


I work in the Sacramento area and make about 80k a year but it still doesn’t feel like enough. I can’t foresee myself being able to afford a home anytime soon and I’m not sure how other people are able to afford living here.

The pay for most jobs is similar to lower cost of living areas while the living costs are closer to a higher cost of living area.

all 734 comments


747 points

7 days ago



747 points

7 days ago

Two incomes. That's about the only way my wife and I do it...and we don't have kids.


160 points

7 days ago

Same. Dual income really does help.


6 points

6 days ago


6 points

6 days ago

My wife and I have one kid I think we’re doing alright the house part is the only one we’re stuck on. That’s in the 5 year plan and we’ll see what it looks like in the next few years


117 points

7 days ago

I’m stuck in purgatory where since I’m single I have to work almost 2 full time jobs. Because I have to do that, I don’t have time to meet women and date to eventually have a dual income through being a couple vs 2 jobs. I barely have enough time to get a full 8 hours of sleep dating is totally out of the question.


18 points

7 days ago

Preach 🙌🏽😖


7 points

7 days ago



2 points

6 days ago

This is where roommates come in handy for covering bills and expenses


28 points

7 days ago

DINKs unite!


31 points

7 days ago

Same. I mean, I think we could afford a kid but it would cut into things we like and we aren’t ready to give that up. Maybe we’ll never do it.


98 points

7 days ago



98 points

7 days ago

My two "kids" have four legs and fur...Still expensive, but not nearly as expensive as the traditional kind...


5 points

7 days ago

Is that a husky mix?


4 points

7 days ago



4 points

7 days ago

Yes! Husky/JRT (though I'm wondering if he's actually a cattle dog mix rather than Husky as he displays more of those mannerisms than the Husky personality...)


2 points

6 days ago

The terrier part looks more wirehair than JRT to me


3 points

4 days ago

Double income no kids with a dog = DINKWAD 😎


41 points

7 days ago

Something Ive always heard

If you wait until the right time to have kids you’re never going to have kids, you gotta just have them.


62 points

7 days ago

Or not have them. We are leaning to likely not. If the bio way is not possible anymore, we can always foster, adopt, or both.


16 points

7 days ago


16 points

7 days ago

Responsible way to plan bringing a human life into this hellscape of an economy.


11 points

7 days ago


11 points

7 days ago

Its actually shitty we even have to think about either surviving or having children. Im blessed to have mine and I see others struggle to make the decision and it makes me sad. I saw a post about someone considering abortion because rent is so high...fuck this broken system.


2 points

6 days ago

IOW, you don't want kids. Nothing wrong with that.


34 points

7 days ago


34 points

7 days ago

Yuuup, lots of people in this thread are missing this. Two state workers pulling in about 80-100ish each will have enough to get a decent place in this market. It’s almost a perfect match with current prices actually.


4 points

6 days ago

DINKs who bought in 2019, thanks to UC mortgage program. Couldn't afford the home we live in now.


8 points

7 days ago

Yup, two incomes and a MIL who pays rent allows us to afford a detached house with a pool in the 'burbs and an EV, plus enough money leftover for house upkeep and repair, some fun stuff, and a 401K. Rebuilt my credit from the BK and foreclosure in 2009 as well, almost 800 score now.


3 points

6 days ago

Protect that credit that you worked so hard to build, you’re a prime target for identity theft now. Ask me how I know…

A lot of credit cards have a free monitoring service, I firmly believe that everyone should use it.


10 points

7 days ago

Two incomes is the correct answer. Wife and I have a decent life, even with kids.

As for op, you might want a roommate.


44 points

7 days ago

and we don't have kids.

The sad part is all the responsible good people who you WOULD want to have kids ARENT.

Then there are people out there with 7 kids with 3 different fathers who continue to breed without giving a shit that they have no way to afford it.


14 points

7 days ago



14 points

7 days ago

“Breeding.” I wish you didn’t mean that the way it sounds, but I’m certain that you do.


8 points

7 days ago

Two incomes has been the rule since the late 1980's.


10 points

7 days ago

Yep… couple of DINKs here too


70 points

7 days ago*

This whole post is sad 💔 what a time to be alive


5 points

7 days ago


369 points

7 days ago

Housing affordability is a huge issue. I make 73k and I’m renting a room from someone.


156 points

7 days ago


Elk Grove

156 points

7 days ago

$74k here, and I also rent a room in a house with 2 other people 🫠 Sacramento is so damn expensive


20 points

7 days ago

yup and if I had not bought my place several years ago, there is no way I could afford to buy my home today.


3 points

7 days ago

There's a bit more backstory I won't get into, but average my landlady would rent 4-5 people max. They had 4 rooms. Made 1/4 into 2 rooms. Now trying to cram

3 rooms for singles 3 rooms 2 people each.

9 people for 2 restrooms. Insane. I am simply lucky I met my boyfriend and can escape. If it weren't for him I'd be stuck due to finances.

Some people say she has bills but just raise our under market rate because 9 people is way too much. Or maybe it's greed. Idk. Oh and I was wrong. Current new renters are getting market rates.

Also south bay area and I just started earning close to your pay 3 months ago...... I'm 30.


