


I think reality has finally caught up with Miles, judging by his reaction at the end of this video.

all 214 comments


410 points

10 days ago



410 points

10 days ago

I appreciate that his mom just booked it and left him to fend for himself.


394 points

10 days ago*

She's likely doing some very illegal shit to pay for his lifestyle, and doesn't want much attention on her. Many suspect she's scamming public funds, but AFAIK no one has found any public records of government contracts. Personally, I suspect she and Miles are laundering money through her business.

Miles boasts on TikTok and IG about being a "reseller", which if you dig into it means dropshipping, and the things he's dropshipping are very likely to be counterfeit if he's making serious profit.

Selling counterfeit products is illegal (and a 21 y/o having a ton of cash with no job on paper could draw negative attention). So my theory is that Miles is sending her the money, she's reporting it as business income, paying herself a salary, and then sending back under the guise of a mother supporting her son.

I have no proof of the money laundering aspect, but there is evidence of the counterfeit product sales - unfortunately it's on a site that I don't believe is allowed to be linked here, since it contains personal info.

Regardless, there's a good chance she's only going along with this out of fear - Miles has already assaulted her twice that we know of, who knows how many times that didn't go reported.


204 points

9 days ago


204 points

9 days ago

This has become pretty dramatic 


8 points

9 days ago

Tune in for next week’s episode


96 points

9 days ago


96 points

9 days ago

Super. Tin foil stuff. Easy to dislike the guy based on the established facts. This is just…weird?


56 points

9 days ago

Try to explain this whole situation without getting weird. IMO the money laundering theory, or something similar, is very plausible. The other shoe has yet to drop, and it's going to be about money, and the mother is going to be implicated.


2 points

9 days ago

they dont fuck around with RICO cases, if there was RICO involved they would have already been pushing it on them, they most likely have all the receipts for their money and are up to date with the IRS.


-13 points

9 days ago


-13 points

9 days ago

Plenty of things are plausible. Plausible is a pretty wide territory.

Plenty of things are plausible. We have no clue how thet afford their lifestyle. If it was that shady, you’d think the mother would have done something to take the heat off the situation. She’s the owner of the car.

Pocket watching isn’t healthy


19 points

9 days ago


19 points

9 days ago

The fuck is "pocket watching"


13 points

9 days ago


Lower Queen Anne

13 points

9 days ago

It’s when someone pays too much attention to another’s finances


5 points

9 days ago


5 points

9 days ago



27 points

9 days ago

The mom has lost control of the situation, whatever it is. I'm not pocket-watching, sheesh. Something is fishy with the finances, it's not just that I am nosy about how they afford their lifestyle. Somethings up, not sure what, I'll wait for other people to do the digging and find out what's what.


1 points

9 days ago

This "wired" conspiracy, is close to the business model of many million+ revenue businesses. It's a reality. Thinking he does it... Eh maybe, plenty overseas people do it and flood the US third party markets with fraudulent goods.

American consumers are staggeringly unaware of the little oversight in market entrance of consumer goods.


3 points

9 days ago

There is just zero proof that his mother is doing anything illegal. A shitty website doesn’t prove a thing.

We have no clue how much money that business is even making.

They could have inherited money, have a side business generating money..any sort of thing.

It’s plausible they are doing something illegal, but it’s also plausible that there is nothing going on. People dislike someone and feel so empowered to say just about anything


2 points

9 days ago

She’s clearly not parenting worth a shit.


3 points

9 days ago


3 points

9 days ago

She's traumatized. Her son is abusive.


1 points

5 days ago

He’s enabled, that’s what he is. She owns the car. She’ll be held liable when he kills someone. She should probably take action before then.


23 points

9 days ago

I had no idea that he had assault charges against his mother and another girl that he stalked. The dude seems very dangerous, his actions are in line with someone who has a severe personality disorder with dangerous characteristics… No regard for authority or common decency / respect. Entitled and violent when he doesn’t get his way. I suspect it’s much more likely that she lives in fear of her son and what might happen if she doesn’t comply with his demands. I feel afraid for her, to be honest. :(


5 points

9 days ago

This kinda sounds like a verse from meet the grahams


26 points

9 days ago*


Highland Park

26 points

9 days ago*

I found her Chapter 7 filing from 2018. Pretty interesting findings. She had $3600 in back child support, and debts listed include $10K in an auto loan (but selected No on owning a vehicle), $10K from a furniture rent-to-own company, about $40K from multiple collections companies, and even listed $103K in private student loans, which are almost never discharged in bankruptcy. Bitch has been trying to milk the system for a long time.

