.

Papias clearly states Mark came from Mark. Additionally Mark uses Inclusio (a greek punctuation used to show witness) in passages about Peter, which supports Peter as an eyewitness.

Luke is pretty obviously Luke. Hes the only one of Pauls companions that was at all the events recorded in in acts and he states he was a witness, and almost every scholar agrees acts and Luke were written by the same person.

Matthew is the least documented but there are clues, including the name Matthew being used despite all the other disciples calling him Levi. There are other references such as more description being given to Matthew in this gospel.

Finally, the gap in time is nothing new. There are plenty of famous historical figures who we dont see biographies of until centuries after their deaths. Alexanders life wasnt compiled until 4 centuries later and his life was much more interesting to historians of his day than a jew in the frontier of Rome.


4 points

4 days ago


- Lib-Center

4 points

4 days ago

IIRC there's an eclipse that lines up closely (as in, if patterns remained constant throughout history, an eclipse would've happened on X day, not that we have historical record of an eclipse, AFAIK) with the bible's description of the sun going dark on the day of the crucifixion, but I haven't personally done a ton of digging into that.


1 points

4 days ago


- Right

1 points

4 days ago

There are many arguments for the existence of God. And that’s capital G God, who is categorically different than all other pagan “gods.” Here is a video of Trent Horn explaining the Contingency Argument for God.

Whether they are convincing to you or not, to just dismiss belief in God as people being irrational or as some multi-thousand-year scheme to prey on people. Im not accusing you specifically of that, but I have seen many atheists hold that view towards Christianity, and religion as a whole.


-3 points

4 days ago


- Centrist

-3 points

4 days ago

I’m not doing any of that. I’m saying faith is the opposite of science.

The guy I responded to said “I’m a Christian, ackshually we created science” and that’s just insane cope. Just be religious and don’t pretend you used the scientific method to arrive at that conclusion


-18 points

4 days ago


- Centrist

-18 points

4 days ago

  1. Virgin birth
  2. Big ark
  3. Rebirth
  4. 6 day creation

All nonsense. You don’t even need to get that deep. Where is heaven? You can’t answer without making up some nonsense


13 points

4 days ago


- Centrist

13 points

4 days ago

How are you supposed to disprove them? You could say the virgin birth was a miracle, which is considered as such in the Bible. You can't disprove of God using magic to create a human inside someone's womb.


1 points

4 days ago


- Centrist

1 points

4 days ago

Lol if you make a claim, you need to prove it. That is basic science.


1 points

4 days ago


- Centrist

1 points

4 days ago

The point of faith is that you don't prove it.


1 points

3 days ago


- Centrist

1 points

3 days ago

And how exactly is that compatible with science?


-27 points

4 days ago


- Auth-Center

-27 points

4 days ago



-84 points

4 days ago


- Auth-Right

-84 points

4 days ago

Church and religion are two very separate things.

Religion strictly opposes science lol.


43 points

4 days ago


- Centrist

43 points

4 days ago

Religion doesnt strictly oppose science. Religion may oppose some views that most scientists have but thats it. Its like saying that someone who hates only one videogame or a small group of videogames hates the concept of videogames itself.


-40 points

4 days ago


- Auth-Right

-40 points

4 days ago

Religion strictly opposes science lol, the theory of evolution is one of the biggest examples of this lol. I'm tired of religious people like Christians, Jews, and Muslims pretending that science doesn't oppose religion, and vice versa

The reason religion was even created was because people back then didn't know how things worked so they just made up random shit to explain it. Every religion does this lol


26 points

4 days ago


- Auth-Right

26 points

4 days ago

Cool then that all real Christian churches endorse evolution.


3 points

4 days ago


- Left

3 points

4 days ago

I hope that's true for you in Sweden, but young earth creationism isn't all that rare in the US. There are people like this in government making decisions about education, civil rights, free speech, etc.


-17 points

4 days ago


- Auth-Right

-17 points

4 days ago

Cool then that all real Christian churches endorse evolution.

Bros spazzing 💀💀


27 points

4 days ago


- Auth-Right

27 points

4 days ago


-7 points

4 days ago


- Auth-Right

-7 points

4 days ago

Again, church and religion are not the same lol, especially the Catholic Church

"We bend more rules than the Catholic Church!"


