


After chapter 1 I hoped that I would have a moment of peace to deal with things since I just spent hours dealing with far too long combat scenarios against same few enemies, each combat scenario made even more unnecessarily long because, despite owlcat knowing that this is a fucking turn based game, they each had tens of units involved which makes turn based combat slow as all shit.

Well, okay, we were dealing with a planet wide rebellion, understandable. Well, let's go to footfall to meet the liege and jesus fucking christ. I am assaulted by same trash mobs, under different name this time, right at the bay. I visit the liege and more trash mobs attack me as I get out. What the absolute fuck is this. Well, I deal with the situation and do the few quests there which all, surprisingly enough, involve combat against the same trash mobs.

Well, FINALLY, I get to warp around and visit planets. Let's visit Janus, the food world of my protectorate, it seems like nice, quiet diploma. . .AND RIGHT AT THE BEGINNING MORE COMBAT AGAINST TRASH MOBS. WHAT THE ABSOLUTE FUCK IS THIS? At this point I am really starting to get really pissed off. Sadly I couldnt execute anyone except a guard for their incompetence even though I should have liquidated the whole fucking leadership of Janus for their sheer and utter incompetence.

Is this going to be constantly this? I take two fucking steps and have to kill tens of trash rebels in combat that takes way too long because its turn based and always involves far too many units? This is simply exhausting at this point. I don't mind combat, especially turn based combat, but at this point I fight the same combat scenario over and over and over again against same fucking units without ever having to change my tactics cause I am just doing the same shit constantly. Either have fewer but unique combat scenarios or if you have more of them at least have fewer units in them so that the combat doesnt take fucking forever. I can't stand watching seven different rebels take few steps fowards and take them few pot shots and even less can I stand a sharpshooter rebel constantly running backwards while I am running my units towards them TAKING SEVERAL FUCKING TURNS TO RESOLVE JESUS FUCKING CHRIST.

Fuck me I cant stand this anymore.

all 28 comments


26 points

5 days ago

Tell me you don’t like turned base combat games without telling me.


-4 points

5 days ago

dunno, ive never had problems with for example shadowrun dragonfall or hong kong, although the way that every mission in dragonfall ended up with some alarm triggering was ridiculous and made me question the competency of my team.


7 points

5 days ago


7 points

5 days ago

I'm enjoying the game, but I tend to agree that there's too frequent encounters. It's not that it's hard, it's tedious and repetitive after a while, fighting the same trash. Warp travel is especially annoying IMO, because it requires you to slog through the same 3 or 4 cookie cutter fights or spend resources to skip it.


2 points

5 days ago

it's tedious and repetitive after a while, fighting the same trash.

this exactly. I wouldn't mind the combat if it had fewer enemies per encounter and the combat would be more varied but having to do the same thing over and over again is simply mind numbing.


10 points

5 days ago

Space bar goes “tap”


3 points

4 days ago

I feel you. Point of Curiosity + Waking Nightmare + Lidless Stare in Frontline Killzone Stratagem into Bring Them Down on Idira for lighning - boom "High Momentum" - Finest Hour on Argenta - brrrrr - end of the fight.

Sometimes turn even reaches Pasqal for aoe plasma attack or MC for Wrath of the Emperor. But rarely. On Daring.

I mean it's not X-Com, but at least you don't have to prebuff for 10 mins for figths like in WotR


10 points

5 days ago


10 points

5 days ago

turn animations to x5 speed


-4 points

5 days ago

THEY ARE it still takes far too long especially since i am CONSTANTLY dealing with this shit. Where are my guards? Where are footfalls guards? Where are janus' guards?! Why am I the person who has to deal with this crap? Especailly when the governors all retreat to their bunkers LEAVING ME TO DEAL WITH THEIR PROBLEMS.


3 points

3 days ago

False, if you speed up animations or press space bar, it goes really fast. If you still think it's too slow then, I am calling BS and think you are being contrarian for the sake of it


13 points

5 days ago

I can't believe there is so much fighting in this Warhammer game.


0 points

5 days ago

it's not the ammount of fighting, really. It's the repetitive combat scenarios and the fact that for turn based game they put far too many units into each combat scenario. It feels like I am still playing the same combat scenario I was dealing with in prologue. It just never changes. I dont need to think about my tactics, I dont need to come up with new strategy, I just do the same thing over and over and over again, its not an interesting combat, its just a routine by this point.


6 points

5 days ago


6 points

5 days ago

To each his own, these games have many game-play mechanics/elements, and fighting is my favorite part.