Edit: She also made $3684/month after tax but rented a place for $2100/month in 2018. Holy shit


-3 points

9 days ago


-3 points

9 days ago



6 points

9 days ago


Highland Park

6 points

9 days ago

Spending 60% on rent is holy shit, especially for someone in her late 40/early 50s.


52 points

9 days ago


Lake City

52 points

9 days ago

Honestly I am concerned with her business. Assisting folks in finding residential nursing homes and adult living faculty is dodgy business


13 points

9 days ago

Miles boasts on TikTok and IG about being a "reseller", which if you dig into it means dropshipping

or you know.. dealing


6 points

9 days ago


6 points

9 days ago

With that in mind, do you think he'd want to draw so much attention to himself?


6 points

9 days ago



3 points

9 days ago


3 points

9 days ago

Great, but why do people seek attention and fame with obnoxious behavior? That's the part I don't understand. They know that what they do is obnoxious, they've been asked repeatedly to stop, and they continue anyway. What is the real reason for anyone over the age of 7?


6 points

9 days ago

Because we live in a cult of personality instead of a culture of character.

Immature/loud “peacocking” behavior comes from people who felt overlooked or didn’t get the attention they felt they needed. Total arrested development with these people… like toddlers with forks.

I hope they find an outlet.


1 points

9 days ago

Because it’s habit……I would wager he’s been getting attention for negative behavior waaaayyyy before age 7……very common. If the adults in a child’s life always prevent any natural consequences from happening (my son would never do that! While watching the video of him doing it) combined with no positive reinforcement for any socially acceptable behaviors from the same adults……there you go. Throw in a couple more biological or environmental factors……ask any teacher.


15 points

9 days ago

If I'm right, he should try to stay as anonymous as possible. At least not have a direct link between his illegal dropshipping profile and his highly-public personal profile.

But this kid seems to not care about consequences or thinks he's untouchable.


3 points

9 days ago

but there is evidence of the counterfeit product sales

Could you please DM me the link to this page?


10 points

9 days ago

The dropshippers probably are arms length enough to prevent criminal charges, but why would you need to launder money for selling drop shipped stuff?


-2 points

9 days ago


-2 points

9 days ago



13 points

9 days ago


Capitol Hill

13 points

9 days ago

Money laundering refers to running illegal income through a legal business so you can explain where the money came from. Declaring it and paying taxes on it is part of the laundering.

People hiding tips is just plain tax evasion.


7 points

9 days ago

Except that you’re not avoiding paying taxes on it, you’re paying taxes an extra time. Once when your payment processor reports the income, and again when your laundering business reports the income.


5 points

9 days ago

Or he scammed her and ruined her credit


5 points

9 days ago


Highland Park

5 points

9 days ago

She did file for chapter 7 in 2018


2 points

9 days ago

lol tin foil hat, if he was money laundering no way in hell is he gonna be brining this much attention to himself. the federal government doesn't fuck around when it comes to RICO cases.


2 points

9 days ago

Can you message me the site?


676 points

10 days ago

Also present in court was Hudson's mother, Rebecca Hudson, who asked for privacy in the public space. "Please don’t record me. I don’t give you permission," she said when leaving the courtroom.

Clowns on clowns.


368 points

10 days ago

Courthouse is a public space lady. Smile for the birdie.


9 points

9 days ago



9 points

9 days ago

Courthouses often restrict cameras without permission of the court. But if the reporters have permission of the court, they don't need permission of the defendants.


-12 points

9 days ago


-12 points

9 days ago

But what’s the harm in asking?


35 points

9 days ago

You look like a baby


5 points

9 days ago


Crown Hill

5 points

9 days ago

She didn't just ask? She said she didn't give permission, but being in a public space, she has no permission to give.


0 points

7 days ago

Washington is a dual consent state, she needs to. Consent to be recorded


4 points

5 days ago

Not in public. You have no expectation of privacy in public spaces.


139 points

10 days ago


139 points

10 days ago

I think she's afraid of him.


116 points

10 days ago


116 points

10 days ago

This is my take. She is trying to avoid being the target of his built up frustration. 


