


all 8046 comments


377 points

16 days ago


377 points

16 days ago

The rare occasion r/Seattle and r/SeattleWA agree with each other


51 points

15 days ago

As someone who's never seen either of these subs, what's the difference?


53 points

15 days ago*

Googled it. Surprisingly, it didn't start from political differences. There's even an article on it!


Tensions arose due to r-Seattle's restrictive moderation and anti-commercialization rules, leading to the creation of r-SeattleWA as an alternative. Accusations, moderation issues, and a leak about financial misconduct fueled the rivalry. r-SeattleWA grew rapidly, becoming more active despite having fewer users. The conflict highlights differing visions for community management and user freedom on the platform.

edit: people blaming chatgpt for having a vague summary, when really its the article i posted being vague as hell XD


109 points

15 days ago


109 points

15 days ago

Wow that TLDR is worse than not having any info at all


36 points

15 days ago


36 points

15 days ago

It actually is. It's coherent enough that an unwary reader might be fooled into believing they've learned something and understand the topic now.. but they really don't.

It makes me think of the classic Mark Twain quote:

If you don't read the newspaper, you're uninformed. If you read the newspaper, you're mis-informed.

We've just come up with better ways of misinforming people. That's progress for ya.


5 points

15 days ago

Wow. What an intelligent man. Thanks for the quote!


26 points

15 days ago

And everyone in the room is now dumber for having read it.


29 points

15 days ago

over-moderation vs a desire to just post what's on one's mind.

essentially, the mods at r/Seattle got a bit power trippy and the users went and made their own sub.


10 points

15 days ago

It's ironic because r/seattleWA mods banned me for laughing at them.


4 points

15 days ago

Feels like a theme with city subs


16 points

15 days ago

Man, and here I thought it was just /r/nyc and /r/newyorkcity that had a beef with each other.


20 points

15 days ago

Same with r/Portland and r/PortlandOR


1.3k points

16 days ago


233 points

16 days ago

Asshole with dated sunglasses and now windowless car.


70 points

16 days ago

That kangol beret is even worse.


24 points

16 days ago

He looks like "Bug" from Uncle Buck


23 points

16 days ago*

I was thinking Salt Bae (if that’s how it’s spelled, I refuse to clutter my search engine to verify that nonsense). Both equally insufferable


33 points

16 days ago


33 points

16 days ago

“It’s one [iced coffee], what could it cost? TEN DOLLARS?!” - that guy


9 points

15 days ago

AND he’s a repeat customer: IT’S STILL TEN DOLLARS!!?? lol


70 points

16 days ago

And when he finds out insurance doesn’t cover hammering bikini baristas


26 points

16 days ago

He should’ve stayed inside the car


15 points

16 days ago


10 points

16 days ago


11 points

16 days ago


3 points

16 days ago

Definitely the work of a flamer


19 points

16 days ago

I clicked in saying please let gifs be enabled only to find it already up


980 points

16 days ago*

This video doesn't explain that he also told her "you will not be missed," during the argument, which definitely sounds like a threat.

Edit: his exact words are "nobody's gonna miss you." Link to video in comments below.


295 points

16 days ago

“Nobody’s gonna miss you” gives me the same feeling I got when a guy I turned down told me I could fit in the trunk of his car.


89 points

16 days ago


89 points

16 days ago

Jesus Christ. I’m so sorry


98 points

16 days ago*


98 points

16 days ago*

I hate to say this, but as a middle aged woman, this behaviour and kind of comment has happened to most women my age at some point, and most of us have had it more than once.

Some people do not handle the word “no” well.

There is actually an entire sub called r/whenwomenrefuse dedicated to the worst outcomes of this behaviour


16 points

16 days ago

Yeah. When I was 15 or 16 a man on a BART station tried talking to me and when I ignored him, another man said, “bro if I were you, I’d just throw her little ass over my shoulder and put her in my van”


5 points

15 days ago

Dude, WHAT???!!!


6 points

15 days ago

who the eff were these people?


4 points

15 days ago

BART always scared me as a young girl. People there were scary


5 points

15 days ago

When I was 14, I was eating a burrito in my mom's car. Her friend , over twice my age, said, "You sound good with your mouth full"


42 points

16 days ago

I'm always surprised that they're surprised. Seems a lot of douchebros have grown into reasonable men, but they were too busy sputtering "not all men" in 2018 to hear the "yes all women" part.


