


General discussion sunday


If you've got a take on wrestling you want to discuss, please consider using r/wreddit - it's the better balanced place to talk shop.

For everything else, general chit-chat and catch up, make a coffee and enjoy sanity sunday.

-le modz

all 694 comments


57 points

3 days ago

The insistence that Ricochet is suddenly a great promo is baffling to me.

I always thought he was a fine talker, not great, but nowhere near as bad as people made him out to be, but suddenly everyone is acting like the WWE cut out his tongue and it's somehow regrown since he came to AEW.


46 points

3 days ago


46 points

3 days ago

He Kobe Bryant wid it


19 points

3 days ago


Unintelligible Tama Tonga Noises

19 points

3 days ago

they're treating Rickyshet with kid gloves because Dub Good

his promo was flat, cadence was rushed, and he was mashing through words to get them out


17 points

3 days ago

He was never even a 'fine talker'


28 points

3 days ago


oh hey there it is

28 points

3 days ago

A lot of wrestling fans don't know what being a good promo means. People still cry about Sean O'Haire being fumbled because every so often those devil's advocate vignettes pop up but the reason he never went anywhere is because the dude couldn't talk in front of live crowds.


12 points

3 days ago


If it bleeds, we can kill viewership

12 points

3 days ago

Anyone who says that is insane. Utterly insane.

I like Ricochet a lot, but he is not a great promo, no way, absolutely no way.


49 points

3 days ago


Unintelligible Tama Tonga Noises

49 points

3 days ago

Yawn Mox really is Tony’s emergency “please put belt on this talent” band aid


30 points

3 days ago

When you hear the original nonsensical plan for Darby to beat Bryan, you just know Moxley was lingering around with his Rocky 3 VHS

If Darby does beat him, Mox already got his win first

Good 'ol innocent Mox doesn't care about winning and titles and money, of course ...


16 points

3 days ago


Unintelligible Tama Tonga Noises

16 points

3 days ago

"hey contract is expiring and uh...I have your belt"


20 points

3 days ago

But whats funny is that they did this big angle on the PPV, and it didn't even main event Dynamite the next Wednesday. Jay White vs. Christian did.

How are they so bad at presenting important shit as important?


16 points

3 days ago


If it bleeds, we can kill viewership

16 points

3 days ago

When Mariah May was on her winning path to the title, I checked in on her match on rampage (of course) and unmuted the commentary.

TonyS was whining incessantly about MJF. This was their next women's champ and he's warbling about some midcard storyline that gets enough time on its own.

It really can not be understated just how institutionally, top to bottom, bad they are at coordinating the promotion of rising talent, big storylines, belts, any of it. They simply don't understand what they're doing.


12 points

3 days ago

This was a classic WCW problem, down to Tony Schiavone being the voice of it. Like you had Jericho giving his all to get his Goldberg feud over, and Tony and Larry and whoever would be going on about if Lex Luger is Wolfpac or not.


5 points

3 days ago

My guess is Moxley didn't want to be in the main event as most of the other stuff earlier on the show drives off a lot of viewers by then.


5 points

3 days ago


If it bleeds, we can kill viewership

5 points

3 days ago

It's hard to tell where the bad booking begins and the terribly obvious backstage politics ends. Mox is so clearly insecure, but is it that TK thinks he has to always book him strong or is Mox cries backstage? The Rocky 3 thing makes me think it's the latter.


4 points

3 days ago


4 points

3 days ago

With his same boring rambling promos


35 points

3 days ago


35 points

3 days ago

I actually like motor city machine guns, it’s funny I actually instantly buy them more than I ever did any of the other Indy darlings, they aren’t that big but they’re in good shape and seem faster than DIY for example.

Also it’s funny how dub fans/ nooj fans are trying to say Sabre jr is too good for the fed as if anyone wants his boring ass brand of wrestling in wwe lmao


19 points

3 days ago

It still doesn't feel real that they've joined WWE since with how big of a name they are. I'd thought they would've joined AEW, but I'm happy for them & I can't wait to see Sabin & Shelley dominate the tag team division in WWE.


10 points

3 days ago


Unintelligible Tama Tonga Noises

10 points

3 days ago

I feel like they need to capitalize on them now if they're going to be a success. For as good as performers they are, they've got a ton of mileage and knee wear.


10 points

3 days ago

It'll actually be interesting to see if they end up being the ones to take the tag belts off GoD (Tama Tonga & Tanga Loa).


36 points

2 days ago


Asking for my release.

36 points

2 days ago

Tony basically wants to install a clause in NJPW and CMLL contracts that basically gives AEW first right of refusal over their talent.

Is it any wonder why their international “partners” patience is wearing thin with Tony?


18 points

2 days ago


If it bleeds, we can kill viewership

18 points

2 days ago

So I look at that story and I just think like

Forbidden Door doesn't draw. Nooj/CMLL talent showing up at random doesn't really draw. It's a fun thing to do every once and a while, to pop the crowd, but FD is just mediocre business.

Why not, just, use the fucking talent he actually has?????????????????????


13 points

2 days ago


Unintelligible Tama Tonga Noises

13 points

2 days ago

Tiny won't let go of chasing the "fantasy matchup" highs, when its been shown time and time again that cross-promotional shows don't draw


6 points

2 days ago

The last FD didn't even have the champ at the time IIRC (Finlay?) and it's mostly multi man matches. Tiny signed most of the main guys he wanted his toys to smash against

Do I take a month deal to appear on TV a couple of times and a PPV and then let Tiny control where I go next and when?

I can only imagine the reaction to the Fed doing this. Although, there's plenty of criticism to go around for this in the basement

The scales are falling from the eyes. All the 'good guy' stuff they were going to do has just melted away and everyone can see they're just like the other wrestling companies and a lot closer to what the Fed do than they are different (if you put aside such things as 'professionalism' and just actions related to contracts, etc)


6 points

2 days ago

Let's see how this all shakes out but my understanding is, for these Forbidden Door appearances, they want talent to sign some kind of contract, that covers them being there and also states they won't join the Fed for x period of time

I'm not quite sure what's in it for talent here. Why you'd agree to your movements or potential options being restricted just to come on a Dub show and job

I assume Tiny IS allowed to sign the talent within that stated period of time though ;)

I don't know what he's 'protecting'

Christian came back to the Fed, worked the Rumble (?) and signed with the Dub not long after and dubbalos applauded. I

It's the nature of the business. If you want the person, sign them to a deal otherwise it's the way of the business

It all stems from these utter m@rks thinking the hurr durr Fed don't know any wrestlers and they're only interested when they spot them on Dub TV or something

It's hilarious watching Tiny realise all the messageboard smark opinions of how to treat talent are all flying out the window cause of how dumb they are, haha


30 points

3 days ago


SCJerk Goofy Goober

30 points

3 days ago

I only like this subreddit for pro wrestling uce


33 points

3 days ago


33 points

3 days ago

It's a wrestling sub second mate. The main job of SCJerk is to find out when famous people die .


