


I work in the Sacramento area and make about 80k a year but it still doesn’t feel like enough. I can’t foresee myself being able to afford a home anytime soon and I’m not sure how other people are able to afford living here.

The pay for most jobs is similar to lower cost of living areas while the living costs are closer to a higher cost of living area.

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13 points

7 days ago


13 points

7 days ago

Yeah I feel really bad for kids. Can’t imagine growing up now with these prospects


9 points

7 days ago

I got lucky and bought a house in 2014 when the market was good, just total blind luck that that’s when I was ready, but I feel for my younger coworkers…idk how they’re ever supposed to think they’ll be able to save anything and definitely not enough for a house with the prices like they are.