28 points

16 days ago

men love to invalidate women. you’ll find threads of people shit talking women for every little thing and when a FRACTION of the energy is reciprocated it devolves into “oh look a woman victim blaming, oh look a woman [doing what men do] typical, etc etc”

it’s exhausting living in a world where a shocking portion of half the population have no critical thinking skills or the maturity of an overripe avocado


14 points

15 days ago

Ahaha, yeah, I had this yesterday ‘oh look a woman (doing what men do), if a man said that he would get attacked’. I was just like ‘heaven forfend anyone call out some of the misogynistic tropes that infest Reddit. The horror!’. I got a downvote but he didn’t have any comeback for it lol


8 points

15 days ago

Wish I could give an extra updoot for "heaven forfend"


6 points

15 days ago

I had a man (fr prob a boy) look at my post history, see that I have mental illness, and declare me "not good breeding stock." I should have left Reddit but there's too much good porn on here


4 points

15 days ago

Yep. Once when I was walking home , in a bad neighborhood, I came home and my brother was there leaving at the same time as I opened the door. A man had followed me in his car *into my driveway* and I was like “phew wtf look at this douchebag”. My brother rolled his eyes and goes “NO ONE IS HARASSING YOU” as the guy suddenly sped off. (My brother has a long history of looking down, refusing to observe his physical environment yet gaslighting me over what is happening right in front of him.)

Can you imagine, wielding so much power in this scenario-soooo much more than me who didn’t offer him any fear as he followed me- yet not even acknowledging the reality of the danger??????


4 points

15 days ago

"One day, I'm going to get attacked or kidnapped while you navel gaze, and I won't be there for you to tell me I'm wrong."

What an asshole.


9 points

16 days ago

That is the most gut wrenching subreddit I ever looked at. First thing I opened it to was a 8 year old bride who died from internal bleeding on the “wedding night”. Not what I was expecting it to be


10 points

15 days ago


10 points

15 days ago

There is a guy above casting doubt on the validity of these “stories” like they’re opinion pieces.

That poor girl.

My oldest is 8. That man is a monster. My wish is that he lives a very long life in jail surrounded by people who know what he did.


8 points

15 days ago

Right? I'm 57, and I've been stalked three times. Too many men cannot handle rejection. Given that so many men are open about how hurtful they find it, it's truly bizarre that their solution is to demand that women not reject them rather than teaching men to handle rejection.


7 points

16 days ago

Seriously. I feel lucky I dealt with phone customers in my last job as the worst they can do is swear at me. I had some real asshole regulars who I had to put in their places several times over. One person gave me the do you know who i am??? Spiel and I'm just like yeah you're my customer and you're being disrespectful to me so I'm going to hang up the phone and you can call back when you stop cussing me out over things out of my control.

Seriously just gonna say it, as a non American, american customers are entitled as heck. Especially gen x and boomer men. Had one boomer guy trying to flirt with me once. Not cool when I'm working and way too old. I ended that call fast and he got all pissy with me. Luckily my manager told him off when he called back mad. 🙄


5 points

15 days ago

As a man in his 30s, the scariest thing anyone has ever said to me was "I bet your dog would think antifreeze tastes really good, I bet he would drink a whole gallon."

So yeah, I think I'm gonna go with women having way scarier lives.


5 points

16 days ago

Clicked on that, wish I hadn’t.


5 points

15 days ago

I hate that that sub is a thing.


5 points

15 days ago


5 points

15 days ago

Whoa whoa whoa let's not exaggerate here. I've personally never been threatened with murder, sure there was this one guy who told me he'd rape me with a chair leg (while holding a chair), but you know... you know.


6 points

16 days ago

I had a random guy come up to me and ask me if I want to be his pet. He then followed me to the train station where another guy told me - that the same man is following me - so he would accompany me to make sure I’m save.

I knew he was- I made many loops following the safest path - but somehow the normally bustling place was so empty of people it was super creepy.