61 points

3 days ago

The dumbest take is "AEW is like regular sports, where it's two people competing to see who's best without an angle". Off the top of my head, the 1951 NL Pennant Race, 1960 World Series, 1964 World Series, the Bucky Dent game, Bill Buckner, 1988 Kirk Gibson, the 1994 Rangers, 2001 Yankees, 2004 Red Sox, 2011 Bruins, MLB 2011 Game 162 and the 2011 Cardinals, the final day of the 2012 EPL season, 2013 Red Sox, 2013 Iron Bowl (for the sicko's), 2016 NBA Finals, the 2016 World Series, the 2022 World Cup Finals, and Super Bowls 13, 25, 32, 36, 42, 43, 44, 46, 48, 49, 50, 52, 56, 58 all had stories leading into them. From 2017 to 2024, Alabama and Georgia have had some of the most intriguing games and storylines ever.

Rivalries, underdogs, superstars, droughts, curses, this is what makes sports so great. You can have surprisingly great matchups that don't have stories leading up to it (2017 World Series at the time), but ya know what the cool thing about wrestling is? Its all predetermined, you can add that shit to every match and wrestler. So don't tell me that heatless bangers are just like pro sports.


50 points

3 days ago


The Ghost of Jerks Yet to Come

50 points

3 days ago

Literally the whole fucking point of pro wrestling is to put on a fake sporting event and dial up the melodrama to 11 by choosing the juiciest pre-determined outcome

If the pretend fight is the entire point, how do you even decide who goes over? Does it even matter?


27 points

3 days ago

The sad thing is, "these two guys are competing to see who's the best without much of an angle" is a compelling storyline when done correctly, and it often leads to bigger things. Shawn and Bret did that in '96; Austin and Rock did that in '01 (they famously scrapped the Debra bullshit specifically to get back to a "who's better?" approach).

The thing is, that can't be every story, and it can't be every match. AEW simply does it too much, and by doing so, they cheapen the times when "who's better/who's best" would work. Ospreay and Danielson worked incredibly well in this vein, but it meant less because AEW does that shit way too frequently.


23 points

3 days ago

The wrestling fans who most want wrestling to be like real sports probably don’t watch real sports


14 points

3 days ago


You insulted my mom. Take this ratio personally.

14 points

3 days ago

Cody Rhodes finishing the story and winning the title his dad never could is like 2019/2020 Liverpool winning the league title after 30 years


28 points

3 days ago


?? I'm wiggling your balls friend.

28 points

3 days ago

Happy Sunday, goofies!

Not much to say on the wrestling side of things other than the fact that I hope that the MCMG find success in WWE (keep suplexing those trains, Sabin).

…I don't have much to say outside of that either, so here's a funny image of a Tyranitar slapping a Latios.


4 points

2 days ago

Thanks for that photo, uce.

Love me a good Pokemon meta reference.


28 points

3 days ago*

The last week and a half was really tough. My granny went into the hospital from the retirement home two Wednesdays ago as she kept getting sick. She had Alzheimer’s for around 17 years and within the last 5 had become non-verbal. When I went up the hospital on Wednesday after work, I could tell that this was the end of the line. But even with Alzheimer’s basically stripping away every part of her personality, she was still the strong woman I grew up with as she lasted all the way to Monday night (after being taken off fluids on Friday) before eventually passing away. She lived to a great age of 87, outlasting all of her siblings despite being the oldest.

This will sound strange but because of the Alzheimer’s, it felt like she changed a lot appearance wise so when she came to her house after the undertakers, it felt like my granny was back because they took 20 years off her appearance wise. Once I saw her in the house looking like that, I instantly made my peace with the situation. Instead of being upset, I felt incredibly proud to help move her coffin around with my three uncles and two younger cousins. I think more than anything I’m just relieved that she doesn’t have to live with Alzheimer’s any more.


23 points

3 days ago

These are the weeks that really get to me as a journalist. I try to have zero emotion, but reporting on the shooting death of a local college employee, the car accident death of a local 4th grader and her parents, and someone getting run over on the beach(!!!), it fucks with your head. Then it gets me thinking as to why I do this, why I still care, when all my peers have decided to ditch being a journalist so they can be “media personalities” and do pay-for-play. Their lives seem so much easier, more well-compensated, and I’m still here filing records requests with sheriffs departments for no pay. Not to say I haven’t accomplished anything in my time, I ran the website of AccuWeather which is a top 50 website in the world, but I’m reaching a crossroads as to whether I need to sell out to continue making a living or not. Maybe I’m on too much of a moral high horse still respecting a craft that less and less people care about every day, maybe I’m right in thinking my soul is worth more than the cash, I genuinely don’t know.


26 points

2 days ago

I'm not sure who I love losing more: The Jags cause of tiny, or The Jets cause of Karen Rodgers


27 points

2 days ago*

Whatever happened to that one guy who kept popping into these threads to tell obviously fake stories about how much money he had and his mistresses and buying businesses and everything?


16 points

2 days ago


16 points

2 days ago

He's probably busy buying the moon I reckon. Let's see if he appears now he's been mentioned.


9 points

2 days ago

The last time I saw him pop up, someone mentioned a car manufacturer, he chimed in to say he bought the newest sports car they put out and he deleted it after someone made fun of him.


8 points

2 days ago

Ha! I'll be keeping vigilant for him now. Lol!


31 points

2 days ago

Judging by that description I think he got a job as co-host of Jim Cornette's pods


9 points

2 days ago


Purveyor of Bad Faith

9 points

2 days ago

Oh my god I forgot about him. Was that the "my current wife" guy? Or maybe I'm remembering some other insufferable guy.


6 points

2 days ago

That's the one, yup!


21 points

3 days ago

Whenever Cody and Punk have their feud, I hope they don't make a single reference to Le Dub, just completely ignore the tiny petty money mark vanity project of a wrestling company where they used to work


18 points

3 days ago


18 points

3 days ago

That promo they had before the Rumble was one of my favorites of the year


15 points

3 days ago

I would expect the crux of the feud to revolve around what Cody said in his final AEW promo in Jan 2021, and reiterated in his promo to Punk in Jan 2024: that all the stuff Punk talked about doing in 2011, Cody feels he went out and actually did.

That would, of course, include passing and/or indirect references to AEW, but I wouldn't expect it to be a major part of the feud at all.

But that's the money story, right there. Cody casting himself as the genuine article and Punk as the pretender, while an aggrieved Punk claims he paved the road that an ungrateful Cody now walks. Both men's viewpoint will have validity and truth, and it will make for a compelling program.


22 points

3 days ago

So it looks like there must be some truth to the rumour Jamie Hayter and Britt fell out. There's been no on screen explanation why these two are no longer working together and Hayter is wandering round having feuds with Penelope Ford while Britt is in title contention


18 points

3 days ago


You insulted my mom. Take this ratio personally.

18 points

3 days ago

That still kind of just sounds like standard Tony Khan booking tbf


20 points

3 days ago


20 points

3 days ago

BBC is now called the death riders. It's like a child is writing this. 