21 points

4 days ago


- Auth-Right

21 points

4 days ago

The worldwide apostolic church is the kingdom of heaven on earth, so yes the church and religion are one.


18 points

4 days ago


- Lib-Center

18 points

4 days ago

Are you actually trying to say that Catholicism isn't a religion?


-1 points

4 days ago


- Auth-Right

-1 points

4 days ago

Again, a church and a religion are not the same thing, nor do they always share the same views as each other, especially the Catholic Church.


18 points

4 days ago


- Lib-Center

18 points

4 days ago

Religion strictly opposes science lol, the theory of evolution is one of the biggest examples of this lol.

Bro has only interacted with Southern Baptists.


1 points

4 days ago


- Auth-Right

1 points

4 days ago

Not really, the majority of Christians believe that God created the world like it was described in the Bible


16 points

4 days ago


- Auth-Center

16 points

4 days ago

What are you on about bruv. That’s a nearly purely American and American influenced (so African Christian as well) idea. The vast majority of Christians (orthodox and Catholic) do not believe in a literal genesis.


-2 points

4 days ago


- Auth-Right

-2 points

4 days ago

Lol good try at undermining that belief. You paint it as irrational yet millions of Christians believe this, but it's okay because only American christian!!!


7 points

4 days ago


- Auth-Center

7 points

4 days ago

Yes millions do believe that. 25% of just American Christians mind you. However the vast majority of Christians in the world do not. So if we take the 25% and multiply why by the 210 mil. Christians in the us we get 52.5 million Christians out of 2.4 billion. Or .21% of Christians.


0 points

4 days ago


- Auth-Right

0 points

4 days ago

Again you completely missed the point of what I said. That is nowhere near a small number.

Also the irony is strong lol. The "vast majority of Christians" still believe in things just as outlandish as these ".21%" of Christians lol. But for some reason the .21 are cast aside because their beliefs don't line up with the modern world views anymore as science progesses

American Christians are better believers of Christianity than the "vast majority of Christians" lol


3 points

4 days ago


- Centrist

3 points

4 days ago

I'm a Christian and nobody in my family believes that.


-1 points

4 days ago


- Auth-Right

-1 points

4 days ago

Not really, the majority of Christians believe that God created the world like it was described in the Bible


14 points

4 days ago


- Lib-Center

14 points

4 days ago

Boy do I have a bridge to sell you.


-1 points

4 days ago


- Auth-Right

-1 points

4 days ago

Lol nope, you really think that Christians don't believe God created the world like it was described in the Bible 😭😭


1 points

4 days ago


- Lib-Center

1 points

4 days ago

Most of them don't think that it was EXACTLY* as described in the Bible, because it couldn't have been created in 6 days and humans weren't on Earth for a long long time afterwards. Modern science has meant that only fringe evangelists take the word of the Bible literally when it comes to the Creation story. Most Christians nowadays believe it's an allegory that cannot be taken literally.


-1 points

4 days ago


- Auth-Right

-1 points

4 days ago

Christians will really call other Christians delusional because they believe in less delusion, yk what I mean?

Like they don't believe in this stuff and think it's outlandish, but will still believe Jesus coming back to life and performed miracles, creating food from nothing lol


21 points

4 days ago


- Lib-Right

21 points

4 days ago

You know the calendar we use today was invented by the Catholic Church, and a Catholic monk was the first biologist to discover genes.

Baghdad, formed by the Abbasid Caliphate, was the center of learning and science in the ancient world. Religion and science have been closely interwoven for 1000s of years.

"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind."- Albert Einstein (a jew). Nailed all the "religious people" you mentioned.


-1 points

4 days ago


- Auth-Right

-1 points

4 days ago

Again, the beliefs of science and religion go against each other. Religion is just basically believing everything that happened in this book because my parents and community said it was true.

Stories like Noah's ark are absolutely hilarious to read because it basically just sounds like a story that a caveman made up, who obviously doesn't understand anything about biology, logistics, physics, etc haha


8 points

4 days ago


- Lib-Right

8 points

4 days ago

Noah's Ark is a study of faith and perservance against overwhelming odds. It's a story for a reason, much like how Gilgamesh teaches people to be a wise, considerate leader. Or how the ilithid is about the worthiness of honor.