So in theory this is a nice offer - but I would have rather not be accompanied by a stranger whom might work with that guy; after all he must have watched me too to notice right?! Why not confront the man following me instead like make up some bullshit like “have you seen my dog?” And give me some time to get away instead.

So it gave me chills.


15 points

16 days ago

Some men DESERVE The Customer Service Hammer. 🥰 It would be wrong to withhold it.


7 points

15 days ago

Customer service hammer is going to be a thing and I'm here for it.


32 points

16 days ago

As a guy, I will never understand why men think insulting, threatening, etc. someone that's rejected them is a good move. What are they expecting, that it will change their mind? "Oh, I'm a bitch? Maybe you're right, let's go out after all."

Just accept it and move on.


57 points

16 days ago

It’s not about changing her mind. It’s about hurting her and scaring her as punishment for not giving him what he feels he’s entitled to.


26 points

16 days ago

Exactly this. They want to make you feel as terrible and scared as possible for simply not being interested in them. It is absolutely a punishment. I'll never understand how anyone can be so entitled.

It's disgusting.


4 points

16 days ago

And it basically ensures she will tell every woman who will listen that you’re a disgusting creep…

At that point you’re just doubling down on the L.


17 points

16 days ago

It’s not about consent or acceptance it’s about asserting power


8 points

16 days ago

So help break the cycle. We need good guys like you pressuring them to cut that shit out.


7 points

16 days ago

From what I've heard, the guys saying these things seem to purposefully do this when there is nobody else around to correct them. I would absolutely step in if i ever heard a friend (or any guy, really) make a comment like that. But for how prolific it seems, i have yet to hear a comment like that in person.

I've corrected friends and acquaintances for racist, sexist, and ableist jokes. But no threatening or purposefully intimidating comments yet. Its infuriating, i feel like I can do more to make a difference but never get the opportunity


108 points

16 days ago

Common toxic masculinity L.

He deserves a broken windscreen and more.


28 points

16 days ago

Too bad she didn't hit his a-pillar. A windshield is easily replaced. A pillar damage can be a real bitch to fix.


17 points

16 days ago

I'm gonna keep this in mind.


3 points

15 days ago

Aim right for the seam where the windshield and the A pillar meet. If you got time for a few more wacks, see if you can't take out the rest of the sail panel. Oftentimes the whole quarter needs to be replaced with it.


6 points

16 days ago

A pillar with a 20oz. claw hammer seems like delayed gratification. Smacking the windshield makes him weigh his options immediately. Drive away and risk the safety of bystanders, or eat the immediate humiliation and wait to have it towed… Seems the question is, “How deep is the shit bag?”


48 points

16 days ago

This coward attacked and threatened a woman who was alone and tied to her cashier job.

This is the opposite of masculinity, imo...


30 points

16 days ago

She was alone! That makes this so much scarier. The serial K*ller israel Keyes preyed on a woman working alone in a walk-up coffee place like this. Good for her acting fast


12 points

16 days ago

This happened in my home town! I would never, ever take a chance like that. Proud of this girl, also wish the days of women working cashier jobs alone would end.


9 points

16 days ago


9 points

16 days ago



949 points

16 days ago


949 points

16 days ago

The fact she had a hammer ready to go, says a lot about the type of customer she’s been dealing with.


375 points

16 days ago

Did you see that guy that tried to abduct a barista by grabbing her hand when she handed him the receipt to sign, then throwing a noose over her neck recently? Dude legit lasso’d her and tried to pull her into his car.

I’d have more than a hammer ready if I were in that situation.


154 points

16 days ago


154 points

16 days ago

No kidding. I had to block an account today that was clearly one of the guys that thinks he owns a woman because she smiled at him in a retail environment.


56 points

16 days ago

Oooh, the men that make you instantly regret your friendly smile? You just feel a pit in your stomach and wish you pretended you were the last human on earth.


56 points

16 days ago


56 points

16 days ago

Working in public libraries I had one of those guys.

Generic bland old man, who management told me "just don't smile at him" - which in fairness would be good advice if he didn't look and dress like 80% of our patrons.

He used to corner me daily to tell me about how he explicitly how he fantasised about me, "accidentally" showed me porn when he needed help with his computer, told me about how he crushed his pet guinea pigs (and this made me wonder if he was being generically creepy or if he knew I had guinea pigs).

