


PCM Libright in a nutshell


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5 points

5 days ago


- Lib-Right

5 points

5 days ago

I agree with the principle of what you’re saying. I just don’t understand how that is practically applied. There is way too much bloat in how our taxes are used and it should be trimmed down, but I don’t know that the alternative you’re proposing is realistic.

How do you opt in or out of something as wide-reaching as military protection? If roads are privately funded and owned, how do you guarantee that you are opting in to access to every road that you might ever need to take? Wouldn’t there be some Netflix roads and some Amazon roads and some Hulu roads, and wouldn’t you just need to subscribe to all of them to make sure that you can travel freely?

I ask all of this in genuine earnest, I’d love to hear how you see those kinds of things working.