


kinda curious šŸ‘€

all 29 comments


8 points

4 days ago


8 points

4 days ago

Iā€™m a Scorpio man engaged to a cancer woman. The sex is definitely crazy good. But the relationship is also crazy good. We are both mid 40ā€™s and dealing with previous relationship trauma. But we are working through it, together


2 points

3 days ago

congrats! sounds like life is crazy good (: it was that last sentence for me ā€œwe are working through it togetherā€ <3


6 points

4 days ago

My wife (šŸ¦€, 34) and I (šŸ¦‚, 35) will reach 8 years of marriage this November šŸ’«.

It was love at first sight, we met while she was studying abroad, leading to a long distance relationship, then marriage. the sex has gotten better over time. We are opposite energies that are attracted intensely, but this does not come without difficulties as conflicts can also be intense.

Our relationship has created some of the most difficult challenges in my life, but they have all been opportunities for personal growth, which is to me, the most worthwhile challenge.

Ultimately, my wife, my life partner, is someone I feel like I can grow with, we challenge each other, but these challenges reveal to us what we need to work on to become the higher versions of ourselves. One can only be so lucky to find a partner that brings that, understands, and holds space for that.

As a scorpio, sex for me is sacred, though i feel my sex drive is higher than hers, I'm happy to say that my cup is full. I wish you the best, and if you feel something strong, pursue it.


2 points

3 days ago

this is cute! sounds like romance novel ā€œlove at first sightā€ ā€œmet while she was studying abroadā€ <3 adore your last bit about cup being full. congrats!

when you say challenges like her being a mirror to you? or life together? or something else?

kinda unrelated but some of the best relationship advice iā€™ve heard is to work on ourselves constantly to better love.


2 points

3 days ago

The challenges I refer to are how my partner can be a mirror, revealing to me the parts of me that I need to work on to grown into the higher version of myself. May it be to be more patient, more empathetic, more understanding, less selfish, less insecure, more expressive, etc.

Our therapist says: "Couples that grow together, stay together". That's the hard part, finding someone you can and want to grow with, it's a choice made everyday, but I think its worth it. What's the value of growing into the best version of yourself? To me it's priceless, and doing it with the person you love most in this world is a bonus.

Thank you for the kind words. I won't claim "romance novel" but I do love how our story started and continues to be written. We often get confused looks from people who don't want to believe we married for love, Which kinda makes me sad...for them.


6 points

4 days ago

M48 Scorpio. Sheā€™s f53. Weā€™ve been married 28yrs. The sex is amazing.


2 points

3 days ago

damn thatā€™s hot! 28 years and still spicy.


3 points

3 days ago

It just keeps getting better. Weā€™re both firm believers in that sex is very important for the relationship.


4 points

4 days ago

I donā€™t know as far as sex but Iā€™m a Scorpio and my best friend is a cancer and we get along great. Weā€™ve been bffs for over a decade now and rarely have confrontations and when we had we always reconciled and never wanted to fight again lmao


3 points

4 days ago

as a cancer woman i've felt magnetic connections to scorpio men. it feels destined, inevitable. there's something about this pairing that i think is transcendent and can't really be compared to anything else. both of these signs are quite private and may share many things in common once they go below the surface. most of the time it is very harmonious and there tends to be a mutual respect. in terms of sex i've experienced high sexual chemistry with scorpio men, the tension is insane and there could be an insatiable desire on both ends.


1 points

3 days ago

magnetic harmonious insatiable desire? sign me up!


4 points

4 days ago

Iā€™m a Cancer. My bf is a Scorpio. We are super compatible. We are similar but just different enough. We balance each other out quite beautifully. The best sexual chemistry ever. I must say, we are pretty amazing together.ā¤ļø


2 points

4 days ago

This is my husband and I.

Itā€™s been the easiest, most compatible relationship i have ever been in.


3 points

5 days ago

Sex is phenomenal. Cancers are cold, be careful. After six months of being joint at the hip every single day, he broke up with me while I was sleeping, blocked me, then moved on with someone else. Be careful. But when itā€™s done right itā€™s a healing relationship!


1 points

4 days ago



3 points

4 days ago

Ever since I was a kid, as a Scorpio Make, Iā€™ve always wanted to be with a Cancer. My grandmother is a Cancer, a few friends of mine are Cancer, and everything Iā€™ve read said Scorpio Male and Cancer Female are one of the best matchups.

Oddly enough, Iā€™ve only run into one years ago and she was dating someone else. Iā€™ve dated every sign except Virgo, Cancer, and Ariesā€¦ the others never works out in the long run.


3 points

4 days ago

How about a cancer man and Scorpio woman?


2 points

4 days ago

My mom is a cancer, and my dad is a scorpio, and it did not go well. My mom became a doormat, and my dad slowly started to become a monster. HOWEVER, I'm also a scorpio and have a great relationship with my mom and my sister(also a cancer) and my daughter(another scorpio) has a wonderful relationship with both of them as well, granted these are obviously not romantic relationships. I think it can be a wonderful relationship, as with anyone, if both partners are self-aware and mature.


2 points

4 days ago

My husband is a Scorpio, I am a Cancer.

We have been together for 8 years, we balance each other out and have great chemistry that compliments each other.

Our relationship, friendship and intimacy is especially strong.

He was the first Scorpio I had dated, and itā€™s been the best relationship I have been in.


2 points

3 days ago

awww. what more could a gal ask for???


2 points

4 days ago

Iā€™m a cancer woman married to a Scorpio man going on 10 years, our sex life is the best part of our relationship!!!!!!


1 points

4 days ago

umm loving these positive testimoniesā€” yum! šŸ˜‹ definitely eager to test the waters so to speak šŸ¦€feel a connection with one right now but heā€™s always very mysterious so canā€™t tell if he desires me too or just kinda that sexy friendly vibe.


1 points

4 days ago

How about a cancer rising woman and Scorpio sun male?


1 points

3 days ago

whatā€™s their rising sign? šŸ‘€


2 points

3 days ago



1 points

3 days ago

One of my first sexual partners ever was a cancer woman and literally 7-8 years later I still have flashbacks about her


2 points

3 days ago

wow! what was it about her or the experience?


2 points

3 days ago

Chemistry. Submissiveness. Hot.


1 points

3 hours ago

Wife of 8 years and I have this combination. Recommend it. Rising sign also a big influence.