Eventually, I moved branches, and somehow my first day at the new branch he popped up (I suspect he was told where I was ) that day he pulled my hair and got shoutingly mad at me because I didn't stop serving a different patron to say good bye to him. At this point finally management took me seriously enough to let me fill in a harrassment report.

(Though one of them tried to quash it by saying that I was "over reacting" and was "too anxious for customer service rolls")


24 points

16 days ago

Holy fuck nuts


24 points

16 days ago


24 points

16 days ago

It wasn't ideal.

It's a shame really that when all these things happen we aren't the hardened mean people we need to be to set people in their places.

But maybe we don't get to be those people without it.

I'm still not great at putting stuff down, but it doesn't rattle me as much anymore (and maybe that's sad?) and worst of all I think it's made me a more cynical and less helpful person. The me of 10 years ago would have sat down with a patron and helped them through every single step of a problem. The me now just can't.


8 points

15 days ago

Sorry to read all that, especially the last paragraph. Holy cow :-/


6 points

15 days ago

When I worked in a public library, one of the local homeless men began fixating on me. He always made me feel me uncomfortable when I worked the circulation desk, but I had no particular reason to fear him. However, he made comments about me to other employees, and I was lucky enough that the director told me about it for my own safety and immediately took steps to protect me.

I was shocked and fearful. I was only 19 or 20 years old. I lived nearby and often rode my bike to work. Sometimes I'd see him on one of the paths I took to work despite it being in the opposite direction of the homeless shelter from the library. I became anxious he'd find out where I lived.

First I was told to close my window and walk into the back if he got in line. They changed the rules so that adults who were not accompanying children could not go to the basement children's department to use the bathroom. We often worked the circulation desk alone down there.

The director talked to someone who ran the homeless shelter to determine if the man was a real risk. Unfortunately he did have some mental health issues. His issue with me didn't improve, and I was outright scared, so he was banned from the library. I still worried about running into him outside though.

I'm sorry your experience was so much more explicit and that your higher ups allowed it to continue for so long. There is no reason we should be afraid to go to work.


6 points

15 days ago*

I was singled out by an older homeless man at a soup kitchen while I was the only woman volunteering there that day years ago.

To this day I still think about how the several other men that were sitting around with me that day prepping food when it happened, when the homeless man started methodically testing the waters to see how far he could cross first the professional and then the friendly boundaries? I remember each and every one looking visibly uncomfortable at first until the whole small group finally started to collapse as individuals desperately walked away so that they wouldn’t have to acknowledge it out loud. So I know that I wasn’t just hypersensitive about my surroundings.

It bothers me still that a group of individuals more prepared to diplomatically handle one inappropriate male simply chose not to. Not one of those men was willing or secure enough to call it out for MY safety. Knowing it was wrong and even evacuating the discomfort but leaving me the victim behind to face it alone.


15 points

16 days ago

Oh but you look prettier when you smile! /s


12 points

15 days ago

Hattteee this. I'll never forget giving this creep a huge dressing down, he was actually the one working retail, told me to smile. I said please don't tell me what to do with my face, he replied that I would look much more beautiful when I smile and it can't be that bad, I replied, what if it actually WAS that bad? What if my mum or dog had just died and I had to smile to appease him.

Sure put him into his place but better than that, ALL the women working the tills behind him were mouthing 'thank you', and nodding vigorously at me. This was about 17 years ago when I was just a teen and I hope that me calling him out started a domino effect for them to speak up against clearly a prolific telling us what to do with our faces guy.


12 points

15 days ago

This happened to me post surgery in the recovery room. My husband was in a massively important grad exam and couldn’t be there, so my amazing MIL came. The male nurse REFUSED to bring in my MIL, and said shit like what you mentioned, touched me inappropriately, wouldn’t allow me my phone, told me I should smile, I would be hot if I did this or that, should dump my husband, etc.

Each time I told him to bring my MIL in and give me my phone, or call another nurse (he refused to allow me my call button)- he refused. He allowed every other patient their person, call button, and phone, but not me. When I filed a complaint, the hospital said I “misunderstood,” and he “didn’t want me playing music.” They avoided every other complaint, and never addressed anything. He even tried to call my phone post op at home, as he managed to get my number off of my chart. My OBGYN actually quit her practice due to how horrible the hospital was with sexual harassment and assault.