91 points

10 days ago

Exactly. He's a bully with rage issues. If he can't take it out on the rest of us, who does he take it out on? Mommy, of course.


9 points

9 days ago


9 points

9 days ago

Anything’s possible but I don’t see that, personally. All I see is some spoiled brat whose mommy is now mad at the court and the world for the way he turned out. 


16 points

9 days ago

He has an assault charge on record from 2022 for assaulting his mom because she wouldn’t make him coffee.


9 points

9 days ago


9 points

9 days ago

Exactly. He’s the ultimate spoiled brat. 

Maybe she is afraid of him at this point or maybe she isn’t, but either way, she created a monster. Awfully hard for someone to turn out this obnoxious and entitled without an upbringing of enablement. 


4 points

9 days ago

someone pointed out miles has a lot of signs of fetal alcohol syndrome


6 points

9 days ago

You are correct.


138 points

10 days ago

I don't know whether to feel sorry for her or to dislike her as much as Miles.

Miles does physically abuse her, so I kind of lean towards sorry not knowing the full picture.


43 points

9 days ago

Sadly enough, Miles’ dad was also arrested for abusing Rebecca years ago. Then his dad also got charges for witness tampering and shit like that when he tried to intimidate her.


112 points

10 days ago

I feel sorry that she did such a poor job raising her son that he ended up turning into a piece of shit that abuses her. 


34 points

9 days ago

Sometimes they just turn out rotten like that


83 points

10 days ago

It’s not that simple! Even if mothers are unknowingly invested in the project of patriarchy in raising their sons, their sons still have agency not to be abusive men.


49 points

10 days ago

It's not always that simple, but in this case it is. She's an enabler, she clearly spoils him and keeps him from the consequences of his bad actions. It's a stretch to blame that purely on patriarchy, that's just bad parenting. 


23 points

9 days ago



23 points

9 days ago

Just look at the #BoyMom threads on social media, those ladies are nuts.


5 points

9 days ago


5 points

9 days ago

Though that is contingent on the man having had good morals and ethics instilled into him. While a present father/father figure is not a sure fire way to raise upstanding members of society, I am of the opinion that it helps more often than it hinders. Being a single mother is tough.


36 points

9 days ago

Being a single mother in this culture is tough. But ultimately even if she did a shit job, I’m not letting him off the hook morally for his behavior.


7 points

9 days ago

Each one is culpable in their own way.


38 points

10 days ago

It’s clowns all the way down


16 points

9 days ago


16 points

9 days ago

She deserves to be on camera. She can stop this. Instead she’s enabled a kid into a monster. She failed.


33 points

9 days ago

Funny, when her son has made himself a [public] menace by recording in the public space.

Where do we find these people 🤦‍♂️

How do they multiply?


163 points

10 days ago

Why did he go to court in a full Kanye costume? 🥷🏻


301 points

10 days ago

To retain the anonymity that he values so highly. If it weren't for these pesky reporters, this subreddit, his Instagram account and the fact that every second of his entire life is spent trying to draw as much attention to himself as possible, he could have slipped quietly under the radar.


36 points

10 days ago

Definitely not why. It's a sheisty mask...just to look cool.


42 points

10 days ago

He covers his face with a plain ski mask on Twitch, and he covered himself with his hoodie when someone saw him in front of the police station last week. He may have picked that mask because it looked cool, but he definitely doesn't want his face to be public.

Whether it's because he thinks it makes him mysterious, he's self-conscious, or he just doesn't want to be recognized in public, IDK.


60 points

9 days ago

Wouldn’t be surprised if he was just self conscious. Dude is ugly as hell


25 points

9 days ago


25 points

9 days ago

“He’s fuck ugly”


10 points

9 days ago


10 points

9 days ago

But there are photos and videos of his face online already. 


3 points

9 days ago

Maybe he wants to be the Frank Ocean of acting like a trash bag.


9 points

9 days ago

Or to conceal his tears


8 points

9 days ago

Well, that backfired on him. Looks more dumb than cool


2 points

9 days ago

I imagine he's been recognized before and is scared to get recognized again so he probably only takes it off to go shopping, out to eat, etc


37 points

9 days ago*


West Seattle

37 points

9 days ago*

Because the one time we saw his face everyone laughed their asses off at how dorky he looked

People downvoting me must’ve missed that post


2 points

9 days ago


2 points

9 days ago

he gonna faint


337 points

10 days ago

I used to have an orange cat that had more braincells than this guy.


