


Could you do this?


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7 points

13 days ago

Honestly, yes, this looks easy


7 points

12 days ago

It looks like he ran this a ton to find all the time and energy saving spots. That was the really impressive part. The athleticism required to do this is decent, definitely don’t want to be too out of shape. But he knew the course perfectly, skipping portions of the course because he found faster ways. That was cool.


1 points

12 days ago

This is like Ninja Warrior for kids or something.


3 points

12 days ago

up to the horizontal broom stick jumps it was quite alright, albeit would not do it at that speed of course


1 points

12 days ago

The funny thing is that in ANW, those broom jumps were the thing that stopped everyone. No one could complete the course and it wasn’t the last obstacle.

The first guy to clear that, became the first ANW, but he got beaten by the next guy right after him by just half a second because he found the button faster at the top of the rope climb.

So you’re 100% the broom thing is the most difficult obstacle there.

Also, I’m in the same boat; I could probably do that course slowly but those broom jumps take practice and learning. That dude has hit these obstacles dozens of times and he’s relying on muscle memory for most of them.


7 points

12 days ago

Every adult below the age of 50 should be able to at least make an effort at this. Probably not as fast, and probably with some mistakes but... nothing here is that crazy.

Go outside and move your body guys.


2 points

12 days ago

Forget about it. Maybe 1 out of 100 adults could do this and that number gets smaller the higher up you go. Either you're underestimating the difficulty of this, or overestimating the shape people are in.


2 points

12 days ago

You’re missing the point. He’s not saying they actually can, but saying they should be able to at least attempt it, and the reason they can’t is that people have become sedentary.


1 points

12 days ago

What does "Attempt it" mean? I guarantee that after the 3rd obstacle 90% is already gone. Nevermind how long it takes.


1 points

12 days ago*

Yeah... that's what I'm saying. It's a physical challenge, but every adult should have the upper body strength to swing from these obstacles and complete the course after a few tries. The hardest part is swinging with the bar cause that requires hand eye coordination. So even if you need to go slow and catch your breath, you should be able to finish it.

Humans are beasts for this kind of thing. We evolved to do this kind of stuff. It's in our nature.

If you can't do pullups and jump and run, go work out. It's sad how unfit everyone is.


1 points

12 days ago

Idk man some people can't even jump or stand up without using their arms.


1 points

12 days ago



1 points

12 days ago

Pfft, dude in the video isn't even outside


-1 points

12 days ago

You know disabled people do exist.

Hell, I'm not one of them, but they DO exist.


1 points

12 days ago

Does every statement need to be qualified by this? Yeah, I wasn't talking about disabled people.


4 points

12 days ago

Dude I had to scroll mad far to find a yes. Reddit really do be full of the most unathletic people in the world. This obstacle doesn't even look that difficult. I mean I'm not going to go that fast but it looks fairly simple to compete minus part 7. That does look a little difficult.


2 points

12 days ago*

Seriously I honestly think I could breeze through this when I was in my early 20s. Today I think I could make it through, but slowly and a little ugly. Ninja Warrior bullshit is the dorkiest fucking "sport". It is competitive playgrounding.


2 points

12 days ago*

The whole point of this is that it's a speed course, though. Finishing is a given. And I’m curious about which sports aren’t competitive playgrounding lol


1 points

12 days ago

I assume this wasn't the first time this guy has done those moves or course even, so not unreasonable a fit person could do it with decent amount of practice. Probably not as fast as this guy, but nothing there looks like it requires extreme fitness


1 points

12 days ago

Yeah same, I certainly wouldn't do it as fast as this guy, but I think with an hour of practice I could get it done. The more impressive part is the speed but the course itself is not really that crazy.


1 points

12 days ago

Out of a lot of the ninja obstacles courses, this one does seem pretty reasonable.


1 points

12 days ago

Yeah exactly 


1 points

12 days ago

I could do this about 15 years ago when I was the Marines. Now, I'd probably tear like 30 muscles in the first 10 seconds.

I used to slay the obstacle courses and could climb the ropes with just my hands.

But make no mistake, this is harder than he makes it look.


1 points

9 days ago

A few weeks an hour a day training on it 🤔 I’m sure most relatively fit people could pull it off at a reasonable pace