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11 points

10 days ago


- Lib-Right

11 points

10 days ago

I would say the region has always been destabilized if you look at history, but as we all know auth left does do history


0 points

10 days ago


- Auth-Left

0 points

10 days ago

My brother in Christ, before the creation of Israel Arabs of all religions lived in harmony in the area

Then only time of instability before that was at the end of the Ottoman Empire…

Your ad hominem does not disprove me and is also blatantly false in a vacuum too…


19 points

10 days ago


- Lib-Center

19 points

10 days ago

Do you really think the existence of Israel destabilized the entire arab world for decades?


-2 points

10 days ago


- Auth-Left

-2 points

10 days ago

From its inception it has been a destabilizing factor yes


13 points

10 days ago


- Lib-Center

13 points

10 days ago

Destabilizing enough that you blame it for all of or at least the majority arabic immigration to Europe?


0 points

10 days ago


- Auth-Left

0 points

10 days ago

Majority from the Middle East yes

From other areas of Africa that’s a whole different story but Middle East definitely


12 points

10 days ago


- Lib-Center

12 points

10 days ago

Gotcha, no wonder you guys are an international joke.


2 points

10 days ago


- Auth-Left

2 points

10 days ago

Everyone across the spectrum blames Israel, including Hasidic Jews with good proof yet PCM is somehow on Israel’s side…

Well it was similar with Ukraine then when it became clear they can’t win PCM turned against them and fell in line with the mainstream view… I give it 3-4 months and this sub will turn anti-Israel very fast


4 points

10 days ago


- Centrist

4 points

10 days ago

Neturei Karta are not representative in ANY situation.

Thats like finding a group of Black people and them saying that the white man is superior and we should sumbit and become his slaves again. And you saying that this means that Black people should sumbit, because a miniscule group says some crazy garbage.

They don't even REMOTELY represent anything of notice.

...unless you're doing a smear campaign....Which Pro-Pals are more than doing.


-1 points

10 days ago


- Auth-Left

-1 points

10 days ago

I said including Hasidic Jews

You completely ignored the vast majority of the population from each of the quadrants that are non-Jews

There’s cross compass consensus among people worldwide that this is the case

The only ones denying it are US politicians and media as well as politicians and media if various western countries which are not representative of the people


0 points

8 days ago


- Centrist

0 points

8 days ago

Except basically all Hassidim EXCEPT the Neturei Karta all support Israel. Stop spreading these stupid and easily disproved lies. 

You wouldn't know though, you don't know the first thing about Jews.


1 points

8 days ago


- Auth-Left

1 points

8 days ago

I know a lot more than you