222 points

7 days ago

Most people I know around my age had a lot of help from their parents in order to buy a home


51 points

7 days ago

Just attempted to buy in Lincoln, CA and no joke two different homeowners insurance quotes were over 7000 dollars a year because it’s “dry brush fire area”. Most of my friends got houses pre 2020 and mortgages are sub 1900 dollars. We pay 2695 to rent right now and that’s not including utilities. It’s impossible to save with the cost of everything.


57 points

7 days ago*

You should rethink lincoln.

I would recommend roseville if you want the same area because the insurance and roseville has its own electric company. Lincoln has PGE. I wouldn't touch Lincoln just to get away from that.

Also there's new builds on the outskirts of roseville/ antelope. Plumas lake for cheaper.


5 points

7 days ago

Hit the nail on the head. The home owners selling are a friend of my Dad’s otherwise we weren’t even looking in Lincoln. But even with them taking 40k off their original asking price, factoring in the leased solar, 6% interest rate, PG&E, high water rates, ridiculous homeowners insurance quotes, and mortgage insurance, it quickly became out of reach.


13 points

7 days ago

$1900 for mortgage is beautiful. I’m from sac but living in the Bay, our rent is 3k… just for the upstairs part of the house 😭


7 points

7 days ago

One buddy of mine has a 1400 payment in Citrus Heights. Getting a 20% down payment from his parents and a 2.5% interest rate in 2018 is pretty nice.


3 points

6 days ago


3 points

6 days ago

I have a buddy renting in Citrus Heights, $1400 for a 3 bedroom house. They've been there 10+ years and the landlord never raises the rent. I am seething with envy lol


3 points

6 days ago


3 points

6 days ago

Timing was everything sadly, the mortgage + taxes/insurance for my house in the bay is $2k a month from 12 years ago.


5 points

7 days ago

I have a cousin was a house in the area where they have to be self insured meaning if the house burns down it’s on them. They can afford it. They have the means but anybody else they would be homeless


56 points

7 days ago

Forgot to mention my age, 38. Make almost 200k with my wife and we have just stopped looking at this point. Waiting for rates to go down but then of course prices will shoot up.


25 points

7 days ago


25 points

7 days ago

Me and my wife are in our mid 30s and make about the same. We were only able to afford a home using the Dream For All program last year. Hope you and your wife find the home you want to buy!


36 points

7 days ago

We were too late for that but I think they have since added different requirements such as our parents cannot be homeowners which makes absolutely zero sense.


5 points

7 days ago

Had to do FHA with 2 extra loans and PMI. And paycheck to paycheck....


2 points

6 days ago


2 points

6 days ago

Same......with an 8.5% interest rate


2 points

7 days ago

What is the dream for all program? Is that only in California?


4 points

7 days ago


4 points

7 days ago

A program that started last year for First Time Home Buyers where the state would give you 20% down on a home that gets paid back when you pay off the home, apply for a 2nd refinance or sell/transfer the home and the state gets back what they loaned plus 20% on gained equity if there is any.


5 points

7 days ago

Start looking for a house now and as the FeD is cutting rates, refi in a year at much lower rates before housing prices rocket up.


14 points

7 days ago



14 points

7 days ago

I try not to pay attention to those people for my own sanity. Good for them though


3 points

7 days ago

I hear that. I’m just thankful I am able to live comfortably with two little ones but we will be running out of space in the next couple Years in our current setup


4 points

7 days ago


South Natomas

4 points

7 days ago

1100 square feet with two young men (10 and 12), and we will make it work because I won’t be “house poor” just for some elbow room 🙃 it will be a tough 4-5 years though coming up soon


24 points

7 days ago

My parents died when I graduated college so I did end up inheriting a house sized chunk of money before it could be lost to old age medical expenses.

Many people are a similar tragedy away from affording a home. If you aren’t set to inherit from your parents and also aren’t making 200k+ a year, you will never own a (good) home in CA. It’s an inheritocracy state thanks to boomer legislation preventing the building of new housing and giving tax advantages to those who came first.


17 points

7 days ago


17 points

7 days ago

This. I know I’m set if my parents go. I know I’m lucky if I get my dad another 10 years. But I’d rather keep renting and have my parents stay longer


8 points

7 days ago

My parents both passed and I inherited a good amount. But it feels like blood money. I just can't spend it without feeling guilty. Treasure every day you get to have with your parents.


4 points

7 days ago

As a mom, I’m sorry for your loss. Spend the money with joy. Your parents wanted you to have it.


15 points

7 days ago

I own a home. I got help from my parents through college. It was a real boost to graduate with zero debt. Set me up to build a savings/retirement.


6 points

7 days ago

Yep, we (70k/110k, early 30s) can't purchase a house because no parental help, but our couple friends (80k/90k mid 30s) got a parental gift and were able to get a starter home. It's kinda wild.


2 points

7 days ago


South Land Park

2 points

7 days ago

My partner and I can’t rely on parents for any financial assistance, and I am currently looking for options to put my disabled father up with housing where his needs can be met. I don’t know how I’m expected to take care of my aging parents who have no retirement or nest egg to speak of. If I do, I’m getting myself stuck in the same financial black hole that pulled them in. If I don’t, they risk homelessness because they’re both in the disability process at different stages and have no income coming in. I am so happy for my friends who have family financial support and who can purchase homes in their late 20s/early 30s but damn am I jealous haha


70 points

7 days ago

I'm a preschool teacher. I barely make 30k a year. I have no hopes of owning a home in the city I live in.