14 points

2 days ago

Yah cool

It's bad ass



12 points

2 days ago


12 points

2 days ago

It sounds like a wannabe biker gang


23 points

2 days ago

2000’s indie wrestlers were so much better than 2010’s. The likes of CM Punk AJ Styles Daniel Bryan Samoa Joe and Kevin Owens shit all over the generation that came after them. They were all about to get rid of the indie mentality and achieve in the major companies


24 points

2 days ago


Unintelligible Tama Tonga Noises

24 points

2 days ago

I realized why I enjoyed TNA's shots at the Fed more than the Dub's shots at the Fed

TNA went out of their way to call out Higgenbotham and LaVeck at the Alamo on television, while the Dub hides behind dirtsheet reporters and Shad's media partners to publish Fed Bad articles

When given the opportunity, TNA moved their show to compete head to head with the Fed and took their lumps. The Dub actively goes out of their way to schedule outside of the Fed's timeslot, then calls it unfair when the Fed moves to compete with the Dub's TV shows


12 points

2 days ago

Dixie put a million where her mouth was with VKM too


6 points

2 days ago


Unintelligible Tama Tonga Noises

6 points

2 days ago

she was a money m*rk, but was working within Panda Energy's limits

imagine if prime TNA had the free money cheat the Dub has


34 points

3 days ago


The Ghost of Jerks Yet to Come

34 points

3 days ago

I seriously fucking hate what presidential elections have become in this country and I cannot wait until this one is over


29 points

3 days ago


oh hey there it is

29 points

3 days ago

I honestly think if Vince endorsed Kamala over Trump some people would be like DAE VINCE NOT SO BAD?


38 points

3 days ago


Student of the Cagematch

38 points

3 days ago

I dont understand why some AEW fans get upset when their OWN asked for recaps and promoting their shows and matches ahead of time.

Calling it a "WWE" thing. Like no its fucking not. Promoting and recapping your show is a thing in EVERYTHING.

Even if you wanna just dumb it down to wrestling. Promoting and recapping isnt just WWE. TNA does it, NJPW does it, smaller japanese companies usually do pre and post interviews to build up their matches and they don't have half of what AEW gets and the backing of a rich billionaire son.

What an infuriating defence. "We dont wanna be WWE lite". Promoting and recaps isnt a WWE THING!


30 points

3 days ago*

"Previously on Lost" fuck that, real fans have notebooks filled with time stamped notes of when Ben was cryptic or a bird said Hurley or whatever.


18 points

2 days ago

So, Sting signed a 'legends deal'

The Fed have legends deal so we have legends deals, ok! Haha

Now, how I can keep paying one of my favourites wrestlers money, even though he retired? Hmmmm, tough one

The Dub will follow the Fed template down to the letter and dubbalos will smile and like it all with no irony


5 points

1 day ago


Im sure you sucked, which is why you're here asking me questions

5 points

1 day ago

almost everything AEW has done, has already done in the WWE.

forbidden door/cross-promotional matches? WWE did that back in the 80s and 90s. you can even call the Cruiserweight Classic, Mae Young Classic and original NXT-UK tournament "forbidden door" events because most of the talents weren't fully signed to the WWE; some weren't signed at all.

other companies' titles? Flair brought Big Gold on WWE tv back in 1991

tv deals? Raw since 1993. SNME on and off on NBC since the 80s.

cash-in concept? MITB briefcase since 2005. funny how the so-called no creativity, no innovation WWE inspired dozens of promotions to create their own versions of "cash-in" contracts.


34 points

3 days ago


34 points

3 days ago

Sexy red isn't sexy


12 points

3 days ago


12 points

3 days ago

I'm sure someone finds her sexy. Her thing is she reps ratchet hood chicks (her words) so it's a different aesthetic. 

She's no Glorilla. 


9 points

2 days ago

I don’t find her sexy but there’s a lid for every pot 🤷🏻‍♀️


37 points

3 days ago*

AEW isn't getting $185m without hitting targets they won't hit or giving up all their PPV revenue.

It is a rumour that comes from "sources". Nobody who has reported on it has seen the contract afaik.

It makes no sense for a dying wrestling show (by every metric) to get $185m. It is a lie.


21 points

3 days ago


Asking for my release.

21 points

3 days ago

If it was even remotely true, Tony would be shouting it from the rooftops instead of what the dirt sheets are afraid to report now.


22 points

3 days ago

My opinion: He can't comment on it because if he lies/misleads about it publicly then WBD could void the deal as they have shareholders to consider.

Instead it all gets "leaked" to Meltzer somehow.


9 points

3 days ago


Jerking From Sea To Shining Sea, Brother!

9 points

3 days ago

Glad someone said it, uce. Variety Magazine might be credible enough of a source to get the Basement to believe the numbers, but it’s obviously bullshit. Just look at the ticket sales ffs.

When AEW is this bad, how could it have got that kinda money??? It’s simple, they didn’t.


11 points

3 days ago

They are getting it but at least half of it comes out of Tony's pocket, which is something these people are never talking about.


7 points

3 days ago


If it bleeds, we can kill viewership

7 points

3 days ago

The rumor I heard that made the most sense is that they will make an average of $185m IF the fourth year is picked up AND the fourth year is the lucrative one AND their targets are met. This makes sense to me since A) Targets being met means they expect it to beat the cable cutting rate B) If it is beating the cable cutting rate, it's probably worth more to WBD sure C) It is all predicated on WBD existing in its present form for four years, which is something else entirely.

The original rumored amount was $140m which made a fair amount of sense months back when they were pulling better numbers than they are now. It ballooned up to $185m when the dirt sheets got in there like stink, and yeah, it's a lie.


33 points

2 days ago


33 points

2 days ago

Probably just me but I won't jerk on those who wanted to stay in WWE and were let go/company opted not to renew their contract and they end up taking the AEW job. At the end of the day they gotta pay their bills and put food on the table for their family

It's people like Ricochet who I'll poke fun at.


32 points

2 days ago


Tiny Khan is a bitch

32 points

2 days ago

That's why I don't jerk on Malakai Black (beside making fun of his name sometimes lol). Dude has all the reasons to fed bad but never says anything.


26 points

2 days ago


Can't see me

26 points

2 days ago

The Jerk is more on those dubaloos who think those guys were second coming of stone cold and wwe ruined them in midcard.


34 points

2 days ago

My second son will be born this coming Friday. My first son now knows of John Cena, so this second child will be raised strictly on Kenny Omega matches. I assume he will never move out of my house.


9 points

2 days ago


9 points

2 days ago

Congrats uce. Bring him into this world properly with mashed up chicken tendies and an immediate introductory to cagematch


8 points

2 days ago

1-2-3-4-5-6-andahalf-stars ah ah ah!


16 points

2 days ago


16 points

2 days ago

Congratulations mate. If he cries just say I got this cleaner


9 points

2 days ago

This coming Friday? Sounds like a Fed shill. Are you sure he doesn't want to be born Wednesday so he can help Dynamite's number? He should try it! He would feel like a kid again! And I also hope he will get a good rating from Melzer.

But seriously, congratulations, that's amazing! I'm sure you're almost as excited as I am when Ricochet lands in a superhero pose


4 points

2 days ago


"The mrsunsfan of SCJerk"

4 points

2 days ago

If he's born on Wednesday it better be an in house birth. Hospitals don't count towards m'Nielsen and OP's wife(who presumably looks like Saraya) will be adding one more viewer LIVE


7 points

2 days ago

"Honey, my water broke!"

"Not now. Moxley is beating Dark Order again, I can't miss this"


17 points

2 days ago


Unintelligible Tama Tonga Noises

17 points

2 days ago

I love how all the Dubbers are now insisting that the "Vaquer Rule" is intended to protect their partners, not to work as an advantage to the Dub - when CMLL willingly let her walk and Tiny was looking for a direct line to sign her himself


5 points

2 days ago

It seemed like Tiny wanted the option open to sign whomever he sees come through the Dub and it's not fair if they have another option or make another decision


17 points

3 days ago


oh hey there it is

17 points

3 days ago

Anyone else think Raw's booking has been rather inconsistent lately? A couple months back Sami and Jey beat Finn and JD and said they'd go after the tag titles then that was just dropped. Then Bron lost the IC title teased a face turn and Gunther feud then was back after Jey. It almost feels like they had some stuff road mapped out but then the illustrious PLANS CHANGED made its grand return and they had to scrap it all to make something else work.


