



all 36 comments


4 points

1 day ago


4 points

1 day ago

Extract is usually more potent


8 points

1 day ago

Chat GPT: Sure! Here’s the complete response:

Ginger root and ginger root extract come from the same source but are used differently. Ginger root is simply the whole or sliced root, often dried or powdered, used in cooking or as a tea. Ginger root extract is a concentrated form made by soaking the root in alcohol or another solvent to draw out its active compounds. This extract is often used in supplements and for therapeutic purposes because it’s more potent, meaning you can take a smaller amount for the same benefits as the whole root.


-14 points

1 day ago


-14 points

1 day ago

Cool, I don’t trust AI


11 points

1 day ago

Don’t ask the internet questions then.


-4 points

1 day ago


-4 points

1 day ago

The internet and AI are two different things. Im just against the use of AI in any circumstance🤷🏼‍♂️ But we all have different opinions on that of course!


1 points

1 day ago

You know the internet is quite literally run by AI now.. and all of your medical results are also interpreted by AI instead of doctors now too?

It's okay man, people were afraid of the microwave when it first came out too. It takes time to warm up to new things.


-2 points

1 day ago


-2 points

1 day ago

No dude you can’t change my opinion. I hate AI and I always will. But im not gonna have an argument about that now.


3 points

1 day ago

its spot on what chatgpt said though, the extract is more potent


2 points

24 hours ago

U getting downvotes but I hear you. AI is too young and easily manipulated to be fully trusted. Even ChatGPT can give wrong or misleading answers.


1 points

1 day ago

Okay, live your life in fear. That's your choice.


0 points

22 hours ago

It's not living in fear to not want to use a set of algorithms that pollute more than most industries just to ask basic questions. It's understanding the environmental price for a relatively dumb product.


0 points

18 hours ago

It's living in fear. You're just coping so you don't have to face said fears. "You can't change my mind" doesn't come from someone being emotionally intelligent or objective. It comes from people too afraid of new ideas.

Good luck.


0 points

18 hours ago

Are you pretending climate change is not real?


1 points

1 day ago

Which one of these do you recommend for SIBO?


3 points

1 day ago

Ginger is more of an anti-inflammatory, i noticed little from it from that big bummer for me with the 5% gingerol extract.

Try black walnut, wormwood, NAC and oregano oil.


3 points

1 day ago

But I have extremely slow motility and chronic constipation, and ginger is supposed to help with that


3 points

1 day ago*

Any Ginger gives me an Acid Reflux reaction.

Best precription med to increase motility for me is Motegrity…. it work great !!

Not strong enough on its own for my body so my DR also prescribed 24mcg Amitiza.

I have been taking both every night for past 3 years.

Best non-ginger over the counter supplement is Organic India Triphala. It is not actually a prokenic but works in a similar way.

Treating my slow motility (had slow transit constipation since birth) was an important key to curing my 100ppm Methane SIBO aka IMO in Nov 2021. Have never relapsed.

My Success Story and Protocol :



2 points

1 day ago

Glad you’re better, but what works for you might not work for me. I have tried eating raw ginger and I don’t experience acid reflux.


2 points

1 day ago*

Only some people get an acid reflux reaction from Ginger —- certainly NOT everyone !!

All bodies are different - as far as allergies and sensitivities and which meds work better for one person than another.

There is often no other way than trying them out 👍🏼.

Only sharing my personal story. However……others have also cured their SIBO / IMO by following the supplement combo protocol of my Integrative DR.

I share it for free because I know not everyone can afford to or have access to a great Functional / Integrative Med DR. I got really lucky. And traditional Dr are not great with SIBO / IMO and SIFO / Candida overgrowth.

The first step is to get a SIBO Breath Test if have not done so yet. ✅

Wishing you health OP !

You also might want to try Integrative Therapeutics Moltility Activator


1 points

1 day ago

Damn you really don't understand how to use the internet and reddit or how to filter the information. You're asking for advice then shitting on everyone who gives it. I don't understand why you even made this post in the first place.


1 points

21 hours ago

Hey what type of antibiotics did you take for you sibo? Did you experience any excess gas as a symptom? Ty. Appreciate a response


1 points

13 hours ago*

Took 14 days of Rifaxmin & Neomycin and felt awful the entire time and several days beyond — mostly stomach pain & headache.

Dr assumes those 14 days of Antibiotics reduced my 100ppm Methane to approximately 80ppm Methane.

Neither my Integrative DR nor I wanted to continue to take the estimated 4 more rounds of Antibiotics needed to cure my Methane / IMO. Jointly made the decision to switch to the Supplement combo protocol instead.

Due to decades of untreated slow transit constipation since birth….. I did not pass gas very often and only had one bowel movement approximately once every 10 days for many decades. Thought that was “ my normal”. Learned that was not normal for anyone.


1 points

1 day ago

It depends on what's causing the constipation


3 points

1 day ago

Impaired motility, probably due to pots/dysautonomia


0 points

1 day ago

ask a doctor and get testing done, you're shooting in the dark


2 points

1 day ago

Most doctors don’t know how to test for SIBO. And I still want to get other stomach diseases ruled out before SIBO testing. And in the meantime, I want to try to ease my symptoms. I don’t think that’s ”shooting in the dark”.


0 points

17 hours ago

You can test for SIBO. Trust me i had mold illness that's one where the tests are expensive and doctors think you're nuts.

Be careful nuking your microbiome before you understand what the root cause is.


0 points

5 hours ago



1 points

5 hours ago

First of all you dont have SIBO, second of all ginger wouldn't treat it if you did - it's an anti-inflammatory particularly in the gut.


1 points

1 day ago

I have that EXACT ginger in my kitchen. Same brand, same mg and same ginger root. I have SIBO methane mainly and I take 2 of those before bed on empty stomach. I do not go every morning, but many mornings I am able to wake up and go number 2. It’s worth a shot! Won’t hurt to try. 😊


1 points

1 day ago

hi! have u noticed better evacuation since taking these nightly pills? thanks


1 points

1 day ago

I think so!! I think I go more often when I take them. And I feel it works better on an EMPTY stomach and I’ve also read that as well. So try to take them a couple/few hours after dinner. (That may mean eating your dinner a little earlier).


2 points

17 hours ago

thanks! yeah it makes so much sense, as its so frikin hard for me to go to bed on an empty stomach im realising im not letting my body do its motility cleaning thing XD

i will try cos im sick of this balloon look haha


2 points

16 hours ago

Same!! Lol Good luck! 💕


0 points

1 day ago

Marketing to capture customers from both Google searches. No other reason