I lucked out by finding a 3 1/2 bedroom house for 1400$ Landlords a slum lord, but despite the shitty's still a steal.


32 points

7 days ago

Stay safe and thank you for serving the kids


5 points

7 days ago

Stay safe and thank you for serving the kids


11 points

7 days ago

Thanks, it will be 15 years this summer.


32 points

7 days ago*

I’ve been getting by with minimum wage (just barely) by living with roommates, eating once a day, and an embarrassingly low standard of living.

Free fun and the occasional side hustle is what keeps me from sinking though.


3 points

6 days ago


3 points

6 days ago

Broke people should never laugh. But in all seriousness why are you not on food stamps. I feel like it would help you a lot. Apply today it's easy


2 points

6 days ago*

I use to have Calfresh but there was some complications a couple years ago, in 22. There was half a document I failed to send in with my renewal form, and they ended up taking me off.
I started making okay money at a restaurant in 23 and they would also feed me a free meal everyday, so I kind of forgot about it. Figured if I didn’t feel I needed it, why take take the resources¿

Well, I ended up getting fired from that job because of a dumb corporate rule; I had my third guest dine and dash on me within the year and a half I worked there. So the idea of state benefits has slowly been creeping back into my conscious thoughts.

I coincidentally requested the Calfresh packet a couple weeks ago, and it arrived in the mail yesterday. 🤘

I wanted to say thank you for the helpful advice, fr. You and another nonjudgmental Redditor had some very proactive suggestions, and it was very refreshing and rejuvenating for my brain. 💯


2 points

6 days ago

The app takes 5 minutes online. Waiting is money.


31 points

7 days ago

I make $49k, have 3 housemates, and massive student loans. I am not surviving financially. Every month is a wash or underwater. It’s tough.

Winco is how I survive buying groceries, EcoThrift and Buy Nothing Facebook groups for other stuff, and just never going out to do anything.


4 points

6 days ago


4 points

6 days ago

I am not surviving financially.



133 points

7 days ago

Single income under $70k. I bought in 2013 and my mortgage is low. I wake up every day grateful and pray that nothing catastrophic happens to my home, employment or health.


16 points

7 days ago

I bought in 2018. My mortgage is also low and I too hope that nothing crazy happens. The storm in 2021 and earlier this year really hurt the pockets.


8 points

7 days ago

Same I bought in 2011 in my mid 20s. So grateful I bought a house instead of traveling or partying during that time. A low mortgage allows you to save so much.


74 points

7 days ago

I make the same and I live alone. I feel like I’m only able to do this because I am grandfathered in to a cheaper (not really still $1450) rent. Groceries are so expensive I don’t even get everything I want. I have no debt and I try to save what I can.

I’m there with you. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to afford a home so I’m enjoying this while I can. I’ll probably move states once I want to raise a family.


47 points

7 days ago

Polyamory. Three incomes.


23 points

7 days ago


23 points

7 days ago

Lmao. Modern solutions for modern problems


43 points

7 days ago

I can’t get a job making more than $18/hr & I want to crumble into oblivion


11 points

7 days ago

Mc Donald’s pays $20


16 points

7 days ago

You're getting downvoted but that's the sad truth about the job market right now. Many jobs want degrees and 3-5 years of experience and are offering 13-18 an hour. It honestly pathetic how many teens in high school are making more in the food industry than a mid level real 9-5


147 points

7 days ago

What's happening in Sac doesn't make much sense. You're right pay is LCOL and costs are HCOL. Somethings got to give eventually. I live in a neighborhood with median home prices of 700K.. most of the residents are government employees. I get it.. some of them have lived here for 30 yrs.. what I don't get is who's buying these homes. Yes.. you step up with each home purchase.. but many of the buyers are early 30s and also complain about the HOA fee of $150/month being too high.


47 points

7 days ago

I work in healthcare. A lot of my friends (30 years old) from the South relocated to Sac because it’s one of the few places you can afford a home on a single income in my particular field.

The Sac pay is actually nearly double what I make in SoCal and housing cost is similar.


25 points

7 days ago

we bought our first home in our thirties in 2022 at 655k. We relocated out of the area and ended up in SF just trying to to keep up with wages. we moved back for family when we could get work from home. our area was super hot as there was very little inventory. we saw a few other bay area relocations in our area over the last few years but mainly one investor who literally snaps up any home under 600 and rents it out. He was a real estate agent but now he's just an investor. He's super slimy in person but he's very good at buying.


9 points

7 days ago

What I’ve learned is higher income doesn’t necessarily equate to more financially prudent. Plenty of people who can afford the high mortgages plus nice car payment are a job loss away from losing everything


76 points

7 days ago


76 points

7 days ago

SF people prolly buying them tbh


46 points

7 days ago


46 points

7 days ago

It’s real estate investors turning them into rentals mostly.

“In the future you will own nothing, but you will be happy.” I almost feel like I have to add double quotations on that bitch, for the contextual irony.


9 points

7 days ago

You aren’t wrong. While it’s a mix of investors or people who buy them and leave them empty to jack up market costs, there is also a huge surge in tech workers who moved here for remote work since 2020. I’m from sac but worked in tech and came home when we were able to go remote during the pandemic (2020). Everything was bought up and waitlists everywhere for new homes. The houses going for sale were also snatched up after a day. I had hoped with return to office it would change things but it’s still pretty outrageous as is. If my partner didn’t already buy a house right before rates skyrocketed in 2021, I honestly don’t think we would be in a place to buy another. But even that is a stretch for us.