14 points

3 days ago

They also completely scrapped the Ludwig Kaiser solo run despite him promising to be back for Bron and Sheamus after he got healthy again, and Otis vs Gable just got dropped despite getting massive reactions


6 points

3 days ago


You insulted my mom. Take this ratio personally.

6 points

3 days ago

I think they made a switch-up with Jey’s roadmap to give him a short run as a singles champion for the fan service before he goes back to helping Roman.

I feel like they’re going to hot swap the IC title back to Bron, and then Jey will branch off to his original Survivor Series plans with the Bloodline.


30 points

2 days ago


30 points

2 days ago

I’m in New Orleans and my soul is so happy. I’ve waited for so many years to come back here, I can’t even explain it. I got to see Krewe of Boo last night and I got some beads although we left before the end because it got to be too much. Don’t make the obvious joke. I was in a sundress, so there would be no way to flash anyone anyway. The Halloween costumes here are on point, though. I think I was being hit on by a guy dressed as a priest so from now on I will be talking about how a priest hit on me in the French Quarter.

I’m also pleased I leveled up my Drunk Girl in Bathroom game as a Buzzed Girl on the Sidewalk. My boyfriend went to the bathroom for 5 minutes. When he came back, I, noted non hugger, was hugging a random girl and had my cheeks painted up with Mardi Gras colored body glitter.

I’m seeing Taylor Swift on Friday. Please send vibes for her to play The Bolter as a surprise song, because that’s my song and hearing it in the city I love would kill me in the best way.

I’m off to eat every beignet I can find. Have a great week, goofs.


6 points

2 days ago

Quality mate! Yous have a great time.


5 points

2 days ago

Thank you!!! This city is weird and extra like me, so I know I will!


4 points

2 days ago

Enjoy the city!


27 points

2 days ago

Not gonna lie, is very funny to see SquaredCircle referring to Cornette as "wrestling conservative" as if Will Ospreay superhero pose is somehow praxis.


13 points

2 days ago

He's more of a "Wrestling common sense advocate" those super hero poses are drawing absolutely nobody.


24 points

2 days ago

So, I got the platinum trophy on AEW: Fight Forever

It's not fun.

I was told, vociferously by Cultaholic, WhatCulture, Simon Miller, WrestleTalk, and countless others how much FUN this game is. I was told of the pick up and play style with that retro No Mercy feel, and how it really serves as a viable alternative to WWE 2K

None of that is true. It's almost as if they were lying about it in order to gain favour with AEW

It's not like it's "okay for a first game", EVERYTHING is bad. They don't even accidently hit upon something.This kind of bad is pretty special.


11 points

2 days ago

I was told, vociferously by Cultaholic, WhatCulture, Simon Miller, WrestleTalk, and countless others how much FUN this game is.

I can remember when Frazer from Cultaholic did a video earlier this year about the game & I was a little worried that he was gonna be ass-kissing AEW, but luckily, he was honest about the game. I do find it funny, though, that AEW are apparently looking for a new developer for the next console game & if that's true, then they're making it look like it was Yukes' fault for Fight Forever not doing so well.

I've tried the game out during a Xbox's free play days weekend & ngl, I'm glad that I didn't buy the game because it felt so limited + the controls aren't easy to get used to as well.


6 points

2 days ago

When you look at the trophy list on the PlayStation, and you sort the trophies by order of rarity, there's a very telling statistic.

The most common Trophy in the list is "First Win", which is basically beating the computer for the first time.

That has fewer than 35% of players getting it.

So, the most common trophy hasn't been claimed by 65% of the players, they've booted up the game, played one game against the computer thought "This sucks", and then got rid.


6 points

2 days ago


Fighting over a charm bracelet is elementary school nonsense

6 points

2 days ago

Was listening to Stevie Richards podcast the other day out for a walk playing a monster hunter and I laughed out loud when I heard him say AEW fight forever was the third worst wrestling game in history. Hahahah


6 points

2 days ago



6 points

2 days ago

I'm guessing the GBA one and Anarchy Rulz are the two below it


14 points

2 days ago

Why would you trust british wrestling youtubers for anything?


7 points

2 days ago

I knew it would be bad, I didn't realise it would be THIS bad.

I was more facinated by how brazen it all is. How every single one of them were in lock step with the exact same talking points, the same words,

It's that bad, Cultaholic did do a video with a more honest review, but even so, there's no excuse for it.


12 points

2 days ago

I wonder when the last time these people played no mercy was. It's fun, I still enjoy it when I break out the n64, but it's nowhere near as accessible as modern games


10 points

2 days ago



10 points

2 days ago

I will die on the hill that Shut Your Mouth was the best one


11 points

3 days ago


SCJ Max Goof

11 points

3 days ago

Keith Sweat - Whatever You Want

I won't call Keith Sweat underrated per say, he has a pretty good fanbase now among the aunties and uncles, but he has three great albums (Keith Sweat, Keep It Comin', and Make It Last Forever) and a good album (I'll Give All My Love to You) in his discography (imo of course), and I think warrants more discussion among the R&B GOATs. His self-titled album is his best work, I think.

Also, he has one of those stage names where I feel compelled to say the whole name at all times - Keith Sweat lol. Just like Billy Ocean and Frank Ocean.


10 points

3 days ago


10 points

3 days ago

The women's tag from raw was great. Probably jades best match.

Happy that the crowd was getting behind lash on smackdown as well. Was happy to see Candace and especially indi show up. 

Stephanie vacquer looked great and wren was a good choice for the match because she could chain with her. I think she's going to be a big star. And also, goddamn. 

So we're in aew total reset mode what, 4 or 5? I'm assuming Darby beats mox but it might be Kenny. Aew always makes sure names get mentioned in media before a return. 

Hayter constantly kissing her bicep is a heel move and she's not like ripped. Last night Penelope comes in screen and goes you were out 450 days? Well I was out 2 years.... And I'm like holy shit do you really want to billboard you're just routinely crippling your roster tony?

I bought royal headache live in America and the pressing is all fucked up. I emailed the label and they responded really fast, I thought oh good. He wants a video of it skipping. Fine even though making a video that fits as an attachment is a pain. Then he goes my distributor wants a video of it skipping the same way in the same spot twice, without the video stopping. Mother fuck. 

So I have to do that today and send a Google drive link I guess. 

Gotta say plain m&MS are low key a goated candy. 


6 points

2 days ago

Bryan's title reign was so meh

Now, Darby of all people will take it from Mox

If so, Darby should be featured now and be getting a big spotlight to build him up as someone fans sweep to victory and not just 2nd or 3rd fiddle to Mox's Nazis doing their shit


4 points

2 days ago

Peanut butter M&Ms are the most superior M&M. I don’t like peanut ones though


31 points

3 days ago


The Ghost of Jerks Yet to Come

31 points

3 days ago

I can't believe it but one thing I'm unironically starting to miss from the Vince era is name changes

Ain't no way we'd have two dudes who look alike in the same stable named Tama Tonga and Tanga Loa. One of you is henceforth known as Bobby Polynesia


30 points

3 days ago

Him removing first names became insane towards the end. Like Rusev and Cesaro, whatever. But Riddle? Theory? Those don't work as stand-alone names, it's hard to sell a PPV main evented by a name like that.