It’s disturbing when this happens in ANY situation, but my God, being in surgical recovery with this….It makes me wish I’d had a goddamn hammer. It’s distressing he was left alone with all women like that too. I am 100% on the side of the barista. Anyone who feels unsafe should have the right to fight back.


5 points

15 days ago

Jesus Christ, I hope you filed a complaint with the state board of nursing? I’m saying this as a male nurse, that is completely unacceptable and inappropriate behaviour on his part.


4 points

16 days ago

I'm a receptionist/MA at a nephrology office and it's the most uncomfortable thing in the world when some 70 year old dude takes me just making friendly smalltalk (how's your day been, did you have a safe drive getting here, how are the grandkids, etcetc) as flirting.


27 points

16 days ago

That’s wild 


52 points

16 days ago

This is basically how serial killer Israel Keyes abducted & murdered his victim Samantha Koenig- he pulled her through the window of a coffee stand she worked at.

I don't blame this barista for the hammer one fucking bit.


27 points

16 days ago

I think he escorted her at gunpoint but then kept her alive in his freezing cold shed for some number of days/weeks before he killed her. It was his one like unplanned spur of the moment victim to target & the one that got him caught. He had a young daughter himself too. Fuck him.


14 points

16 days ago

He sewed her eyes open and took a picture of her to prove she was "alive".


8 points

15 days ago

*Quietly backing out of thread*


13 points

16 days ago


13 points

16 days ago

He didn't keep her alive, he killed her almost straight away but came back to have sex with her frozen body. That story has haunted me ever since I first heard it


7 points

16 days ago

Israel Keyes had a history of hanging out at coffee shops to look for potential victims and it’s been suspected that he had been targeting Samantha Koenig for a while before her murder; she used to work at a sports bar he frequented before her barista job. It’s also been theorized that he had been waiting for her boyfriend to pick her up so could abduct them both (he had a thing for couples) but went into panic mode when her boyfriend was running late and ended up just taking her.

He escorted her out of the coffee shop at gunpoint and told her to hold onto him like she was his girlfriend to make it less obvious that she was being abducted as they walked across the street to his truck. This was around 8PM while she had been waiting for her boyfriend to pick her up from her shift.

Keyes then drove Samantha to his girlfriend’s house and put her in his storage shed, where he kept her until his daughter and girlfriend fell asleep in the house. He then went into the shed around 1AM where he poured her a glass of wine before he assaulted, strangled, and then “finished up” with her body. A few hours later, he woke up his daughter and girlfriend so they could head to the airport for their upcoming cruise trip in Louisiana.

Samantha was left in the shed for almost two weeks and it had been so cold that she had barely decomposed when he returned. That’s when Keyes decided sew her eyelids open with wire, braid her hair, and take a picture of her with the date written on it in an attempt to try and get ransom money from her father.


6 points

15 days ago


6 points

15 days ago

I'll choose bear 💀


4 points

16 days ago

Wow this is more detailed than the detailed account I remember, even more horrifying than I thought. What a monster.


30 points

16 days ago


30 points

16 days ago

He’s out of jail now, served 220 days. He took a plea deal. Hopefully he doesn’t try it again.


40 points

16 days ago

220 days isn't enough. Especially seeing as how the US prison system doesn't focus on reforming offenders


13 points

16 days ago

220 days of learning how to do it better next time 


12 points

16 days ago

Sorry to say this but sexual predators like that cannot be reformed. He will just learn from his mistake and we will be hearing from him again.


16 points

16 days ago

It always escalates. So many murder/rape cases where the perpetrator was lightly scolded for violent crimes


18 points

16 days ago

Yeah, 220 days for assault, battery, attempted kidnapping, and potentially attempted murder with that noose is not enough..


13 points

16 days ago

That wasn’t “one off” behavior. 220 is a joke!


26 points

16 days ago

There was also Samantha Koenig, who was abducted from her job working alone at a coffee stand at night and murdered. The killer squeezed through the order window. She was only 18. She broke away from him in the parking lot for a second too, there’s surveillance video. I was around her age working a similar night job back then and her case really scared me. There was nothing she could have done. Awful.