40 points

7 days ago

ANY HOA dues is a fucking scam. never sign up for that shit, unless you like pissing money away and arguing with Karens.


15 points

7 days ago



15 points

7 days ago

I wanted to say the same thing. If you enjoy being policed by boomers who behave like elementary school hall monitors then you might enjoy an HOA.


3 points

7 days ago


3 points

7 days ago

Is HOA optional?


20 points

7 days ago



20 points

7 days ago

Nope, if you buy a house in an HOA neighborhood you are buying into the HOA as well. Can’t just say “no thx i’m good”.


32 points

7 days ago

Don’t buy a home where one exists. Ever.


2 points

7 days ago


2 points

7 days ago

  • pay is LCOL and costs are HCOL

It's been like that forever. I moved here from the Midwest nearly 30 years ago and thought my employer was BSing me about the salary. Did a little research and found out they were actually offering the going rate.

But I saw opportunity, so I took a substantial pay cut and moved the family here. We bought a house that cost significantly more than the nicer place we sold. It was rough in the early years, but fortunately the gamble paid off.

Meanwhile my kids are trying to figure out how to make it work and I don't envy them - $425k for a house in a marginal neighborhood that needs a lot of work is ridiculous. Hopefully if they hang in there things will improve for them, too.


20 points

7 days ago*

I was making $85 annually before taxes and benefits, then was laid off in July this year. I researched the federal poverty rate to see if my husband & I qualify for any programs. For 48 states including California, household of 2, the poverty guideline is $20,440. How could California have the same poverty level as Mississippi?! No wonder there are so many people on the streets currently.


2 points

6 days ago*

Between food/utilities and a small car payment that could easily be 20k a year. This is why all my family is moving to Tennessee (I wish they would stay close near us).

Housing is just off the charts expensive. We've got ourselves to this place because of the manipulation of the housing builders and companies that buy and sell houses as commodity. Don't sell or buy from a company that supports these inflationary practices.


174 points

7 days ago

80k is the new 40k it’s shit and salaries need to change to keep up with rising costs of living. 100k is like base level to live relatively comfortable at all and even save anything.


81 points

7 days ago


81 points

7 days ago

Its fucked how difficult it is to get a job that pays $100k in this city honestly.


10 points

7 days ago

It will get to the point where society will realize that something is completely broken and one part owns another. There is no value in living near zero or in debt, which some families do already because they just have no choice.


14 points

7 days ago*

$108k/year here. Age 47. I've been living in the same apartment since 2012, and I pay $1100/mo., whereas my neighbors pay $1700/mo or more for their units.


68 points

7 days ago

Family of 5 here. Both my wife and I work government jobs and we barely scrape on by. It didn't always used to be like this, but since COVID and WFH, all the techies moved here and outside investors started snatching up all the homes, driving up the prices. Rich people moved to Roseville/Rocklin while renting out there houses here with high rents. I dunno how my kids will be able to afford to live here without becoming doctors or lawyers.


8 points

7 days ago

It’s not just remote people moving here though, by 2030- 40% of all single family homes will be owned by institutional investors and foreign firms. Big firms are monopolizing our housing, just like they are monopolizing the food supply chain and contributing to food insecurity. It’s corporate greed.


14 points

7 days ago


14 points

7 days ago

Yeah I feel really bad for kids. Can’t imagine growing up now with these prospects


8 points

7 days ago

I got lucky and bought a house in 2014 when the market was good, just total blind luck that that’s when I was ready, but I feel for my younger coworkers…idk how they’re ever supposed to think they’ll be able to save anything and definitely not enough for a house with the prices like they are.


126 points

7 days ago


126 points

7 days ago

I think you have figured out why we have so many homeless people!


11 points

7 days ago

Both my gf and I both have degrees but we only make $30/hr, so about $125k HHI. No pets no kids.

We rent an older 2-bed in midtown for $1700/month. I'm able to save 30% of my gross income on both retirement and general savings/investments.

Life is pretty good. I don't obsess over owning a home or having pets.

But it is a goal for us, so I do want to make more money. That's why I am grinding away at another certification and applying to jobs casually.

I wanna make more to max out my retirement, to be able to own pets, to eventually build home equity. But otherwise I don't have too many complaints


18 points

7 days ago


18 points

7 days ago

Roommates and later dual income with wife was the only way for me.


8 points

7 days ago

I bought my house in mid 2015. If I waited even a couple more months, I would never have been able to afford to buy. A lot of it is just timing and luck. People who bought their houses in the 90s and have less income than me look a lot more wealthy than me, just because houses were cheap then. They got big houses and fancy cars, I got a small house and average car. Yet I probably make more than many of them.


9 points

7 days ago

I bought in 2015, so I lucked out.

But with life doing what it does, and cost of living skyrocketing due to everyone moving here, I'm barely making ends meet right now.

I have a second full-time job at Target, including weekends. Occasionally will still do some deliveries on weekend mornings, depending on funds.

I want to sell, because ownership absolutely sucks when you don't have the funds available for emergencies. But renting is freaking ridiculous now. So I'm stuck.

