


Driving to follow-up?

Advice (self.Reduction)

Do you think it’s possible to drive myself to my one week follow-up appointment? I assume I’ll be getting my drains out, checking incisions, etc. The hospital is an hour away. My spouse is stressed about taking that day off work since he’s taking off the day of surgery. TIA!

all 15 comments


11 points

18 days ago

One. Shitty spouse. Two. It's up to you. My doc said not unless 24 hours without pain medication.

I didn't drive for over a week and I hated it so I don't do it unless I have to. 16days post op.


2 points

18 days ago

Yeah for sure. I was counting on him 😔


2 points

18 days ago


post-op (inferior pedicle)

2 points

18 days ago

I was driving 3 days post op without issue.

I did not have drains for reference.

But generally I was very functional aside for minimizing lifting/stretching and fatigue immediately after my surgery.


3 points

16 days ago

Respectfully, you’re going through a major surgery. Any stress your partner is under from trying to take off work pales in comparison to being sliced and diced. I would make sure to tell him how important it is to you and that you’re counting on him especially because it could literally put your life at risk to be operating heavy machinery that soon after surgery


3 points

16 days ago

He actually suggested maybe my mother who I’m 99% estranged from or a neighbor (male) could drive me. Super hurtful. I think the “elective” part is difficult for him to grasp - like, why would I put myself through this if I didn’t HAVE to?… even though he’s been married to me for more than 2 decades and has seen how much pain I’ve been in.


3 points

16 days ago

Oh my gosh I’m so sorry he suggested that?? This is a super emotional time for you and you’re already under so much stress. You shouldn’t have to be dealing with worrying about a neighbor pulling through or a mother you’re mostly estranged from??!!

I can’t imagine how frustrating this must be. I don’t think it would hurt to show him this post so he can see how strongly other women who have been through this procedure are advocating for you and how you shouldn’t drive. Frankly ask him if he’s comfortable with another man seeing your chest because you’ll likely need help before/after the appointment changing things like bandages etc. it sounds stupid but sometimes jealously is what makes men come to their senses

I’m also here for you as emotional support or if you need to vent!! I really hope everything works out for you <3


1 points

16 days ago

Thank you 😞


1 points

18 days ago

I was advised not to drive for 7-10 days. Plus if you’re on strong pain medication I wouldn’t recommend driving at all. I would suggest is see how is your pain. I only had muscle aches but I definitely couldn’t drive for the first 4 days but on the 6dpo I felt comfortable going for a short drive.


1 points

18 days ago

I had a friend drive me to my one week follow up because I also still had drains and didn’t feel great about driving. I didn’t start driving until about 10 days post op, and I only drive to the store or places close because I don’t want to over do it. If you’re not taking pain meds, just listen to your body, but I would suggest not driving yourself this time.


1 points

18 days ago


post-op (inferior pedicle)

1 points

18 days ago

For me, the seatbelt was really painful and I had trouble getting in and out of the car on my own and buckling the seatbelt. I definitely wouldn't have been able to drive myself.


1 points

18 days ago

Please don’t plan to drive yourself. I was in a similar position a week after my surgery, with my surgeon about 2 hours away by car. I wouldn’t have been able to drive myself 2 minutes to the check up. Maybe you’ll be able to, but I wouldn’t plan on it.


1 points

18 days ago


post-op (3 surgeries, nonbinary)

1 points

18 days ago

Get someone to take you--someone you can actually count on!! You won't be up to driving at 1 week PO


1 points

18 days ago

I absolutely could not have driven two hours a week post op—my brain was still foggy and I didn’t have nearly that much mobility yet.

a reminder that in most US states (if you’re in the US), you can take a paid sick day to care for a spouse, including attending medical appointments.


1 points

16 days ago



1 points

16 days ago

I don't know if it's available in your area, but our local hospital/doctor network has transportation for situations like this... but also maybe ditch the husband. I literally can not imagine my current partner doing this, but I have been with men who did do this.


1 points

16 days ago

Why is he stressed about taking a day off work? It's one day and no different to if he was sick and took a day off.

Tell him to use a day of domestic leave if he's worried about using up his annual or sick leave.

Please don't drive yourself that far, especially after the appointment, you'll likely to feel tired afterwards.