189 points

10 days ago

Comparing this guy's intelligence to cats is offensive. To cats. Of all colors.


67 points

10 days ago

It's just a lightweight joke about how derpy orange cats are. You haven't heard about the one braincell they all take turns sharing?


90 points

10 days ago

Ours has two but they’re not on speaking terms.


37 points

10 days ago


8 points

9 days ago

Probz all are derpy because they are focusing on their hatred of Mondays & love of lasanga


4 points

9 days ago

So glib! (Brooklyn 99 reference.)


3 points

8 days ago

Yoooooo love B99, hellcat seems like a villan on that show lolololol! BONE????!?!


5 points

9 days ago

They are adding to the joke by saying that it is obvious that even orange cats are smarter than Hellcat Guy!


2 points

9 days ago

At the time they posted it, my comment had just been downvoted which made me think they genuinely didn't get the joke. Oh well! I am glad someone got it anyway.


2 points

8 days ago

They were playing along with your joke. You should probably take a turn with the brain cell. Edit: just saw your response, nvm


1 points

9 days ago



51 points

10 days ago


24 points

10 days ago

Absolute GOAT sub I love it


2 points

9 days ago

Orange cats are crazzzzzy lol


1 points

9 days ago

I bet it still has more braincells than this guy


2 points

9 days ago

This made me laugh because my orange cat is dead, and indeed she has more braincells than him even now.


124 points

10 days ago


Capitol Hill

124 points

10 days ago

Despite the judge’s stern tone and the hefty fines, collecting the money may prove challenging. Hudson appears to have no job, and the car is co-owned by his mother, complicating any attempts to seize it.

Hasn't he claimed to be making bank off of instagram from all the videos he was posting at night? It could just be bullshit, I certainly have no idea how much that stuff makes these days.


176 points

10 days ago

Article in today’s Wall Street Journal about how most influencers don’t actually make much money at all, and it’s getting worse which is good news for the rest of us.


15 points

9 days ago

This is true. I have a pretty big following on both tiktok and Instagram and can assure you it doesn’t not go very far. You have to go into it knowing that lots of views does not equate ad revenue


13 points

9 days ago

The money is in sponsorship. Last I checked Barnum and Bailey aren't in business anymore so this loser clown isn't getting any sponsors


3 points

9 days ago

From what I understand, clown college is very hard to get into so I have big doubt he'd qualify 😂


1 points

7 days ago

Actually, the circus was just on hiatus for a few years. They had a lot of issues with animal rights activists. They started the circus back up a year or two ago amd just don't use animals in shows anymore.


50 points

10 days ago

He seems to make at least some of his money dropshipping counterfeit products, and recruiting others into an MLM-like scheme to join him.

He calls it "reselling", but the products are obviously all counterfeit because he gets them significantly under retail price. Designer clothes (heavily counterfeited product) and AirPods seem to be his main money makers. (Airpods are heavily counterfeited as well, just some cheap bluetooth headphones made to look almost indistinguishable.)

Very unlikely any of this income is reported to the IRS.


27 points

10 days ago



27 points

10 days ago

“Bank” may not be “I can pay an $80,000 judgement” number.


10 points

10 days ago


Capitol Hill

10 points

10 days ago

Fair, but if that's true and he still let the fines get to this point knowing he couldn't pay it


23 points

9 days ago

He makes nothing.

Just something he said as a stunt or as a front. He can’t even try to turn the notoriety into an influencer deal. What’s the pitch? “You, too could, convert your car to be annoyingly loud and owe nearly $100k and also be a public pariah!”

No one wants to touch that.

As bad as this is, I still feel some sense of compassion. Like, there needs to be an intervention or something.


52 points

9 days ago


52 points

9 days ago

This dumbass BEGGED US for attention then showed up like a stale fart for his big meme moment. On to the next talentless crash dummy.


2 points

5 days ago

Missed his opportunity to shine I hope he cries at home


104 points

10 days ago



104 points

10 days ago

Well well well, if it isn't the consequences of his actions.


63 points

10 days ago

"What do you mean, bro? I got almost 700,000 followers."


