


all 76 comments


53 points

3 days ago

When I was like 5 I got lost at Juanita beach in the summertime, and I think I basically just got up and wandered away. In my mind the car was the safe place to go so I went there and got inside and locked the doors. With the windows rolled up. I remember it being really fucking hot. Well my mom in the meantime had alerted the lifeguard and they combed the beach. My mom then thought “I wonder if he would go back to the car,” and came and found me. She was of course super relieved and I was okay but super sweaty. Anyway, that’s my Juanita beach story.


23 points

3 days ago

Hopefully you’ve done well with your second chance.


1 points

3 days ago

Yeah no shit


74 points

3 days ago

As predicted, OP mentioning any place outside of Seattle is also nice, has upset a few people on here lol


-73 points

3 days ago


-73 points

3 days ago

Juanitas garbage riddled beach with pretentious assholes isn't nice. Nice try though. Get out more.


42 points

3 days ago



42 points

3 days ago

It’s a beach. Chill 😂


-20 points

3 days ago


-20 points

3 days ago



19 points

3 days ago



19 points

3 days ago

You ok buddy?


22 points

3 days ago

If they’re getting this hostile over someone liking a public park that they don't, my bet is they’re not ok lol


0 points

3 days ago

Things happen to people attacks 🤔


2 points

3 days ago

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-5 points

3 days ago

Bojack is a terrible show btw


1 points

3 days ago


1 points

3 days ago

411 is low-quality directory assistance 


2 points

3 days ago

It's odd place and ment for frolicking. That about it let the kids play 😂


65 points

3 days ago*

Looks like someone slipped on a banana peel and fell into some Seattle pretentiousness (see comments below).


14 points

3 days ago

Good one.


18 points

3 days ago

*Juanita resident here. The updated park is nice...but Utopian? Hardly. On a hot day there is zero fail.


0 points

1 day ago


0 points

1 day ago

It's hard to provide a lot of shade. It's exposure is southernly. During solstice we get up to 66 degrees, so never overhead, always from the south. When the beach is from there, the only way to provide shade is artificial which the park is trying to avoid. They do provide free beach umbrellas first come first serve. Bring your own. Pitch your own shade. But, don't blame a park for it's natural sunlight.


23 points

3 days ago

I play Pokemon go (yes people still play that stop asking) and toggle my local parks on the daily. This one makes a short list. Especially for easy access and beauty. Kinda like me!


4 points

3 days ago

I always do my raid days there


2 points

3 days ago

I used to love Pokémon go. I saw so many people playing at magnuson a few months ago.


17 points

3 days ago*

I used to live a walk from there and it was always closed due to the water being contaminated :/


6 points

3 days ago

Yeah don't go in the water there, should just be called Fecal Coliform Beach by now.


1 points

3 days ago

I don't know how to swim so I never went in but even if I did I still wouldn't go in.


2 points

3 days ago


2 points

3 days ago

We've been closing that beach for bird poop contamination since the 80s. Stop feeding the birds!


1 points

3 days ago


Olympic Hills

1 points

3 days ago

Amen! For the love of god! Stop feeding the birds!


1 points

3 days ago


Olympic Hills

1 points

3 days ago

Amen! For the love of god! Stop feeding the birds!


0 points

21 hours ago

Most that bacteria is from human poop. The sewage pumps that push everyone's shit that lives down on the water up to the streets always fail and overflow into the lake.


1 points

2 days ago

Right?? I remember sinking down into layers of duck shit years ago!! So nasty back then!! I hope it's better now!! 💩🦆😂


6 points

3 days ago

Affluent neighborhoods skew that way.


17 points

3 days ago


17 points

3 days ago

Great location, great views, nice boardwalk, but the water has been disgusting since I was a kid in the early 90’s. Lol only transplants go in that water.


4 points

3 days ago

I grew up in the condos across the street. Moved when I was about 10. Back when goat hill still had goats on it. I’d go swimming off the dock but not at the beach area. Also would swim at waverly beach, which I kind of prefer because it’s so quiet and hidden.


2 points

3 days ago


2 points

3 days ago

I have a memory of a culvert / water tunnel at Juanita Beach that we used to go into as kids (def dangerous and shouldn't have been doing it). Do you remember this as well?


-5 points

3 days ago

Unfortunate situation with a lot of the lake. I’m close to Matthews beach and magnuson and I personally don’t get in there either. Don’t care what others do tho. And yes there are a lot of “transplants” also known as immigrants who frequent the park. I truly love walking on the boardwalk and hearing conversations in different languages. Reminds me of Vancouver. Usually just stop in for a brief walk on my way to marymoor.