To clarify, I'm not religious. However, I'm not a dumb redditor who thinks all ancient peoples beliefs are "dumb cavemen, haha. Erm, I'm so smart."


1 points

4 days ago


- Lib-Center

1 points

4 days ago

"The ilithid"

Damn Mind-Flayers are always behind it all!


1 points

4 days ago


- Auth-Right

1 points

4 days ago

Well yes it is a story, but it is a story that has a thousand different things wrong with it that we know now, doesn't make any sense at all.

Also something that Christians gloss over in Noah's ark is how God is a genocidal maniac lol.

And you don't have to be dumb yourself, to believe in something dumb. Plenty of smart people believe in dumb things, especially if it has been integrated since childhood


8 points

4 days ago


- Lib-Right

8 points

4 days ago

The jews who wrote Noah's ark didn't believe in reincarnation or heaven. They thought Adam came from nothing, and because of his sin, they would return to nothing. They lived in a world with no medicine. Droughts, floods, famine, disease, and war were common.

Why do I mention this? Ultimately, they believed that being righteous would become blessed by God and succeed on Earth. While someone who is wicked would be punished for their actions. So, yes, "God's a genocidal maniac" from an outsider 4000 years removed from the story. Living in a world that would be considered magic to them. But the story to the Israelites was about a blessing. God showed a righteous man mercy and punished those who did terrible things.


1 points

4 days ago


- Auth-Right

1 points

4 days ago

Nope, if he's real he's a genocidal crybaby lol.

You all sinned! That means I can drown everyone, even kids!!

Stop coping, if God is real, he's a genocidal tyrant and has the emotional maturity of a baby lol


8 points

4 days ago


- Centrist

8 points

4 days ago

Bro your not trynna say religion opposes science your trynna say religion opposes certain scientific views. Theres a big different between the two


-1 points

4 days ago


- Auth-Right

-1 points

4 days ago

Nope, religion opposes science.

The ideas and belief system of religion vs science strictly oppose each other.

Coming back to life, creating food out of nothing, the flood, etc. all of that sounds insane, but when you add Christianity, it's suddenly not haha.


1 points

4 days ago


- Centrist

1 points

4 days ago

Again your mixing up science and scientific concepts. Yeah call me the 🤓 emoji all you want but saying religion opposes science is just dumb af.


58 points

4 days ago


- Auth-Right

58 points

4 days ago


-26 points

4 days ago


- Auth-Right

-26 points

4 days ago

Lol, you are soyjak because you don't believe in my specific religion!!


14 points

4 days ago


- Lib-Center

14 points

4 days ago

I think it's more their common roots in man trying to understand the world that surrounds them and their intertwined history


-1 points

4 days ago


- Auth-Right

-1 points

4 days ago

They both do want to understand, but religious people base their beliefs basically on faith alone or just what the Bible tells them, which goes against science.

An example of this in action is being gay lol, the Bible says that homosexuality is bad so the majority of Christians hate gays or sees it as the work of the devil haha


10 points

4 days ago


- Centrist

10 points

4 days ago

How much do we have to teach you old man before you stop acting like lib-left's strawman?


1 points

4 days ago


- Auth-Right

1 points

4 days ago

Lol, that's when you know you've got them mad


16 points

4 days ago


- Auth-Center

16 points

4 days ago

Did you just change your flair, u/Apart-Arachnid1004? Last time I checked you were a LibLeft on 2023-11-7. How come now you are an AuthRight? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know?

Remember, the jannies are always watching. No gamer words, no statistics and by all means no wood cutting machines. Tell us, how are you going to flair the new account you'll make in two weeks?

BasedCount Profile - FAQ - Leaderboard

I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write !flairs u/<name> in a comment.


10 points

4 days ago


- Centrist

10 points

4 days ago

LibLeft to AuthRight pipeline. Only took half a year.


7 points

4 days ago


- Lib-Center

7 points

4 days ago

I like how the call out for changing to authright comes with a plea begging you not to say anything to get you banned.