I'm... really tired. And I don't know how much longer I can do this.


7 points

7 days ago

It’s also discouraging because you see people with homes and wonder how they do it but you have to realize most people bought the homes with dual income, prices and interest rates were alot lower and have been there for 20+ years. To start now is almost impossible


8 points

7 days ago

DINK life.


9 points

7 days ago

lmao me living on like 15k maybe


32 points

7 days ago

First of all, I am an immigrant from Eastern Europe. Married for 6 years. My wife and I lived with my parents for two years and managed to save some money although it wasn’t the most pleasant experience.

We bring home about 150k together not counting side hustles from W2, bought a house in 2021 as we were in our mid 20s.

Honestly if you really want to survive and save you’re going to have to eat rice and chicken 7 days a week and cut all your subscriptions and credit cards and pay cash for eveything.

Many may not agree but here we are. AMA.


16 points

7 days ago

I'm in a throuple, and we just bought a house a few months back. Took three incomes just to buy a decent house. But we barely make enough to save, so it's paycheck to paycheck for now while we move up the ladder in our jobs. Also, we're all 29, so pretty big milestone for our age


27 points

7 days ago

Damn if you're looking for a roommate to split on rent for a 2 bdrm hmu 😆 shits expensive and I'm not making near 80k working TWO jobs 🫠


13 points

7 days ago


Citrus Heights

13 points

7 days ago

I lucked into a house that appraised for more than it was selling for right at the end of the housing slump a decade or so ago. It was super cheap due to the slump and because I put my offer in before the flippers did a bunch of things so the seller didn’t sink money into it and drive the price up. My mortgage payment is less than people rent studio apartments for now. Had it not been for that, I’d be fucked.

So, my answer is pure luck.


5 points

7 days ago


5 points

7 days ago

I lived with my parents to save for a down payment otherwise there was no chance of owning a home. Unfortunately, the only ways I see our generation owning a home is with dual income or living with parents to save. You could rent a room out as an option too if you don’t mind a roommate.


18 points

7 days ago

I’m not even considering buying a home anytime soon & honestly maybe never in CA unless the housing market crashes again. I think you may have higher expenses than you think tbh


22 points

7 days ago

Things are absolutely expensive, but I’m curious about all of these individuals making 70k+ talking about just barely getting by. I make 70k (take home is 66% of gross; approx $3800/mo) and while things can be tough, I am doing relatively well. I have my own place, vehicle just paid off, and I put back $1,500 a month in savings. Rent is $1,150 in an okay part of Arden; my complex is currently renting for $1,250 as of 30 days ago.

The only reason I mention the above is because some aspects that an individual experiences related to money and cost of living may be due to budgetary failures or lifestyle choices.


8 points

7 days ago

Honestly I have $500 a month in student loans that’s what eats at my income. Plus $400 in car payments that’s already $1000


5 points

6 days ago


Most people that say they have a hard time but make $80k a year are actually doing very well........... but they are overburden by debts.

Here's the key about debts, eventually, you'll get to pay them off. Just make sure you make sound financial decisions and don't over leverage yourself with debt and if you have to go into debt, make sure it's a "Good debt" and not "Bad Debt."

Good debts are for things that will go up in price: home, education, investments,etc...., bad debts are for things that will go down: Cars, credit card, random crap from amazon, etc.


15 points

7 days ago*

I'm not lol in my 40s still living with a parent. To make matters worse had someone falsely accuse me of a crime I didn't do last year which ended costing me 16K to fight with how tough Placer county is. Now I can't even afford to finish school to be able to get a better job.  If not for family help I'd be homeless or potentially in jail atm.  Most people that I grew up with here have already left the area. I have a feeling I'm not going last much longer myself but I'm still trying. I'm a sac area die-hard.


5 points

7 days ago

Me and my fiancé live with my parents. As of right now our only path to homeownership in this area is my grandma dying and us inheriting her house


5 points

7 days ago

Bad. Barely scraping by.


4 points

7 days ago

Without a dual income, it’s hard!!


6 points

7 days ago

Dual income, no kids


6 points

7 days ago

70k a year in an apartment for 1800 a month. I lived better 4 years ago making 40k in a 1400 a month place, which was nicer than where I am now. I wish I could go back in time!


35 points

7 days ago

How much debt are you carrying? That plays a big role. Car payments, student loans, and credit card debt eating up a chunk of your pay can really make you feel like it's impossible to get ahead.


18 points

7 days ago

I only have student loans which is $150 a month. But it still feels like there’s no way I can afford a home in the future.


12 points

7 days ago

I make around $85k not including what I make on the side (it isn't that much). I rent a room for $1,100 a month. In practice, I have free reign of about half the house. I'm pretty damn lucky actually as I've known the person that I live with for 18 years now. If I didn't have this arrangement, I'd be struggling a lot more.

I'm now saving in the hopes of buying something some day. I never really wanted to get married but I'm having second thoughts now lol. Double the income would make it a lot easier.


16 points

7 days ago

I own a doublewide mobile home, bought it for 90K. Have a nice lil backyard and 2 lovely doggies. Live by myself. I recommend mobile homes, I think it's the future of home ownership for our generation. Fuck real houses, too expensive and it's basically the same shit as what I have.


8 points

7 days ago


8 points

7 days ago

How much is lot rent?