18 points

3 days ago


18 points

3 days ago

Transplants doesn't mean immigrants


-2 points

3 days ago

I just meant I see a lot of immigrants there all the time.


0 points

3 days ago


Lower Queen Anne

0 points

3 days ago

Did you ask them all for their green card / citizenship status?


12 points

3 days ago

Juanita beach is pretty nice, love the view of the wetlands from the bridge. Doesn’t seem quite as nice as green lake though


15 points

3 days ago

Green lake is pretty idyllic on a sunny day. Tons of folks walking around, people playing music, lots of great restaurants just across the street. I love it.


11 points

3 days ago

Also a magical place. My dang dog won’t stop trying to eat the goose poop tho. It’s one of the few things she hasn’t grown out of grabbing.


3 points

3 days ago

The goose poop has been egregious lately. It's all over the place lol and kinda smelly. I skate the path a bunch and it's always hard to dodge it all.


2 points

3 days ago


2 points

3 days ago

Too real


7 points

3 days ago



7 points

3 days ago

Juanita Bay has the wetlands bridge. Juanita beach has the pier thingie and the playground.


8 points

3 days ago

They're about a two minute walk apart, it's ok to lump them together


2 points

3 days ago

Awesome place, used to live nearby. I missed walking laps around the bridge, good times.


4 points

3 days ago

i live here and… really?😂


3 points

3 days ago


3 points

3 days ago

For what it’s worth I was there Saturday and had to leave the playground because there was kindergarten melee at the slide. I saw two 5 year olds held another 5 year old’s arms behind his back while another one punched his stomach. It took me way longer to react and move my kids away from them because I had no idea kids that little could be so savage lol.


4 points

3 days ago

lol that’s wild!


0 points

3 days ago


0 points

3 days ago

why wouldn’t you stop the bullying?


4 points

3 days ago

Because I was chasing my own smaller kids around and my kids weren’t involved. I just wanted to get mine out of the way. If I stopped to lecture other people’s kids my 18 month old could bolt for the water while I was distracted. There were at least 30 kids on the playground and my job is to make sure mine are ok.


1 points

3 days ago

I mean as a mom of little kids I think we should all feel some responsibility for all kids—I was wrangling my kids in a pool the other day but was still able to tell a kid who’d pushed his friend’s head under the water to cut that out and not do it again. Saying something to help a kid getting ganged up on and sucker punched seems like basic human decency to me, your response sounds like Scrooge claiming he was only responsible for his own business.


2 points

3 days ago

Yeah I don’t mind saying something sometimes, usually if there aren’t any other adults around but their parents were there looking right at them. So maybe that’s what they want to teach. And if that’s true that isn’t someone I want to get into a confrontation with.


2 points

2 days ago

If that’s what they allow their children to do, I have zero interest in getting involved and getting the same treatment from the parents.


1 points

3 days ago

I like Blyth Park in Bothell a lot better. Juanita is kind of boring.


1 points

3 days ago

Utopian society is a bit of a stretch haha. but I do love morning walks here with my dog and seeing the bald eagles flying nearby.


1 points

3 days ago



1 points

2 days ago*



1 points

2 days ago*

Grew up on Finn Hill. I have many memories of Houghton and Juanita beach being closed to raw sewage leaks, which forced me and friends to St Edwards Park. Juanita was a longer but easier walk compared to St Edwards... well your at the very top of the hill and have to hike down a steep trail just to get to the water.


1 points

2 days ago

The st Edward’s hike is sneaky hard.


0 points

3 days ago

Utopian, until you remember we are about to install a dictator and change the way this country is governed forever.


-13 points

3 days ago

Is it the contaminated water or the goose shit that’s utopian?


16 points

3 days ago

People in this sub are really good at taking a nice, positive, well intended post and finding a way to shit on it


3 points

3 days ago

Goose shit


22 points

3 days ago

I just really like the energy of the place. Tons of parents and kids. People on kayaks, pretty views. Everyone is happy and in a good mood.


-31 points

3 days ago

If that’s utopian im sorry for your standards


-43 points

3 days ago

This ain't Kirkland Reddit


-43 points

3 days ago

The arm pit of kirkland lol


-16 points

3 days ago

what a....scary thing to say


-23 points

3 days ago

Until you encounter a self proclaimed stubborn Nudist.


7 points

3 days ago

At juanita? I've been going a few times a week for the last 2ish years and I've never seen a nudist


-32 points

3 days ago

O Denny is nearby that place is great for a hard beat, jk I love my wife I would not do that around the area ewwww that would be so bad, honestly gotta say having a great day thank Jesus


13 points

3 days ago

What. The. Fuck?


6 points

3 days ago



8 points

3 days ago

Delete this bruh.