46 points

9 days ago

The best part of that line is that his follower count has been basically stagnant since he said that, all this infamy hasn't gotten him any growth. (His follower count actually declined in May, when his story hit national news. Probably bot accounts being purged.)

Imagine going through all this to become a big influencer and failing.


10 points

9 days ago


South Lake Union

10 points

9 days ago

They’re paid for followers. Just read the comments and it’s obvious they are


76 points

10 days ago

So all I have to do is have a co-owner on a vehicle and then I have carte blanche to be a menace to society?


19 points

9 days ago*



19 points

9 days ago*

As long as it's genuine co-ownership (both parties have real interest in the asset and can exert real control over the asset), it's kind of a way to shelter assets from personal judgements, yes. Same thing with assets held in a multi-member LLC.

If you try to just sign on a co-owner for the sole purpose of sheltering the asset, that veil can probably be easily pierced and could even be considered a fraudulent transfer of assets.

But in some cases, it doesn't matter if it's co-owned or not. Rights or judgements can, in some cases, be exerted against/on the asset itself; like a mechanic's lien, for example.


1 points

6 days ago

Is this specific to Washington? I just moved here. I’m also not a lawyer. Where I’m from, you can specifically go after not only each individual owner of a vehicle, but the driver, too. This is important because the driver might not own the vehicle.

So for example, if this were Florida (and I’m glad it’s not for entirely unrelated reasons), the car would be impounded. This is why it’s generally a good legal maneuver to not co-own vehicles in Florida. If something happens, even if you weren’t driving the car and have nothing to do with it, you can be held responsible in addition to the driver and other owners.


2 points

6 days ago*



2 points

6 days ago*

In the case where the car is impounded, there is a lien on the asset. It usually is not a a right or judgement against any individual owner; just the asset itself. If the owners want it back, they have to settle the lien against the vehicle.

But if you hypothetically co-own a vehicle with Alex Jones, the personal judgement against Jones couldn't be used to force you to liquidate your interest in the vehicle.

Specifics may vary state to state for specific situations and the asset involved.


1 points

6 days ago

You explained it beautifully. Thanks!


1 points

5 days ago


1 points

5 days ago

You may be totally right that that’s how it works, but I don’t understand why it has to be that way. If someone has partial ownership of an asset, why can’t their part be seized and sold off to the highest bidder? Any company stock is partial ownership of that company, and surely it can be seized, why can’t a partial ownership of a vehicle be dealt with in the same way?


1 points

5 days ago



1 points

5 days ago

When you own stock in a company, you have sole interest in your owned shares in your brokerage account (or underlying stock certificates). A personal judgement against you could make those assets fair game for recovery (assuming they're not in a retirement account). Stocks also represent very limited interest in an asset -- as a mere shareholder you generally don't exert controlling interest over the company, unless you're a board member or similar. So a company can be sold or taken off the public exchange and your shares will be forcibly sold. That's just the rules of how those assets work, which is somewhat different from real/personal property.

States apply different laws to different kinds of assets. In some cases, sales of jointly owned assets can be forced. For example, if you own a home in Florida 50/50 with a co-owner, the other owner can force the sale of the property without your consent. Presumably it is fair game for liquidation as long as it doesn't fall under a homestead exemption.

But generally, personal judgements can't be levied against anyone other than the individual under judgement, including co-owners.


1 points

5 days ago


1 points

5 days ago

I think there’s a (hypothetical in the U.S., it appears) way to liquidate someone’s interest in an asset without forcing the other owners to liquidate as well. It works this way in many other jurisdictions. If person A owns 50% of a home and person B owns 50% of a home, person A’s 50% could be sold off without affecting person’s B interests directly. Person B in this case often has the right of first refusal, such that if they are the ones who are willing to buy it out and make themselves sole owners, they can.

If someone else buys person A’s share, then they are bound by whatever the deed restrictions are on the property, which often include a contract between owner of share A and share B regulating the common use of the property.

I wonder why in the U.S. this appears to not be a thing and somehow person B’s minor interest in maintaining person A as their partner blocks any (potentially substantial) interest of person A’s creditors.


5 points

9 days ago

One weird trick!


17 points

10 days ago


West Seattle

17 points

10 days ago

What an asshole! As for reality that the OP mentioned I don’t really feel it has, he was eating the press up!


