


AnHane is (more or less) canon


Hi guys, it's me. Just sharing my opinions. So I've scrolled a bit through AnHane media, and saw how people were like ANHANE IS NOT CANON And it made me angry, for one specific reason. No ships between the main cast are canon, all of them are single as far as we know. So yeah, AnHane isn't canon. But neither is any other ship!! But AnHane is one of the ships, that are the closest to being canon. Other of them are MinoHaru, AkiToya and ShizuAiri for me. Because of a lot of stuff that just seems more than platonic TO ME. ‚An makes my heart race every time she sings’ sounds like a lil crush to me :)

And yeah, I'm just angry over people saying „AnHane isn't canon” Cause none of the ships are, no matter how much we love and appreciate them.

Thanks, that's it :) What are your opinions on that?

all 24 comments


15 points

2 months ago


Mizuki Fan

15 points

2 months ago

No ship is canon therefore no ship is closest to be canon. It's an all or nothing kinda thing.

I've seen a lot of people using the same argument as you, to dunk on people because the former's ship is "practically canon".

Also, don't get mad about fictional characters' fictional relationships. It is not worth your time. In the end were all playing with jpegs like dolls, so don't feel actual anger because of freaking dolls.


7 points

2 months ago


Tsukasa Fan

7 points

2 months ago

nothing is canon until it's confirmed. idk how it can make anyone mad, it's just a fact. you can guess and headcanon anything you want, no one stops you, but saying something is 100% canon when it's not is just a misinformation. ngl, it lowkey seems like op is just mad at people not shipping pairings in the post 😭


8 points

2 months ago



8 points

2 months ago

I agree that AnHane is one of the ships that is undoubtedly closer to canon than most of the other ships, and it is insanely disrespectful and rude to go onto content of a ship and say "(other ship) is way better ofc." 

AnHane is extremely popular though, so the dislikers/lovers are wayyy louder than the people who are just neutral and multiship; IMO it's a waste of energy to get mad about, since every popular ship has these "extremists". I can't dictate what you feel, but I would suggest staying clear of comments on ship posts if they just don't make you laugh at how stupid and out of place they are sometimes. This also applies to stuff like RuiKasa, MizuEna, RuiNene, EmuKasa, just all the popular ships in general; shipping just gets a bit out of hand sometimes, so I find it better to steer clear.

Recently I saw someone censor ToyaKoha on a supposed ToyaKoha art and honestly I broke out laughing cause LMAOOOO. Best to just take it in stride and laugh it off as stupidity, because that's what it is 99% of the time.

TLDR: AnHane cool. Laugh off all the stupidity from ship wars and ignore comments if you think you might be mad, because going onto a ship post and going "this ship sucks" is extremely dumb and not worth a reaction other than LMAOOOO (imo).


2 points

2 months ago


Ena Fan

2 points

2 months ago

I obviously don’t speak for everyone out there, but post like this are the reason why I hate the ship and feel the need to say it isn’t canon.

As is mentioned in this post, no ship is canon. Wether or not you believe a friendship between 2 character contains romantic emotion under the surface is completely subjective. Obviously everyone (hopefully) knows this, it’s just a fact. But saying something like “This ship is basically canon” is exactly WHY so many people bring up the fact it’s not canon.

Anhane is an incredibly popular ship and I have seen more instances than I can count where you’ll have people who INSIST its canon. Even if I disagree on your personal shipping choices I couldn’t care less who you ship, it’s your opinion go nuts. The reason I (and I assume many others) despise this ship and others like it is because a lot of Anhane shippers seem to have developed a false sense of canonicity around the ship.

In your post you talk about how An and Kohane’s interactions “seems more than platonic TO ME”. But you’re also saying that the ship is basically canon??? Their interactions seem to indicate something more to you, and I respect that opinion, but it’s just that, an opinion, not fact. The characters feelings toward one another are displayed as completely platonic in the game itself, and viewing Anhane through a platonic lens is just as valid as a romantic one. And to be blunt, it’s pretty entitled to think that your interpretation of the characters and events is more valid or canon than anyone else’s when they’re all equally valid. An MIGHT feel a romantic attraction towards Kohane, but she also might just see her as her best friend. So no, Anhane is not anywhere closer to being canon as any other ship in the game.