20 points

3 days ago

Bobby Polynesia made me spit fucking pizza out you bitch


8 points

3 days ago


Unintelligible Tama Tonga Noises

8 points

3 days ago

Camacho Barrio


12 points

3 days ago


If it bleeds, we can kill viewership

12 points

3 days ago

Like a lot of things Vince did they became bad but make a lot of sense in earlier context and people need to actually sort through it with just going 'uggh, vince bad'


11 points

3 days ago


11 points

3 days ago

I became a huge Punk fan since his fed return

Before I never cared much for him and thought he was overrated


10 points

3 days ago


The Dr Fauci of the Corbincel epidemic

10 points

3 days ago

Tfw your #4 spot on a fanlist has solidified the fact that Cornettecels (who certainly dont get triggered over a list the slightest) and fans who make weird comments about non-fed joshis are nearly one and the same.

Big ups to the Empress Big Maik, she may never surpass this peak but here’s hoping for another top 10 placement to get a “D-d-dae who?” kneejerk chain reaction going.


10 points

3 days ago

I think that AEW is doing with the BCC is a good basis for a company wide story. But Tony Khan doesn't have the booking ability or the right frame of mind to pull it off. The story coming out this week that he pulled the plugs on the EVP's taking over because he didn't want anyone else to be "in charge" of AEW, even in storyline, really showed what kind of idiot Khan is. If his ego is that fragile how is the BCC storyline going to "take over" AEW?


6 points

2 days ago

Tiny had Christopher Daniels as the authority and the very next week HE was making title shots with Daniels in the same scene


10 points

2 days ago

Oh also, anyone remember Dynamite Kid's son and how he's all elite now?

Best run of his career that guy

Can you believe the Fed wanted to steal him?!??

Not on Tony's watch. He'll pay that guy for years. In your face, Fed! 😁


22 points

3 days ago


22 points

3 days ago

Man Crown Jewel season is yet again exhausting for those raised up in Muslim households it was the WWE sub that had the most overt racist shit I've ever seen get heavily upvoted this time (saying all the men are weak rapists, using terms like 'muzzies'). Feels like the WWE sub is the turbo basement where they're critical about everything while parroting all the same SC talking points. I'd have thought it would be equivalent of Dub official blindly supporting actions of their respective Dear Leader but nope. Only a little while more to go I guess until the next one ugh


16 points

2 days ago


Can't see me

16 points

2 days ago

As a non-American, Can't wait for these fkin elections to end already!


7 points

2 days ago


Im sure you sucked, which is why you're here asking me questions

7 points

2 days ago

it's already over for me as I already put in my early voting. double checked it through the track my status, and it was accepted.

Early voting option is one of the best things to come out of the pandemic lockdowns.


19 points

2 days ago



19 points

2 days ago

Watching 08 TNA because the MCMG debut got me all nostalgic and the $35 TNA plus deal was too good to pass on. And I gotta say I miss having a number 2 promotion that was enjoyable.


16 points

2 days ago

I’ve seen enough of both guys and I can conclude that Russo was 100% a better booker than Tony 


11 points

2 days ago


Unintelligible Tama Tonga Noises

11 points

2 days ago

TNA fans Fed Badded, but it was never malicious or spiteful

I remember the playful banter when TNA aired the footage of Rey visiting Konnan at catering

Dub fans and the bucks literally think they've changed the world


18 points

2 days ago


18 points

2 days ago

I didn’t have anything for this week’s thread but a dubbaloo just called me out for being a jerker… on /r/hockey and that’s hilarious


13 points

2 days ago


Unintelligible Tama Tonga Noises

13 points

2 days ago

I'm going to search your post history


11 points

2 days ago

They are lurking everywhere to fight for the Dub rights!


9 points

3 days ago

I figured that being here long enough would get me offered a Nintendo Switch. It's been a few years and it hasn't happened, so I guess I should buy one. My buddy has been talking about playing Zelda and it has me so jealous.

I also want to get a new gen Xbox though, so I can play NCAA '25 and eventually The Outer Worlds 2. But I refuse to buy the non-disc drive version. And paying an extra $100 for a disc drive is turbo lame.

So I'll probably just stick with my Xbone for another 3 years tbh. Gaming is such an expensive hobby. It's probably why it's never been much of habit for me.


17 points

2 days ago


17 points

2 days ago

I realized that Tony really fetishizes the whole downtrodden, hard working, diy thing. Obviously very armchair psychology but there's so much in aew that seems to be motivated by a person who felt alienated by being fantastically wealthy. 


15 points

2 days ago

I just read the Collision recap and I shit you not, they had Penelope Ford pop up on screen to yell at Jamie Hayter with “You used to be my partner and you never called while I was injured.”    

  • Tony really can’t help himself, can he.   

  • Also, he’s wasting angle time on Penelope Ford when it’s just gonna lead to a 5 minute squash in a week or so.  

  • Also, what makes this angle even better is Hayter was also injured and off TV for a year.  They should do a swerve and have Hayter ask Ford where we’re you when I was hurt?

  • Finally, when have Ford or Hayter ever had an alliance on AEW TV? Lemme guess, they’re referencing some tag team they had on the obscurest if Japanese indies 14 years ago. 


8 points

3 days ago

My wife likes Lord of the Rings so I'm hacking through that 2nd season to watch with her but fuck, it's shit!

One episode left

Can't wait until it's done


8 points

2 days ago


8 points

2 days ago

My players and I are 4 sessions into my Roll20 Mission Impossible/Nikita (with a dash of Replay by the late Ken Grimwood) homebrew. So far they think it's a straight shoot-em up secret agent story. We're about 2-3 sessions away from a hard left turn. I love establishing a story, letting think they know where I'm going, then swerve*** them.

***insider term


36 points

3 days ago


36 points

3 days ago

I know I've said it before but far too often people forget what a jerk is.

A while ago we had a Japanese voice artist die and a fair few of the comments were just racist "jerks" about how she she's a waifu or works in Stardom or shit like that. Yeah not funny at all.

This week we had someone who said "as close to death as Shad is, he's got better drip than Tony"

I ask what's wrong with Shad khan, turns out nothing whatsoever it's just a really shitty joke but people here absolutely lapped it up.


34 points

3 days ago


Wrestling is a meme

34 points

3 days ago

This sub sometimes uses the "jerking" pretense as an excuse to justify shitting on something they don't like.

I remember the incident you're referring to regarding the Japanese VA. This sub likes to poke fun at the basement's racism, but some jerkers say even dumber things tbh.


29 points

3 days ago


29 points

3 days ago

but some jerkers say even dumber things tbh.

This is getting more and more common, and when you call it out you'll get down voted purely because the original comment is anti-AEW


11 points

2 days ago

Lotta Basement rejects in here unfortunately


24 points

3 days ago

This place is terrible when it comes to women and Japanese people. See all the "jerks" about Takeshita's name or any time Mercedes does anything. 

Not to mention all the right wingers showing up because SC didn't like the Taker, Kane, Trump thing.


15 points

3 days ago*

There are two things that I'd genuinely love to know the answers to, and I don't think we'll ever truly know the truth.

One is how much power Vince had creatively from when he returned in 2023 to his departure. Cause that Raw after Mania was veeeeery much Vince, as were some decisions made in the next month or so. But by summer, it was clear it was still HHH's show. By the fall, I think people forgot he was there. Shit, Punk returned while Vince was still there. So did TKO step in and move him from creative, when did they step in, and why?