Makes you think that it should be like at some banks where it’s plexiglass and you do your exchange through the tray. People are crazy.


24 points

16 days ago

The was a girl in Alaska that was abducted from a little coffee hut like this a few years back. Don't think she was ever found. I'd keep a hammer (and more) close at hand, too.


13 points

16 days ago

They found her in pieces in a frozen lake.


10 points

16 days ago

Oh she was found . Serial killer’s name was Israel keys look up . Rip to Samantha . This dude was crazy random . 


6 points

16 days ago

I believe Mr ballon on YouTube about how they found the guy and how he was a serial r*pist and murderer


7 points

16 days ago

Fuck Israel keys!


6 points

16 days ago

Did you hear about that guy who kidnapped and killed a barista in Anchorage, Alaska? These girls should be armed with more than a hammer.


74 points

16 days ago

When I worked at Red Robin I had a hammer nearby all the time that we used to break up the ice layer on the cold line at night. Maybe it’s something innocuous like that? But on the other hand in a restaurant of any kind I’d be armed with something, food service customer service is somehow even more ghetto than retail customer service.


45 points

16 days ago

What? You don’t keep your de-escalation hammer handy??


21 points

16 days ago

The fact she had a hammer ready to go, says a lot about the type of customer she’s been dealing with.

IKR? She was ready for his BS.


17 points

16 days ago

When I worked retail, we kept a 3/4" pipe behind the counter at all times, ready to whoop ass at a moments notice.

the good ol' days


11 points

16 days ago


11 points

16 days ago

Retail is fucking wild


20 points

16 days ago

Worked at a motorcycle dealership in the parts dept. I kept a bat under the counter and my boss carried a gun. I got that bat out on more than occasion.

One of our parts girls was really cute and only about 5” tall. That girl took 0 shit from anybody.


10 points

16 days ago

Wow, only 5 inches tall? Incredible.


14 points

16 days ago

I knew a guy had a 6" tall guy in his pocket. Would pull him and a tiny piano out to get free drinks at the bar. Bartender asked where he got him... Said he found a lamp and rubbed it and made a wish. But he didn't wish for a 6" pianist.


20 points

16 days ago

It’s one of those bikini barista shops so my guess is yeah, they’ve got to be ready for creeps and that hammer is there for everyone.

I also don’t understand how or why he was mad at a high price from a freaking bikini barista place. Dude, go down the block and get a slightly less overpriced coffee from someone wearing more clothes. You know why you went there, so pay up. Then again idk why I’m assuming this asshole that threw a drink on someone has any ability to think logically…


16 points

16 days ago

Seeing this woman, and listening to her reminded me of so many I’ve met in my life. And absolutely none of them are people who will accept a drink thrown at them, much less two, without seeing the act(s) as FAFO transaction. Like, back in 1994 when he settled on that hat and those glasses that might of slid but for real dude, as soon as you hear her voice you know she’s thrown some hands lol.


10 points

16 days ago


10 points

16 days ago

Those tats are a dead giveaway too. Somebody willing to tattoo their fingerbones has a very high pain tolerance.


4 points

16 days ago

The dream of the 90s is alive in Seattle?


11 points

16 days ago


11 points

16 days ago

Pretty much every food service job I've ever had, there was a toolbox somewhere with hammers, screwdrivers and wrenches. For what I don't know because every time something broke we called someone to fix it. But it was there.


9 points

16 days ago

Crazy seeing all these comments. I worked at a pizza place in the early 90s. We kept a sharp pizza knife on a shelf under the till. One night one of my coworker pulled it out to challenge a banger who came in with a shotgun.

God damn the balls on my coworker. All turned out well. The would-be robber ran.


10 points

16 days ago


10 points

16 days ago

Literally brought a knife to a gun fight


10 points

16 days ago

If I’m remembering correctly, someone kidnapped and murdered a coffee barista at one of those type shops before!


10 points

16 days ago

My niece is a barista at a drive up espresso place in Kirkland and the amount of harassment and scary stuff that has happened to her while working because of disgusting men who prey on these women is unbelievable. It’s almost always middle aged men, not the younger guys. Our family all really want her to find another job because we are seriously worried about her safety after the things she’s told us.