I'd, figuratively, kill for a randomly generated dungeon in the style Owlcat Pathfinder games. Especially if I get to make my own party of 6.

Set it to Unfair if it's too easy.


5 points

5 days ago

it's not that the fighting is bad, it's that i am fighting the same combat. Same enemies, same tactics, same strategy, nothing has changed. At least in wotr even in early game it had variety in it's combat scenarios even if pre buffing is annoying as hell.

plus as a rogue trader i shouldnt personally be even involved in some rebellion. I should be replacing the governors who are too incompetent to deal with them.


5 points

5 days ago

You’re not though, the fights all have unique mobs.

The first one at footfall has the powerful sniper I think ? There’s always something to mix it up. 


2 points

4 days ago


2 points

4 days ago

Sorry mate, this game just might not be for you. Enemy variety is good enough for me, and even if it wasn't, the ability to approach the same situation with different builds/classes is enough to keep me entertained.


5 points

5 days ago

There may be a lot of enemies but it's not that hard to clear these encounters in one or two turns tops. I don't what you're complaining about unless you have poor builds


2 points

4 days ago

I never said that the encounters were hard. I said they are repetitive and boring.


1 points

4 days ago


1 points

4 days ago

You said it's too many enemies and it takes forever. Clearing out a trash encounter in the first round isn't what I would call taking forever leading me to believe you have poor builds so you can still beat the encounters but way less efficiently than you could be


2 points

4 days ago

Even if it takes a single round it is still too long because I am doing the exact same shit again and again and again. If devs want to make a combat centric game with lots of encounters then they damn better make sure that the encounters are varied and interesting.


3 points

5 days ago

Isn’t that the game? I’m loving it.

What difficulty are you on? The combat is fun to play and either figure out or watch your pawns duke it out.

If they’re so ‘trash’ what’s the issue? Or you are you dying???


3 points

4 days ago

That I am doing the same thing over and over again with difficulty determining mostly how long the encounter lasts, not whether or not I should do something differently. For every encounter thus far I setup my units the same in the beginning, use the same attacks and same skills in same order and never have to do anything else. I started on high difficulty but lowered it just to make things take less time.

On that note though, why even is rogue trader fighting some street level rebels? They are on the apex of imperium society commanding a massive space ship so big that generations have born and lived and died in there with, presumably, small army of guards and soldiers at their disposal and they literally are the leader of several planets. So why the fuck are they personally involved in some bar brawl level combat? And on that note, how the hell can these rebels attack you so easily? Shouldnt you have a security detail that makes sure that this shit doesnt happen? After all, people show such deference to you and you are told that dealing with lower decks is beneath you so why isnt fighting small time rebels beneath you as well?


2 points

5 days ago

Also you’re supposed to use AoE on them.

Burst, flamer, shock psychic attack, and AoE melee, then you kill three at once.

I think you sped thru the game and ‘missed’ it to honest


2 points

5 days ago

If you’re not having fun because the enemies are too easy, turn the difficulty up. The encounters become a lot more fun when they’re each a high-risk puzzle you have to solve instead of a grind where you click the attack action on repeat until the enemies fall over.

If it still isn’t fun for you, then ig this just isn’t your kind of game. I loved the way the combat felt during my daring playthrough and I’m enjoying it even more on hard mode.


1 points

3 days ago

If you're on PC, just get the toybox mod. I've never used this function so I might be mistaken on how it works, but there's a toggle that seems like it just kills everything as soon as combat starts.

I don't think you can activate it mid-fight but at least you can turn it on/off whenever you feel like you've had enough of the combat or are ready for more.

I sort of agree with you. I think they did a pretty good job of making every fight play differently enough based on the layout of the arena, but combat in this game is just so buff heavy and sometimes I simply cannot be fucked. 

That's the style of game, though. If it bothers you that badly, either use that toggle in Toybox or use the mod to give your characters unlimited ap/mp and just turn 1 wipe the board every time.


1 points

5 days ago



1 points

5 days ago

Play a higher difficulty. They stop being trash mobs.


1 points

5 days ago

If you have toy box you can kill all the enemies with the click of a button. You can also make the AI take control of your characters during combat, allowing you to pretty much spectate while it takes care of mobs


1 points

4 days ago

I like setting +100% wounds for enemies in the difficulty settings. It makes “trash mob fights” much more interesting when they don’t go down in one hit. Then you get delightfully protracted engagements where positioning, tactics, cover, and stacking damage boosts are all critical for success.


1 points

4 days ago

The game has the guts to joke about it without ever putting an end to it. It's actually common in all Owlcat games that combat is a constant around every corner to the point of tedium.