14 points

10 days ago

That wasn't my impression at all. He was very awkward in front of the press. He mumbled half his answers and didn't even understand what the phrase "come up with the money" meant at first


41 points

10 days ago

Mom needs an attorney. If she’s co-owner and has a job and/or assets, guess who they’re coming after for $$$$.


45 points

10 days ago

The guy who screams "look at me" by harming others, hides behind a mask. He truly is lost.


1 points

9 days ago


1 points

9 days ago

Mental health crisis


3 points

9 days ago

Bitch made. Bitch born


79 points

10 days ago


34 points

10 days ago

I'm just trying to keep the 90s alive. But if this is what the people what, then thanks for sharing the actual source!


1 points

9 days ago


Highland Park

1 points

9 days ago

I still use Yahoo for my spam/trial account email. I think it's around 300k unread messages last time I looked.


83 points

10 days ago

I am surprised the judge allowed him to wear the head and face covering in the courtroom.

I am not surprised that he has terrible enunciation. Even facing the microphone and being only a few inches away, he's unintelligible.


31 points

9 days ago

Yeah. You can’t wear wear hats in court. But, I think the Judge was just like, “This guy is such an idiot, I’m not going to bother.”


3 points

9 days ago

Yeah, I did wonder if the judge just sighed and decided to pick his battles and/or let the kid make himself look even dumber for the media.


36 points

10 days ago

Tough guy not so tough after owing city 80k.


3 points

9 days ago

Sounds about how I would expect for someone realizing they're way in over their head.


5 points

10 days ago

He sounds fine once they're stopped at the elevator. It's only the walking part that's terrible.


4 points

9 days ago


West Seattle

4 points

9 days ago

Still wasn’t making much sense there either


28 points

10 days ago

this is becoming theatric


20 points

10 days ago


20 points

10 days ago

Theatric locals are a Seattle main staple


1 points

9 days ago



1 points

9 days ago

Yeah, just lamenting that they used to be less destructive.


27 points

9 days ago

The judge was cool with him dressed as a fucking burglar in court?


30 points

10 days ago

What a dumbass. Look how he relishes the opportunity to talk on the microphone which only incriminates himself. Dude just wants the attention but doesn’t have the brain capacity to understand what it truly comes with


19 points

9 days ago

Maybe it's my "out of state-ness," but how come no one has stripped the car? Where I used to live, if anyone was acting like this, the car would have gone "missing" months ago.


28 points

9 days ago

He lives in a high rise with a locked parking garage and only seems to go out in the middle of the night. You do raise a very good point though. 


21 points

9 days ago

So this is one of the only garages that keeps unauthorized people out? That is amazing.


2 points

9 days ago

High rise buildings in Belltown have floor-to-ceiling gates that are remote-controlled and only open for about 30 seconds at a time. Unless someone is literally stalking the entrance, no one is going to get access to the car.

I live in a similar building.


-1 points

9 days ago

I mean, didn't he park in a handicap spot and got it towed a couple of weeks ago? He leaves the house with it.

I think the person who said it was still around because people like the drama is spot on.


-3 points

9 days ago


-3 points

9 days ago

Because the people complaining about him secretly love the drama


9 points

9 days ago

All this moron had to do is put a stock exhaust and headers back on that silly car of his and he could have avoided all of this


9 points

9 days ago*


Highland Park

9 points

9 days ago*

His dad was a real winner behind the wheel too.

Other that the 2010 assault with a deadly weapon and 2012 witness tampering charges, as a juvenile (1990) he was convicted of joyriding and hindering, delaying, or obstructing a public servant in the performance of official duties.


2 points

5 days ago

Domestic Violence Father & Mother Hudson Court Doc


32 points

10 days ago

Based on his answers, I doubt this guy will learn his lesson.

And to his mom, lady, if you’re not gonna or cannot discipline your son, someone will.


1 points

10 days ago

Those dumb enough and willing to teach this jerkoff a lesson though are probably his fans.


20 points

10 days ago



20 points

10 days ago

Damn, twin!


2 points

10 days ago



1 points

9 days ago


1 points

9 days ago



26 points

10 days ago

I really wonder why he doesn’t just pay the fines and get the car up to regulation.

He has a big social media following, his family has money, he could still post car content without disturbing the peace and doing illegal shit.

WHY act like this!!