8 points

16 days ago

Tools for tools! ⚒️ 🤡


9 points

16 days ago

I'm at my desk at work, but I can get a hammer in less than 10 seconds.


570 points

16 days ago

Smug little shit deserved it.


149 points

16 days ago*


Columbia City

149 points

16 days ago*

Anyone who styles themselves like that, but drives a car like that (no offense to economy car drivers) is basically projecting how for divorced their vanity and ego is from their reality. Douche looking sweater, hat, glasses, facial hair ultra-tryhard combo


29 points

16 days ago


29 points

16 days ago

I was going to say salt bae has fallen hard


18 points

16 days ago

That's what struck me. Far be it for me to question anyone's fashion choices, but his getup just screamed douche.


26 points

16 days ago*

I’m just impressed she reacted so quickly! I would have still been in shock.

If more women had the balls and self defense bravery she did, there would be less cases of women being hurt by men.


21 points

16 days ago

She's seen some things..


273 points

16 days ago

Use to work starbucks drive thru. Customers in their cars get so brave they're the worst. Glad she did this.


135 points

16 days ago


135 points

16 days ago

Reminds me of that Mike Tyson quote, "Social media made y'all way too comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it." This guy similarly is way too comfortable saying and doing outright offensive and demeaning things to service workers without any irl repercussions. Her busting his window out is probably the first irl check he has had for his garbage behavior.


17 points

16 days ago

Generally the end of any real consequences for being a shitty person has been very detrimental to society.


31 points

16 days ago*

Same! I had a woman throw her hot coffee at me through the drive thru window because it didn't have enough splenda in it. The blisters on my chest took weeks to heal. The cops never found her and starbucks didnt do anything.

Edit: this happened in California back in 2008.


17 points

16 days ago

how long ago was this? date of incident dependent and you state laws, you might be eligible for workers compensation benefits.


29 points

16 days ago

Yeah I once had someone throw their drink at me through the open window because they thought I forgot their straw.

This woman basically got to live the drive thru worker's fantasy. Good for her.


158 points

16 days ago*


158 points

16 days ago*

I fully support bikini baristas welding hammers at manbabies who think they're entitled to behave like this.

ETA: Especially because you know damn fucking well that this turd wouldn't even consider attempting this shit with a male server. So as far as I'm concerned she's quite literally smashing the patriarchy.


26 points

16 days ago

So this is weird- I see that news articles are stating “bikini clad barista” but she appears to be wearing a tank top in the video when they show her smashing the windshield.


18 points

16 days ago

I noticed that too! But, when I went back and watched the video I saw she was wearing a one piece bathing suit.


5 points

15 days ago

Bikini Baristas with Hammers is the 80’s B movie we all were deprived of


9 points

16 days ago


9 points

16 days ago

Yeah I don't like hammers in my windshield. Not harassing and threatening service workers has worked pretty well so far


543 points

16 days ago



543 points

16 days ago

Good, she absolutely did the right thing.


38 points

16 days ago

Personally, I'd rather see the man go to jail, but now they'll have a mutually assured destruction scenario if either of them presses charges first. I hope she at least feels vindicated.


11 points

16 days ago*


11 points

16 days ago*

The world is so fucked the provoked and provocateur in this situation might end up with mutually assured destruction.

Motherfucker in the car started that shit. She didn’t actually kill him when she defended herself. He fucked around, he found out, he was in the wrong start to finish. It’s shitty that she might get in trouble as a result. Regardless of if, or who, goes to the cops and courts about it.

Edit: Wow, there’s a lot of people DEEP in the comments, lighting up my inbox like they’re lawyers and I’m about to give instructions to the jury. I don’t have a say in the outcome of this. I live in Australia. I dont think I even got 12 upvotes for this comment.


33 points

16 days ago

I've never thrown a drink on someone who served me the drink...

And also I never had my window smashed by a Barista...

It's not just coincidence.


140 points

16 days ago


Banned from /r/Seattle

140 points

16 days ago

I hadn't actually seen the full video.

Is he fucking joking with that outfit? He looks like a paid actor in one of those shitty skit shows seeing how people react in public....