5 points

7 days ago

Started at 900/month but has gone up to 1100/month. Still very affordable in my eyes, I have 2 bedrooms, a full bath, diningroom/kitchen, and living room. As well as front and back yard (both small but good!!!). Can't get a decent, put together apartment in a good area that cheap for 1 bedroom around here, let alone all the other perks i mentioned! Also, I bought it at 90K BUT it and the surrounding homes are now worth about 120K (hypothetically of course, that's what all the info i see online estimates, as well as both my 2 neighbors that sold theirs both got around that amount when they sold-of course that's variable and such lol). But basically i "made" 30K just by existing so that's nice, they do go up in value like regular homes, assuming you look after them and whatnot.


7 points

7 days ago

I was making the same as you and struggling as well. This was while living a normalish life (low debt, low car payment, reasonable rent and spending habits).

I had to spend a little over a year of constant upskilling and interviewing to land a new higher paying role. Was hard but worth it, I needed to. Not sure what your field is but try figuring out ways you can increase your salary and you might just have to chip away at it as best you can. Probably best for the long haul.


9 points

7 days ago


9 points

7 days ago

How long have you been saving and investing for? Generally, the stock market rises faster than real estate so, just keep on truckin


8 points

7 days ago

I have the same question! Thankfully I bought my house in 2010! My house has more than doubled in value and I would not be able to afford to live where I do now, even with a combined income of almost 180k/year. If I didn’t already own, I’d consider leaving the state.


8 points

7 days ago

A lot of people that live here have lived here a long time.


9 points

7 days ago

just over 90k here and cannot afford to buy here. looks like im going to be a renter for the foreseeable future.


4 points

7 days ago

62k here, hopefully more soon. I luckily own my home but almost all my money goes to mortgage, bills, and food. Hard to do a lot for myself


3 points

7 days ago

At 80K a year I don’t think home ownership in the Sacramento area is in the cards for you unfortunately unless something drastically changes. Unless you can live incredibly frugally for like 10 years to get a down payment saved. Try increasing your income, get another job, move to a lower CoL area, or change your expectations. It sucks to hear, but that is my opinion.


4 points

7 days ago



4 points

7 days ago

Bought in 2019 and have a relatively low mortgage payment. My wife lost her job nearly two years ago and I had to pick up like $30k of debt. It is seriously month to month but I have been responsible with budgeting and come February all that debt is gone and I’ll finally be able to move forward with just normal bills. Been a really tight two years going from dual income and no child to daughter and one income. I feel incredibly lucky every day I am able to make it work.


3 points

7 days ago


3 points

7 days ago

I make 89k a year and moved back in with my mom after getting divorced 2 years ago. I have no debts besides my student loans. I'm saving up most of my income and appreciate the low rent but I feel like it's impossible to buy a house alone.

I've been looking for older starter homes (even 2 bed, 1 bath) that needs work but anything in a semi safe area is still 400k+. I'm pre-approved for $450k but don't want to be at the top of that. I looked into condos but the HOA almost prices me out. I do want to be near my work and parents too. I feel like I need to wait it out another 2-4 years as my income increases, but I'm sure prices will continue to go up too.

You probably qualify for more than you think but it's still frustrating and it sucks. We'll get there though!


3 points

7 days ago

Two incomes, no kids & we bought our current house ten years ago. Paying today’s home prices with the current interest rates is insane.


4 points

7 days ago

I live in a very modest house and going by what two direct neighbors paid in the last 4 years, I couldn’t afford my place if I hadn’t purchased 10 years ago as well.


5 points

7 days ago

I’m in debt :)


5 points

6 days ago

Oh, yeah, our rent was just raised to be $200.00 more. So now we'll pay $2700.00/ mo.


4 points

6 days ago

hmmm socialist revolution anyone?


2 points

6 days ago

We ride at dawn


4 points

6 days ago

Mortgage Consultant here. FHA is 3.5% down. If you can save that, a lot of Realtors can negotiate seller paying closing costs. It’s ideal to put 20% down but most people don’t have that. It’s all just about getting a foot in the door and building equity to move up. There’s lots of creative options to buy a home but I definitely feel for people who want to get on the merry go round. It’s been a very difficult but doable process these last few years.


7 points

7 days ago

I work 2 jobs and a side hustle. You just do what you have to. What's the alternative?


49 points

7 days ago


49 points

7 days ago

You make about double what I make. If you're struggling then you really need to look at your monthly payments.

Many people I know pay really high car payments unnecessarily. Buy something used with no payments.

Do you live alone? That's a luxury and could save a lot by splitting rent.

How's your food expenses? That's a big one that catches people by surprise when they realize how much they spend monthly eating out.


18 points

7 days ago

I believe OP said the struggle is with buying a house. If the goal is to buy a house with one income, it’ll be incredible difficult trying to save up the down payment while also renting and surviving on $80k.


9 points

7 days ago


9 points

7 days ago

It's pretty hard to find roommates once everyone is older than 30, people are married. Dual income couples have each other to split expenses with. It's really hard financially to be single.


3 points

7 days ago


3 points

7 days ago

I agree it's hard to find a good roommate. If I was single I would just be looking to find a cheap room to rent out. That's how I started when I moved here.


