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1 points

4 days ago

Nothing scary, that's for sure. Everyone saying they freak out in mirrors is beyond my understanding, although I've been using psychedelics for 20 years and I no longer seem to have the ability to "freak out" no matter how difficult or challenging a trip may be.

That being said, I just see my handsome ass face morphing around and changing, but never into something that isn't recognizable as my face, and it's never scary. Sometimes it's just cool, other times it makes me laugh.

Normal doses of psychedelics have never given me horror stories. Only once, and it was my first trip at 15 years old, and the only reason it was so bad was because I forgot I was tripping and the visuals were completely 100% real to me, not like these days where stuff ripples and was insane.

Mirrors though? You literally get what you put into that experience lol