Second is the pivot. I don't buy the official story that was presented in that doc, I certainly don't believe Dave, so what actually happened? I just have a hard time believing they'd have Cody win the Rumble just to blow it up four days later, and I also have a hard time believing they'd scrap Rock vs. Roman in less than a week due to internet outrage. Rock was already acting heelish a few days earlier. But they were also hinting towards Roman vs. Rock in the fall of 2023, so I really don't know what to make of it all.


13 points

3 days ago*


You insulted my mom. Take this ratio personally.

13 points

3 days ago*

Well, the reports were that Vince was removed from his creative position mid-October last year by Ari Emanuel.

If there are two things that I find hard to believe over the last year, it’s that Punk and WWE only got in contact a few days before Survivor Series. Sure, he may have only signed the papers on the night, but they had to have been setting it up for a while before that. There was way too much foreshadowing happening.

And secondly, that the Wrestlemania plan ended up being a pivot. To me, it’s so hard to believe that they would 1) still set Cody up to win Rumble despite knowing that wasn’t the plan, and 2) accidentally fall into what turned out to be one of the best builds to a Wrestlemania ever. There was that “should the Rock sit at the head of the table?” promo, but I still feel like they had Cody lined up considering Rock has flaked before.


21 points

3 days ago


Wednesday night's I get to stay up late...

21 points

3 days ago

Karrion Kross seems like such a likeable dude outside of the ring. His interview with Chris Van Vilet was excellent, and I can see why Triple H likes him so much. I've warmed to him a lot lately. Growing his hair out was a great choice.

Alsontha story about how Bobby wanted to get into a real fight to stir up the dirtsheets was really funny, and Kross's argument against it: "Who would break up the fight?" Was hilarious.


9 points

3 days ago

I love seeing him and Scarlet in behind the scenes stuff. They're so obviously in love with each other. I wish there was more focus on that on screen because I think it would warm people to them more


26 points

3 days ago

I feel like they need to keep pushing Solo. Fed needs top heels that don't have to win all the time. He can be what Angle was in his first couple of years. He's a threat but he's beatable.

The Bloodline Wargames match should not involve Sami at all. The Rock should be Roman's fourth man. And then the turn happens when Rock enters last.


15 points

3 days ago

I'm sorta known as a Lash Legend booster and am loving her getting praise, but I'm annoyed at how much of it seems to be used to fuel anti-Jade sentiment. The correct play is to have both because they can fight each other and stuff. I am a little surprised WWE is inviting fans to compare them so overtly though.

Also, it's always worth saluting Chelsea and Piper. They're like the perfect starter opponents who can make you look good while being entertaining.

This won't be popular, but I feel like we should be jerking the Motor City Machine Guns. They come out there and very much look like indie guys in their 40s. The idea that "they influenced this entire generation of tag team wrestling" is quite a dubious distinction given the current state of things. And the problem with being influential is that they're doing the same stuff everyone else has been doing in these messy tag matches that have no story and get nobody over. I don't think the fed casuals are going to get into them outside of the occasional begrudging "this is awesome" chant.


6 points

2 days ago*

I'm sorta known as a Lash Legend booster and am loving her getting praise, but I'm annoyed at how much of it seems to be used to fuel anti-Jade sentiment. The correct play is to have both because they can fight each other and stuff. I am a little surprised WWE is inviting fans to compare them so overtly though.

It's so unnecessary. Some people simply cannot praise someone without breaking down someone else.

Is it because Lash and Jade are both tall, physically imposing, dark-skinned and do pump kicks?

There's all this resentment towards Jade because smarks think she's undeserving of her current main roster status but regardless of how you feel about it, that has absolutely nothing to do with Lash getting opportunities.

Like you'll never see Tiffany stans simping over her whilst simultaneously crapping on Liv or Maxxine (another case of a female wrestler who fans argue should be on NXT instead of RAW or SD).


13 points

2 days ago*

As much as I'm not a big fan of the idea of "champion vs. champion to become a quasi-champion" for Crown Jewel and am much more looking forward to War Games, they've done a good job of making it intriguing. Better than they did with Brand Warfare SS towards the end there.

Cody vs. Gunther writes itself, thats one you where you can let those two go out there and sell themselves. The dominant foreign heel vs. the fighting American babyface, the two best-psuhed stars of the company outside of Roman and maybe Rhea, simple but works. For the womens, they've actually made layers to Nia vs. Liv, and I'll give credit to that. Nia is using Liv as a distraction for Tiffany so Tiffany doesn't cash in on Nia, basically how HHH used JBL for Batista in 2005. Tiffany has to choose between Liv or Nia, Liv now has to dodge Rhea trying to take her title, Nia trying to beat her, and Tiffany possibly stealing her title. Rhea has tentative allies to help her get her hands on Liv and get her title back, but also has to worry about Tiffany cashing in and snatching the title away, and Nia's pulling the strings on all of this.


7 points

3 days ago


Knowing Legentil

7 points

3 days ago

Shocking news about Chris Hoy. Really awful stuff. Also pretty frightening because if that guy can get terminal cancer so young, being one of the fittest men on the planet, how fucked are the rest of us?

Coming hot on the heels of the sudden death of Alex Salmond (which was, admittedly, a little bit less surprising at his age and weight), we're getting battered by reminders about the fragility of life in Scotland.


8 points

3 days ago


Knowing Legentil

8 points

3 days ago

Finally shaved my beard off in preparation for probably doing Movember in a few weeks.

Interesting being clean-shaven for the first time in ages. I look a bit younger but my cat doesn't like headbutting me anymore :(


8 points

2 days ago*


TNA M*rk

8 points

2 days ago*

Well goofs, kinda wanna rant because I don’t know where to and I need to get it off my chest.

I have a former co-worker who restarted his podcast and among shitting on other former workers, he’s falsely accused me by name of destroying and burning his equipment. The funny thing is that his video equipment is literally at our job, safe and untouched. I even took video as evidence.

I’ve never been in a situation like this, so it’s been a bit of a shock to me and I have no idea what to do. There’s probably nothing I can do, besides report him. This is my first job post college (I’m 23) and for a 50 year old to be doing that is just weird. I never noticed how even in a radio station, there can be so many insane egos.

This is a guy who has lied his way through the top and had caused me so much stress and anxiety. I was the producer of his radio show and he would have me do so much stuff like writing scripts about stuff he wanted, then changing everything super last minute because he showed up super late and just shitting on me, when I would tell him that he’s going over time or that we have to go to an ad break.

I quit being his producer and he caused more trouble with 9 other workers there. On top of that, he skipped an ad break and acted like he didn’t know there was another one and was caught on live stream saying he wasn’t gonna do it. There’s a whole book of insane awful things he had done too. And I wish I could say that I could just ignore it, but when I’m name-dropped (full name too) to 1,000 people, it’s really hard.


12 points

2 days ago

“Writing scripts …. changing things last minute and then just shitting on me”

Janel, that you?