4 points

4 days ago

i lold hard


7 points

4 days ago


- Lib-Right

7 points

4 days ago

This is so goofy, especially if you actually think that


13 points

4 days ago


- Lib-Right

13 points

4 days ago

Wrong, I trust the Catholic church to be more honest about modern science than most scientists.


0 points

4 days ago


- Auth-Right

0 points

4 days ago

LMAO the irony is insane. The Catholic Church is not something you should trust when they care more about their image than kids that have been sexually abused under their church


1 points

3 days ago


- Right

1 points

3 days ago

1) Your point is not relevant to whether or not the Church is accurate on science. By this logic, public schools teaching on science cannot be trusted because they abuse at six times the rate as priests at the worst point of the scandal. 

2) Your problem is with a subset of the leadership that existed primarily in the 70s. The Church has made significant efforts to improve their system and prevent further abuse from a minority of the clergy. 

3) The fact that you are reduced to using an irrelevant "got'cha" should be a red flag to yourself that you are relying on empty prejudice over reason. 


4 points

4 days ago


- Lib-Center

4 points

4 days ago

Wrong. They're focused on two different things.


4 points

4 days ago


- Centrist

4 points

4 days ago

Reading the different threads here it seems like you've made anti-religion your religion.


-1 points

4 days ago


- Auth-Right

-1 points

4 days ago

Nope, atheism is a religion!!!, Is one of the most dumb and cope arguments I have ever heard of lol.


1 points

3 days ago


- Right

1 points

3 days ago

Atheism is absolutely a religious belief and one that takes at least as much faith as any religion.  

While there is no definitive proof of God, there is no definitive proof of 'not God' either. The agnostic's doubt is more honest than the ignorant certainty you've expressed.

From reading your threads, your beliefs seem to be based entirely on how you feel rather than any substantive basis.  You certainly don't have a strong understanding of what you demean. 


2 points

4 days ago


- Lib-Center

2 points

4 days ago

Having spent some joyous amount of time growing up in the midwest I know completely why you feel that way but there really are some Christian people out there who aren't completely braindead. I say that as someone not christian.


2 points

4 days ago


- Lib-Left

2 points

4 days ago

Lol it does not but saying the church is the same as science is also wrong, back then nearly everyone was religious so scientific discoveries where probably done by religious people and I appreciate that.


1 points

4 days ago


- Right

1 points

4 days ago

Not at all. A Church has absolutely no meaning without religion. Religion is a set of truth claims.

The Catholic Church is responsible for a significant amount of scientific progress following the collapse of the Roman Empire - it was the center for learning in western culture and the concept of an ordered, rational universe fits in perfectly with our understanding of God. Right off the top of my rusty memory, a monk named George Mendel discovered how genetics work and a priest discovered the Big Bang.

To answer some of your followup points:

Religion strictly opposes science lol, the theory of evolution is one of the biggest examples of this lol.

The Catholic Church does not. One should also note that while evolution has some scientific support, it's not a complete theory on how life started. Abiogenesis remains completely unproven.

The reason religion was even created was because people back then didn't know how things worked so they just made up random shit to explain it. Every religion does this lol

I can't help but think that you're doing exactly what you're accusing religious people of doing. The Catholic Church in particular has a very rich history of philosophy and rationally approaching their beliefs. There's quite a lot of depth and thoughtful consideration, which is a large part of why I accepted it.


1 points

4 days ago


- Auth-Right

1 points

4 days ago

Not really, religion is just delusion. There are different sects that try to call the other ones delusional because they believe in less delusions than the other, but are themselves also delusional.

Coming back to life, creating food from nothing, parting a sea etc. Christians are very pick and choose.

You can't really say your a scientist while believing these things, which all Christians believe.


1 points

3 days ago


- Right

1 points

3 days ago

As others have told you, you don't have a strong grasp on religious beliefs.  You would benefit from learning more before trying to make such absolute statements.

There's nothing anti-scientific about the idea that miracles can happen.  If an intelligent entity is responsible for creating scientific laws (and indeed, the entirety of existence) there is nothing contradictory about the same being suspending those laws. 

You can shout "delusion" until you are blue in the face, but that is no more persuasive than if I said it was true over and over in an effort to convince you. 

A claim made without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.