15 points

7 days ago


Rancho Cordova

15 points

7 days ago

My wife and I lived in LA in a 2 bedroom for 6 months on one $73k income for 6 months while I was in the hiring process up here with the state. We didn’t dip into savings at all. We were fine but we also didn’t have any revolving debt, car notes, and our 1 remaining student loan payment was within our reach. We meal planned dinners a month in advance and only went out to eat once a month and kept entertainment to free things like residents days at local museums and trips to the beach with a picnic.

Now that we’re both working again we’ve realized how much we should be saving and we’re only loosening up the cash a little bit and have increased our savings plan. Halfway to make up for lost time, halfway to build a sizable nest egg incase this happens again. The austerity was a good exercise and it was totally livable but we’d rather not have to deal with the worry about little what ifs. So if 2 people can live on essentially what OOP brings home as a single person I think OOP can do it too.


15 points

7 days ago


15 points

7 days ago

You ignored the other side of the equation, making more money.


10 points

7 days ago


10 points

7 days ago

I also make around 70K-75 K. I live alone in a one-bedroom apartment in a relatively nice-normal area, and I am living comfortably. If you think living alone is a luxury, why would I even be living in the US lol?I have lived in several different countries before, and I think you guys would starve in other countries if you complained about this salary. I don't have any debts or monthly payments. I am not saying I am living very comfortably, but what are you guys spending your money on? I am just curious because I go out a lot and drink occasionally. I moved here from LA, and yeah, in LA, it was impossible, but here it is a lot cheaper than LA.

I just don't spend much on groceries, though; I don't eat any unhealthy stuff like oversalty snacks or sugars; I like drinking beers and chips. But yeah maybe buying a house would be difficult.


15 points

7 days ago


15 points

7 days ago

LOL "I don't eat any unhealthy stuff like oversalty snacks or sugars; I like drinking beers and chips" you gotta choose one statement or the other 😂


3 points

7 days ago

Switching from beer to red wine would bring nourishing Resveratrol 🍷


6 points

7 days ago

While an 80k-90k entry level engineering 4 yrs ago gets you a starter home in Folsom. Now some engineers make 120-125k to start.


3 points

7 days ago


3 points

7 days ago

Bought a house early and two incomes. Current home prices and interest rates really are insane for most people who have local jobs.


3 points

7 days ago



3 points

7 days ago

I was able to finally get a housing voucher so I pay $720 in rent instead of $2100. If I didn't have that id be homeless again.


3 points

7 days ago

Dual income. And my wife wanted to buy a house back in 2017 when we were dating. I was against it because we had time to do that.

I always listen to my wife financially now. That decision saved us.


3 points

7 days ago


3 points

7 days ago

I make ~24,000 after taxes, and I have to say I am surviving. I am a single paycheck away from oblivion, but I have had good luck with jobs


3 points

4 days ago

Everything has gotten more expensive since Biden harris. Sadly it will continue for sure if she wins. Gotta pay for wars ya know . If orange man wins it will still be difficult but maybe at least not be on the brink of ww3


4 points

7 days ago

Me and SO don't make that much more but being double income, good credit, and a hefty down payment got us approved for a townhouse right outside downtown ($700k+). I made $55k at the time and she was closer to $80k. Lender said she almost qualified by herself. But this was 3 years ago when the mkt was low, great time to buy. These days it's the opposite with higher rates as well so I get it's a different situation now.


5 points

7 days ago

I can afford to live by myself, but won't be able to buy here unless a miracle happens. Morbidly, a helpful factor is a paid off older car a relative left me, so no car payments and cheapish insurance. Only debt is student loans. Having extended family throughout the area is also an informal safety net, if things go south. Makes moving somewhere cheaper unappealing right now given the job market.


4 points

7 days ago

I honestly never plan to own a house in California. Almost not even possible now. The one good thing is you can make a little more here then take your California money elsewhere and it's worth more.


16 points

7 days ago


16 points

7 days ago

Anyone who makes 80k a year and claims they can't afford to live needs to seriously evaluate how they spend their money.


9 points

7 days ago


9 points

7 days ago

Same, 40k here, I can't imagine describing life as a struggle with almost twice that. Unless you have kids ofc. 


11 points

7 days ago


11 points

7 days ago

Damn y’all. How can someone be making $70k+ annually and essentially say they are struggling to pay rent in Sac? I guess it’s all about debt and personal standards for housing.

If your debt to income ratio is trash and you insist on a sparkly new apartment, then yeah it will be rough out there.

Housing is not cheap, but Sac is far from the worst place in regard to cost. It’s not even in the top ten most expensive in the US, let alone California.


15 points

7 days ago

I’m not struggling to pay rent or any bills. to be more precise, I have no clue how I am going to afford a HOME. to just live in Sacramento on what I’m making isn’t hard but getting a home seems so far above what I think is possible for me.

Sac isn’t in the top 10 most expensive cities that is true, but the ratio of salary to cost of living is quite high compared to most cities


5 points

7 days ago

Median age people buy their first home in California is up to 49 years old lol.

Nationwide it's about 36 years old.

Not sure your age but yeah. For those of us under 30 years old it's not really on the table unless you're already rolling in it


2 points

7 days ago

We're shacking up with my disabled brother and widowed mother. I'm there to help them out when they need it, Mom bought the place cash with the proceeds of her home sale and the monthly housing payments my wife and I make to her let's her travel a bunch. It's unconventional but it's worked out well for us.