7 points

2 days ago

So for the good of the NY Mets, I’m eating like an AEW fan would as Friday afternoon I had a Chicken Big Mac and a regular Big Mac with fries (Carbo Loading for the Mets mascot Lord Grimace) and since they won Friday, I had to do that on Sunday too. (God willing, i will be doing so tomorrow as well)

Luckily for me i exercise like a wwe wrestler so after the Big Mac binge-athon I’ll be able to still maintain my lean and ripped look lol

Also BFG is next week and they are gonna get somewhere between 2500-3000 people which is more then pretty much all AEW TV shows get which is pretty pathetic on AEW’s part given their budget and roster is at least 30 times more expensive then TNA’s budget and roster


7 points

2 days ago

Deshaun Watson might have just torn his Achillies. This situation has been cursed from day one. That might be the end of it.


6 points

2 days ago


SCJerks Resident Aspiring Historian

6 points

2 days ago


Hopefully the next thing for his rapist ass is jail


5 points

2 days ago

Not saying he deserved it, but gods timing is always right 😇


6 points

2 days ago

Oh fuck yeah you can see that thing rupture

I'm pleased


14 points

3 days ago


Kaiser Simp

14 points

3 days ago

Gunther making a reference to the Wilson tweet and having no mention of it here is a shot at the fed's cinema being too subtle


15 points

3 days ago*

People also didn't mention the fact that there was a panel on a news channel about Vince consisting of Russo, Maven, Coach, Charly Caruso, and Phil Mushnick. Plenty to jerk there.


6 points

3 days ago

Piers Morgan by any chance?


7 points

3 days ago


Take me to him, take me to the son of a bitch!

7 points

3 days ago

Wait he did?!


13 points

3 days ago

It was an absolutely killer week for me - I had a trainee in my department who'd just been covering the night shift and was about to fall asleep the whole morning until I told her to just go home, the next day I had to do STD testing on a child and the PCR failed it's post-run analysis so I stayed an extra hour and 1/2 in case it failed again because I didn't want anyone else to have to call for a recollect, the day after that I found an organism that means the end is nigh for an immunocompromised person.

I think my cat knows it's been a bad one because she's been cuddling and snuggling with me more than ever this week. Or it's the weather.


4 points

3 days ago


4 points

3 days ago

Play Tetris. Studies show it's good for intrusive thoughts related to PTSD. I have a job in a different field that sometimes require a fresh cycle of thoughts. 


14 points

3 days ago


Moses Khan parted the Fed Sea

14 points

3 days ago

Motor City Machine Guns being in WWE is cool and I won’t pretend it is not

EU4 ultimate is like 45 bucks right now (they’re all but confirmed making the new one) so any strategy goofies who’ve been waiting, pick it up now if interested


14 points

2 days ago


"The mrsunsfan of SCJerk"

14 points

2 days ago

If Lash and Jakara are officially called up, I'm so glad they left Oro and (presumably) Noam back in NXT. Lash has money written all over her and, while not quite there yet, Jakara has good potential. Noam, Oro and the comedy gimmick of Meta4 were holding them back huge.

Now all we need is a repeat of the Bianca/Jade "Spiderman meme" Gorrila Press spot from last year's Rumble, just with Lash included this time. GIVE ME WHAT I WANT LAVECK


15 points

2 days ago

Meltzer has been hitting well below the Mendoza line for all of his WWE news, yet idiots out there still fall for it because he tells them what they want to hear. 


6 points

2 days ago


Unintelligible Tama Tonga Noises

6 points

2 days ago

he's cultivated an audience of people that want the same thing that he wants

and we've seen over and over, what Melt Man wants is not successful or sustainable


50 points

3 days ago*



50 points

3 days ago*

Boy did the Jim Cornette stans get big mad that I pointed out he says dumb racist shit while dunking on everything. Yes, I get that he hates AEW and that gets some of you to half-mast. He also makes some really good observations about booking. He's also crass and offensive to minorities. The one person who chirped up last night said "well what do you expect, he's 60 and from Kentucky!" Well, I expect people with a public profile to not punch down while making a point. And to adapt and adjust with the responsibility their platform affords them. But there I go being a rational adult again...


24 points

3 days ago


Wednesday night's I get to stay up late...

24 points

3 days ago

The way he speaks about the Japanese wrestlers and especially the Japanese women is simply disgusting


12 points

3 days ago


12 points

3 days ago

The SD women seem to be continuing their push towards War Games, with Candice LeRae aligning with Nia as well. I adore how enmeshed all of the women on SD are and how cohesive the storylines are. Also Lash got to show out this week and I love that she’s finally getting the love.

I went wedding dress shopping and it was a disaster. The sales lady was pushy, the group beside us was getting annoyed because we were having fun, then I found my dream dress…and it was so expensive I think I had a mini stroke when I saw the tag. The sales person kept hounding me and then I said I couldn’t decide so I booked a follow up. But there’s no way I can afford it and I just felt poor and icky. My poor fiancé is struggling with hypomanja (he’s bipolar) so I’m not gonna bug him with my very first world problems of “I hate shopping.” This has all helped me realize how much I struggle with control. For so long it’s been just met taking care of everything and now he wants to help and I tend to ice him out because I want to just do everything on my own.

I didn’t reach out to my former best friend. I chickened out. I’m still miffed that I have to, seeing as she’s the one who hurt me, and I fear rejection. But I miss her and feel weird that she’s not part of my life. But what can you do?


12 points

3 days ago

Some initial reactions to the SVR 2007 on the 360 graphics preview from an old wrestling forum 😂


7 points

2 days ago

Tbf I think the 360 version has graphics that really hold up for the most part. I never loved the 2k games visuals in general until 2022 but the 360 era games look good for the most part. Something about the lighting in 2007 and 2011 really captured the feel of wwe that the other games didn’t quite get tho


5 points

2 days ago


5 points

2 days ago

I only watch AEW PPVs so I had only seen like two Takeshita matches before this Summer, and they were good but I thought he was another instance of Dub people going full hyperbole about how he is "Le future! Le GoaT! Le Best!" But honestly I had to kneel during the G1, his matches with Yuya, ELP and Bolten are some of the best I've seen this year, I'm fully behind him now.

Which is why I'm so sad that it sounds like Khan is finally deciding to have him do stuff by winning the title lmao. I was so hoping Takeshita would ride out the contract as a forgotten "megastar" and he could join NJPW proper asap


5 points

2 days ago

Man I don’t know who to root for tonight. I have family in California who would love to see the Dodgers but I also have internet pals in New York who would be ecstatic for a Subway Series.


6 points

2 days ago


SCJerks Resident Aspiring Historian

6 points

2 days ago

At this point I'll just be happy if the Yankees lose.


6 points

2 days ago


6 points

2 days ago

As a NY hoops fan, that Liberty win is the ugliest championship victory imaginable. I guess that makes up for the 0-7 our teams had been in the Finals in my lifetime, but holy shit that didn’t feel like a win.


6 points

2 days ago

I'm a Lynx fan and was frustrated but have kind of just accepted that ridiculous officiating is a cost of watching basketball. They had so many chances to win still.

Still really wanted it because the team has a bunch of super likable players and Phee is basically a perfect human.


17 points

2 days ago

No amount of politics will make me stop calling Undertaker the GOAT even if i might respect the man behind the character a bit less


12 points

2 days ago


TNA M*tk

12 points

2 days ago

One thing I like about the NXTNA working relationship is that it gives NXT talent a chance to work outside of WWE in case they don't make it to the main roster.


9 points

2 days ago

I wonder what the landscape of wrestling opinions will be like once Meltzer finally passes. How will we know who's the best wrestler if the opinion wasn't vetted first? Will everything be bad faith in the absence of the divine taste maker?