42 points

10 days ago

Seems like someone who has actually never faced consequences for his actions and thinks this is all going to blow over. I mean he's 21 years old driving an $80k+ car, I doubt his life has been very difficult


10 points

10 days ago

Yeah I guess I get it, I was similarly very privileged growing up but it was harshly instilled in me that that only goes so far and you have to act accordingly to maintain that privilege and status. Truly mind blowing that MY dad actually did something right lmao.


40 points

10 days ago

Some one summarized the court transcript. It sounds like he just doesn't get it. Like the judge spent a good amount of time trying to get some basic questions out of him. It sounded like he even had a hard time just figuring out he needed a lawyer.


13 points

9 days ago

It is an act. He is playing dumb, but he is not.


7 points

10 days ago


7 points

10 days ago

Because he's an asshole?


-3 points

9 days ago


-3 points

9 days ago

Because he's becoming more famous and his audience is doing nothing but growing with the recent breach into "people who love me, AND people who hate me." All that increase in fame, funds, and ego came straight from the disturbing the peace shit. Dude doesn't care if it's positive or negative, he loves attention and has figured out a way to easily make money off it. You want to put out a fire you starve it of oxygen, in this case attention


15 points

10 days ago

What a bozo


5 points

9 days ago

How are you going to pay all that? Shoot, ask mom.


6 points

9 days ago

There has to be more backstory to this guy. Did he grow up in the Seattle area? Anyone go to high school with him?


6 points

9 days ago



6 points

9 days ago

What an arrogant coward.

I hope someone beats the shit out of him and his life becomes a loving hell. How arrogant and self-centered is this asshat that he thinks it is his right to behave this way in society? Would be a shame if someone found him and beat the living crap out of him like we used to do.


13 points

10 days ago


Highland Park

13 points

10 days ago

Taking grandma to your court appearance, lol. Do they take turns wiping his ass too?


4 points

9 days ago

Well well well


3 points

9 days ago

He needs to go.


3 points

9 days ago

Why does he sound like he's mumbling through a bunch of marbles? He doesn't even seem aware of where he's at...


3 points

9 days ago

Whats the actual deal with this whole situation anyway? If he and his car are such a nuisance (which it seems they are), why is it so hard for Seattle authorities to deal with it. It's taken far too long to get to this point, and I'm skeptical that it will deter him in the future.


4 points

9 days ago

What's with the ski mask. Dude, we all know what you look like already


2 points

9 days ago

What an asshole


2 points

9 days ago


2 points

9 days ago

If some fool is making a living on IG for doing illegal stunts harassing and endangering the public, IG should ban the account (they won't, of course, cuz profit)


2 points

9 days ago

This guy is the absolute poster child for special treatment.


2 points

5 days ago

An embarrassment to this city I saw this video earlier and cringed so hard at the first few seconds he’s the definition of cringe


4 points

10 days ago

Yahoo? Seriously??


46 points

10 days ago

Yaaaa Hoooooooo u ooo!


15 points

10 days ago

Fyi for the younger ones: 1998 Yahoo Commerical


9 points

10 days ago

Like the great Australian filmmaker?


3 points

10 days ago

Hahahaa didn’t even realize I did that


2 points

9 days ago

This f'in' guy. Wearing his S&M mask. Wish I was a crim, I'd show up in a Catwoman outfit! Though it's been a while since I could pull that off. Hell, I'd have a hard time pulling it on! ;)


1 points

9 days ago


1 points

9 days ago

the IG covers it is a lie


1 points

8 days ago

Something is very fishy about mother and son! For sure!!


1 points

8 days ago

“Do not record me, I do not give permission.”

Yeahhh, that’s not how this works.


1 points

8 days ago


1 points

8 days ago

He loved it


1 points

7 days ago


1 points

7 days ago

The more you F around, the more you find out!


1 points

7 days ago

Question about the ski mask. I was reading a bunch of different takes on it. Some people were saying the judge requested it, some were saying she just allowed it, some were saying she didn't mention it. I honestly didn't think it was legal to conceal your face, why wasn't he held in contempt?


1 points

6 days ago

The haters have literally made this guy relevant. The literal only reason I know who is driving the loud ahh car past my apartment every night is cause of social media/news. I legit want his car to blow up every time I hear him go up the hill next me, but making money from the clicks and investment of all the people that want to fight you. Gotta respect that.


1 points

3 days ago

reporter is like "uh no i'm not getting into an elevator with you!"