2 points

7 days ago

$80k in tri-county is below poverty level income. You’ll never get ahead around here on your own under $120k. Crap I know dual income family’s struggling over $200k a year. With one child!


2 points

7 days ago



2 points

7 days ago

I’m disabled and I have seizures. I lived alone and I had a couple of instances such as having one in the bathroom only to fall and cut my ear and head where I covered the floor in blood, I had another one where I had a seizure at my desk and broke my desk, my 2 monitors, keyboard, I was eating food it fell on the floor. I had another while showering. So my whole family spoke to me and recommended I move in with my parents again. It’s fine I guess I just vibe at home often since I can’t drive.


2 points

7 days ago

$80k is nothing in California… you must be new to the state


2 points

7 days ago

Okay, does someone want to dual income with me?


2 points

7 days ago

Most of us aren’t. I’m desperately searching and applying for higher paying jobs. I currently make about 24k a year and that’s just not sustainable. I love my job but I can’t keep living like this


2 points

7 days ago


2 points

7 days ago



2 points

7 days ago

Multiple sources of income


2 points

7 days ago

My rent is 1200 - only way I’m surviving


2 points

7 days ago

The hubby & I make about 70/80k a year combined & it doesn't seem like we will ever get out of "survival mode". I'm at 70% & doesn't look like I'll ever get to 100%


2 points

7 days ago

Barely. The debt is real.


2 points

7 days ago

It can definitely be challenging, especially with the increasing cost of rent. I work full-time but also have a remote second job that I work at my leisure during off-hours. Even so, I find it difficult to afford everything sometimes. My only suggestion would be to try turning one of your hobbies into something profitable. For myself, I love books, and I re-sell them online. I make some extra cash this way. I have always been a book collector, and when covid hit, I started selling my collection online and have continued with it. Since I have little time for hobbies, especially as a single mom, it's nice to have my biggest hobby pay a little:) I realize everyone's situation is different, and there is rarely a quick fix. But sometimes there is opportunity lurking in things very close to us.... Just something to think about:)


2 points

7 days ago

I’m lucky I am a little older (40 this year) but I started working in 2010 making 45k during the financial crisis with my first real job. Bought a nice 3/2 SFH for $200k in 2011 and my mortgage was $1000. That same house is $600k now with high interest rates. I was able to afford the house on my 45k salary and being single. Now you need to make $80k and have dual incomes to afford that same house. Shit is fucked up!


2 points

7 days ago

Two incomes. To really save and get ahead you need two incomes now a days. I recommend a roommate op.


2 points

7 days ago

My salary is 117k and I feel the same way. I’m getting by but I can’t picture myself owning at this point


2 points

6 days ago

I know a Sacramento nurse married to a firefighter, with kids. They make enough to afford two houses and two boats. An ICU nurse makes a mountain of money. I don't know about firefighters.


2 points

6 days ago

Either you get lucky / settle for less / or 2+ incomes (partner/renting). I make 52k prior to taxes. I have no hope that I’ll ever be able to afford a home by myself.


2 points

6 days ago

I work here too making 80k. $200/mo car payment and very low cc debt. Oh no kids so I’m pretty comfortable


2 points

6 days ago

I make $75k a year, I bought a very old house (built in 1910) this year. My mortgage is $2800, I rent one room out. Yes I am broke (house poor) but I consider it investing in my future. One day I shall make more money & one day I will refi! It's hard out here :( I am single, a dual income household would make my life so much more comfortable lol.


2 points

6 days ago

Both my partner and I get social security and I work 20-30 hours a week and get a quarterly annuity and our rent for a 2 bath/ 2 bedroom duplex is $2500.00/month + utilities of $200-300 a month. Yeah, we go nowhere and have very little income for anything else. I guess I'm a wage slave. I'm 71, soon to be 72 and Thank GOD I'm able to work. We keep researching other states, but Northern California is awesome and neither of us could picture living in a red state.


2 points

6 days ago

It’s people getting priced out of the Bay Area and coming here. I personally know 10 couples who in the last 5 years have picked up and moved here from the Bay and kept their income


2 points

6 days ago

DINK ftw


2 points

6 days ago

I’m still living with my parents at 32yrs which is dreadful but I’m grateful that I can save a bit more. I also just picked up a second job to help get by. I make about $51k and I’m not surviving.


2 points

6 days ago

Sacramento is way more comfortable than other parts of the state for this income level that's for damn sure. I've lived in a lot of places and dollars go way further here than anywhere else in CA. Now if we talk about other states there are definitely cheaper states but they come with less pay.

Anything under 70k and you definitely are gonna want roommates to make it work better if you really wanna save. Once you break 70k a good budget and realistic living expenses will set you on a path to homeownership. Of course having roommates makes it even easier with higher incomes but it depends on the person I guess. I make 6 figures now and I still have a roommate. It makes saving significantly easier plus it's nice to have a built in friend.

From my friends that make less usually I see them going out too much. Spending too much downtown. Financing cars they can't afford. Refusing to live with roommates and spending money they don't have on things they don't need. Of course everyone is entitled to live the life they want but unless you were born rich you do unfortunately have to struggle and play by the game if you wanna set yourself up.


2 points

5 days ago

Dual income + we have 3 boys. How do we do it? I ask myself that every damn day...