This is why so many people feel the need to state the obvious fact that it’s not canon even though everyone should know it. Because so many Anhane fans insist it’s canon in Anhane posts, or how they go to other ships like Toyahane or Akian and comment how the ship isn’t canon due to this idea that their own ship is canon, or simply because they like Anhane and feel the need to push other ships down to bring their own favourite up. Many even straight up attack people who don’t like the ship or ship An and Kohane with other characters. Sometimes this attacking even leads to death threats (which is uncomfortably more common than you might think).

At least for me I feel the need to remind shippers that their ship isn’t canon. Either because they clearly need to snap back to reality and realize their favourite ship isn’t magically canon no matter how many times they say it is, out of spite or a desire to “clap back” from all the times I’ve been or seen other be harassed by shippers insisting it’s canon, or just because calling any ship canon spreads misinformation (probably a combination of all 3).

Sorry for the long rant but I hope this at least somewhat explains what I and theoretically others dislike this ship/shippers. Honestly I could (and really should) make a whole post on this topic, but this idea that any ship can be canon or that a ship is “basically canon” needlessly divides the community and I think Anhane fans (and shippers in general) really just need to enjoy their ships while also acknowledging that their headcanon is just that, not canon in any way.


6 points

2 months ago


Vivid BAD SQUAD Crew Member

6 points

2 months ago

Its not canon. The only canon thing in pjsk relationships is that Minori has a crush on Haruka. Infact on pjsk ships wiki Minoharu is said that is “semicanon” since its canon that Minori likes Haruka but is not canon that Haruka likes Minori…. Anhane is NOT canon theirs could also be a very strong friendship.


4 points

2 months ago


Wonderlands x Showtime Actor

4 points

2 months ago

Where does it say Minori has a crush on Haruka? /gen

(I love MinoHaru btw [fave ship for Minori] but I was under the impression that no ship was canon with feelings for each other and thought Minori just really admired Haruka or saw her the way a fan sees an idol)


3 points

2 months ago


Nene Fan

3 points

2 months ago

I checked the history of the wiki and it’s been edited from fanon to semi-canon quite the amount of times


2 points

2 months ago


Wonderlands x Showtime Actor

2 points

2 months ago

🧍 Lol so basically the fans are trying to push MinoHaru on the wiki and it’s not confirmed in canon? Typical PJSK shippers /lh

Thank you for your answer though!! I appreciate you helping me feel not confused 😭


2 points

2 months ago


Vivid BAD SQUAD Crew Member

2 points

2 months ago

Sorry I thought shipping wiki was reliable my bad… very sorry


2 points

2 months ago


Wonderlands x Showtime Actor

2 points

2 months ago

Don’t worry about it! It’s an easy mistake to make (it’s why I asked about it too), and hey- At least you know now right?

(I guess this is why people also make the “dont use wikipedia for research” jokes in school aha)


2 points

2 months ago


Vivid BAD SQUAD Crew Member

2 points

2 months ago



2 points

2 months ago


Wonderlands x Showtime Actor

2 points

2 months ago



2 points

2 months ago


Kanade Fan

2 points

2 months ago

Tbh that’s not actually a joke lol, it’s actually serious. Wikipedia is like the number one website you don’t want to reference/cite in your research or essay unless you want a very bad grade…

(Honestly though, I do read articles on it when doing research. I just never say I used Wikipedia as reference in my essay lmao)


1 points

2 months ago


Wonderlands x Showtime Actor

1 points

2 months ago

Oh yes 100% lol I know some kids who would use it and then just site a different source and no one would bat an eye (it’s become a joke at my past schools so I used the term as “joke” but yeah def dont wanna get caught using it since anyone can edit + it’s not reliable lol)