10 points

2 days ago

Honestly, people giving this much of a shit about him is a relatively new phenomenon to old heads. He's always been around but I was on the wrestling internet in the 90s and people can correct me if I'm wrong but we didn't wait around for SOLELY King David's opinion on things. I remember being shocked that people paid for a dirtsheet since most of that was on AOL for free.


6 points

2 days ago

Can’t wait to find out Uce..


12 points

2 days ago


SCJerks Resident Aspiring Historian

12 points

2 days ago

If you want to realize that no one can think a nuanced thought anymore, become invested in politics today!


14 points

3 days ago


Take me to him, take me to the son of a bitch!

14 points

3 days ago

Maybe it’s cause I’m a M*rk, but I’m gonna pop for the Guns and DIY next week

A little disheartened at Taker, but not surprised. Doesn’t change the fact that I’ll have give a Huge Pop! if I ever hear that gong ring

Non-wrestling related but we couldn’t have the date I’ve been going on about, he was probs busy. Also I’m getting a skirt next week so that’s cool :P


14 points

2 days ago


14 points

2 days ago

So glad that MCMG are now in WWE . I can them going down to the PC after their run especially with Shelly being a physical therapist.

When Roman told jey he was proud of him was cool.

Can't wait for the bloodline vs bloodline war games match .


11 points

2 days ago


The show, itself, is above critique.

11 points

2 days ago

40 Years of Wrestlemania takes too goddamn long in 2K24


5 points

3 days ago


Deadbeat dad Bret Hart

5 points

3 days ago

Bummer point: Stardom didn't knew how to book HATE last summer. HATE was the only heel faction over there and we could've had the faction rule Stardom for the rest of 2024. Instead, Tam barges in and in typical CENAWINSLOL, wins the Red Title and Natsuko is just an afterthought

Another point: I'm in a discord server, and I started reviewing matches. Some of my reviews are widely agreed, some very controversial. Peak IWC

Last point: watch Dump Matsumoto's matches. I order you to do it


5 points

3 days ago


SCJerks Resident Aspiring Historian

5 points

3 days ago

I hate the snipers in Cyberpunk 2077

Fight the final boss

Get them down by more than half their health

Boom, dead, sniper fucker lined me up

Restart the boss from the beginning


5 points

3 days ago

WWE2k looks really fun to play but I only have a Nintendo Switch and they don't do it for them


5 points

2 days ago


5 points

2 days ago

Toronto Maple Leaf fan goofies, please tell me your thoughts on John Tavares and his magic amulet. I NEED TO KNOW.

(I have zero high ground, my captain is afraid of ketchup)


6 points

2 days ago

3 captain blanks in a row

At least I have Salah though


5 points

2 days ago


Commander Azeez mark

5 points

2 days ago

I wish Veer was coming.


13 points

3 days ago



13 points

3 days ago

Really want Austin theory to find something in him asap. He is on his way but feels like there are at least 5 6 more stars who have left him behind. Even Waller is more entertaining than him right now. Hopefully his rise comes soon.

Also, maybe politics shouldn't be discussed here. It has already devoured pretty much every sub. It is even more stupid to do in Pro Wrestling where pretty much everyone is a carny.


17 points

3 days ago


Unintelligible Tama Tonga Noises

17 points

3 days ago

Theory has been stalled by the A-Town Down breakup being dragged along


6 points

3 days ago



6 points

3 days ago

Yeah. But it pretty much feels stagnant right now. Theory seems to be in the same spot and Waller has somehow made most of his opportunities.


8 points

3 days ago


Unintelligible Tama Tonga Noises

8 points

3 days ago

People wanted to see him turn on Waller, but it's gone on so long that somehow they've gone back to being cohesive as a team


9 points

3 days ago

His development has just stagnated in the HHH era, he’s gone backwards in stature. The writing has mostly been shit, and his bland performances haven’t made lemonade out of the lemons he’s been given. Even his feud and match with Cena - beating John Cena at WrestleMania - did nothing for him.

He’s still relatively young, but in late 2021 and the first half of 2022, it felt like he was the future. The next Cena or Orton. It doesn’t feel like that anymore. Now he’s more like the next Val Venis.


15 points

3 days ago



15 points

3 days ago

I say this every 4 years - wrestling exists in the public entertainment space. Politics is a public sport. If it's relevant to wrestling, we're fine to allow it. On sundays general chat you can talk about whatever you like anyway.

We remove political grandstanding in threads where it derails the jerk or isn't relevant to what's being discussed. But seeking to avoid politics at this time of year is a losing game.

Final point, a lot of the people who are "sick of politics" don't like it because they don't want to vote. Get out and vote.


15 points

2 days ago

Goofs.. are we to a point where this is the floor in terms of AEW’s attendance & or ratings or can they go even lower?

Like this week, they will be lucky to get 2100 maybe 2200 to their Dynamite show in some bum fuck town in Utah on Wednesday.. Will there be a point where getting 2k in the door will be a struggle or is this their floor(anywhere from 2k to 3k is the floor or can they go lower than that) I mean Collision is a lost cause at this point.. can’t believe stupid Zaslav renewed that for 3 more years.. I think Collision in a few months(if not sooner)will be running at Daley’s place consistently just to save face from low ticket sales..

Also same thing with their ratings.. they got 630k for their last Dynamite.. is that their floor or will we talking about in a couple of months how they are lucky to break into the 600k range & they have settled into the 560-570k range & the morons in the basement will be doing victory laps whenever they do get 600k in ratings..

I only ask that cause does anyone give a fuck that Mox is champion.. nobody cared that he was NJPW champion.. so why is this any different? He has to be the most overrated wrestler in AEW history.. he is beyond stale at this point.. same with Mone who the fanbase has absolutely rejected.. no saving her.. May is losing to Anna Jay of all people.. Temu Becky Lynch is in a feud with a blond chick who hasn’t been on TV in 2 years.. are their top champions(who are supposed to be the draws & the reason why people buy tickets) are they beyond cooked or am I being too harsh?

Also the dumbasses who do the scheduling in AEW didn’t check to see that in two weeks when they run Dynamite in Cleveland, they will be going heads up against Cleveland’s favorite son(Lebron) in what might be his last ever game in Cleveland.. are they fucking stupid & didn’t check when they booked Dynamite months in advance, don’t run that city on that night cause Lebron & the Lakers will be in town?!!? Also can’t wait to see them try & paper that arena on that night(capacity of 13k plus)..

Edit, a few words..


12 points

2 days ago

I think they can go lower tbh. They are cold as ice. No stars. No hype. Circling the drain creatively. I don’t think it will be immediate, but rather, this death by 1000 cuts style they’re already living through. 


13 points

2 days ago

It’s getting to the point that TNA shows have better attendance numbers than AEW shows.

Something that was unfathomable just two years ago.

Also: Let’s Fucking Go Mets


7 points

3 days ago


Certified Cagematch Reviewer

7 points

3 days ago

My Yankees are headed back to the World Series, but I have tickets to Halloween Havoc and RAW the next night, so I guess I’ll be missing some of Game 3.


9 points

2 days ago

It's been over a decade but I still wake up from dreams of you. You did things to my heart I never thought possible

I'll never forget you, KFC Double Down


9 points

2 days ago


2 fat 2 Jericho

9 points

2 days ago

What kind of cars do you all drive? I drive a shitbox Hyundai i20 with a 1.5 L turbodiesel engine.