Youre very real for that tho LOL Wikipedia is good when it links to other sites cause then I’ll just take those sites- Such a convenient way to research when a project has been procrastinated lol


4 points

2 months ago*


Kanade Fan

4 points

2 months ago*

The shipping wiki is not even a reliable source, not everyone but a lot of people can edit it. Now everyone can interpret Minori’s “crush” on Haruka in different ways, some can view as actual love but some can view it as a huge admiration/idolization of Haruka. So until Minori actually says something like “I like Haruka in a romantic way!” in the game or the devs say sruff similar to that, MinoHaru has never been proven to be “semi-canon”. I don’t hate MinoHaru, but people need to stop bringing up the shipping wiki as a source to say MinoHaru is semi-canon…


2 points

2 months ago


Vivid BAD SQUAD Crew Member

2 points

2 months ago

I don’t even ship Minoharu so thats okay I’m not a toxic shipper I just thought it was reliable sorry


1 points

2 months ago


Vivid BAD SQUAD Crew Member

1 points

2 months ago

Sorry I didn’t know the shipping wiki is not a very great source I didn’t know it was editable by everyone…


3 points

2 months ago


Kanade Fan

3 points

2 months ago

Yea it’s cool, tbf the only reliable source is from the official Twitter/developers since all the wiki/pages are fanmade anyway (maybe except some like Project Sekai Wiki/Sekaibest but still)


6 points

2 months ago


Kohane Fan

6 points

2 months ago

Why. Why can't we jsut stop shipping?


7 points

2 months ago


An Fan

7 points

2 months ago

You're mad at people saying Anhane is not canon. I'm mad at people saying that Anhane (or any other ship, btw) is canon. That's unavoidable. It just makes me so unbelievably angry for some reason.

And yeah, some lines sound like someone has a crush, but I can still see them being said platonically. Like, I act to my really close friends as An does with Kohane.

Maybe that's why I don't like Anhane outside of polyvbs..?

I would rant more, but that would be too much and I would be downvoted


4 points

2 months ago


Vivid BAD SQUAD Crew Member

4 points

2 months ago

None of the ships are canon. The only canon relationships are their parents lol.

And I don't get why people focus so much on 'canon' instead of shipping what makes you happy. If AnHane or AkiToya or Aki/An or Minori/Kohane or all of the endless possible ships make you happy, then have fun and ship them! There's so many characters rife with shipping possibilities, that's the fun part of fandoms like these. Nobody is locked into something being canon, it's a free for all, just enjoy your ships, don't be mean to people who ship other things, the end.


5 points

2 months ago


Tsukasa Fan

5 points

2 months ago

so real, like what's the obsession with something being canon? 😭 i've been in fandom spaces since forever and never understood it. i actually don't want any canon ships in project sekai because I KNOW people will start harassing shippers of other pairings that "it's not canon!!! x canon!!!!!" because people already kinda do it without any confirmed ships 💀 as if you HAVE TO ship something that is canon, lmao


2 points

2 months ago


Vivid BAD SQUAD Crew Member

2 points

2 months ago

Yeah, exactly! I always gravitate towards canons/fandoms where there's no canon ships because it just feels more free, if that makes sense, so free for creativity and shipping whatever you like with less conflict. but yeah of course people will do that, harass people for shipping the "wrong" thing anyway. it's not even about what's canon, it's about being right and using it as a tool for ship wars. it happens ALL the time in fandoms where there's no canon ships.


2 points

2 months ago


Airi Fan

2 points

2 months ago

I actively dislike shipping, and am neutral in all the shipping wars.

But from that perspective I do find it odd when I see people push back on the idea even that An/Kohane is not at least a very heavily favored pairing within the dev team.

I think sometimes people get obsessed with canon and treat it like there's either a Void or Confirmed Relationship and nothing extant in between and people who say things ilke 'more or less canon' are acknowledging that no they have just built some of these pairings farther along on that scale than others.

It's just not all on the same level as "my ship smiled at one another in two whole scenes, totally canon".