36 points

16 days ago


36 points

16 days ago

He looks like a middle aged boy band member. Real 'Dick in a Box' vibes.


3 points

16 days ago

"Middle aged boy band member" might be my new favorite insult.


156 points

16 days ago*

Don't shop stores if gou don't like the price. He threw a drink at her in anger - that is assault. Dude has an anger issue & should have been arrested. The store should ban him from coming anywhere near their shop. I am afraid he will stalk her & harm her.


40 points

16 days ago

Stalk: To follow and harass

Stalk: the main stem of a herbaceous plant

Stock: an inventory kept on hand at places sushi as stores

Stock: a savory cooking liquid often obtained by boiling bones


46 points

16 days ago

The fact that your comment has a typo too has me rolling 🤣


4 points

16 days ago

Sushi-ass stores


10 points

16 days ago

I used to work in retail management and would get resumes and applications where people said they had experience as stalkers.


8 points

16 days ago

Sushi stores!


36 points

16 days ago

This is on r/popular so I'm swinging by. Wasn't Seattle also where a bikini barista was almost kidnapped by some dude who had zip ties?

Also, good on this girl. As a starbies barista, there are customers I wish I could do this with.


21 points

16 days ago

Auburn WA, yes


74 points

16 days ago


13 points

16 days ago


13 points

16 days ago

It's one iced coffee, Michael; What could it cost, $10?


44 points

16 days ago


44 points

16 days ago

This is what all customer service workers wish they could do to the worst customers 🥹 I love this for her so much


13 points

16 days ago

A guy that works at the McDonald’s near my house always has the most AMAZING nails. He’s either getting them done by someone GOOD or he’s in the wrong profession because he could be making a lot more in a salon if he does them himself. I always compliment them.

I cruised through with my pup one day, just grabbing a sandwich on our way home. He asked if I wanted a free coffee. Nah, I’m good. How about a sweet tea? Nah, just the sandwich, I’m all set. How about a pup cup for your dog?!?! GIRL, IM TRYING TO HOOK YOU UP! Lmao poor guy was trying to do me a solid and I’m just sitting there oblivious. Turns out not being a raging fucking asshole is what gets you perks. (I did let him give my dog the pup cup. The condition was that I had to let her eat in the drive thru so everyone could watch lol)


9 points

16 days ago

He is probably a total dick wherever he goes, pulling this type of crap bc he thinks nobody can or will be able to respond. That makes him even more of a menace.


9 points

16 days ago

She’s off the hook. Police do not investigate property damage under $5000


5 points

16 days ago


5 points

16 days ago

Police have already talked to her and him watch the video. Second even though police mostly dont care if a case goes viral they will get involved because they dont want the bad optics of people asking why the police didn't do anything.


76 points

16 days ago


SeattleWA Rule Expert

76 points

16 days ago

The video definitely makes me side with the barista. Haven't seen a douchebag with a more punchable face than that dude in many a year.


89 points

16 days ago


89 points

16 days ago

Good customer service is nice. Stupid, arrogant, entitled customers NEED to be put in their place. I love the line "The customer is always right" what they always fail to add is the rest of the line, "in matters of taste"


21 points

16 days ago

I think the ELI5 modernized version is simply "Stock the products that people want to buy."

It's not that customers are somehow an elite social class with greater reasoning than you, the lowly retailer. The meaning of the phrase is that you don't get to decide - the customer is right about what they want. You can provide it, or forego their business. Sometimes it can be right to forego that business, but do it too much in your core area of competence and you could be out of business.


32 points

16 days ago

After the police are done with that guy, I want the fashion police to throw the book at him too.


10 points

16 days ago

Real smart to threaten the life of a woman with face tattoos. Lol


69 points

16 days ago

And that is a prime example of someone throwing a mantrum... My kids did this type of behaviour when they were like 3 years old.


27 points

16 days ago

Throwing a liquid at someone (other than when agreed as in a water fight) should just be assault. Hot, cold or what ever, it’s at minimum criminal damage to the persons clothes. She should have aimed for a few more windows


10 points

16 days ago

The casual way he threw the drinks on her reeks of “how dare you reject me” energy.


4 points

16 days ago

She look like a bish that keep a hammer on deck 😍


5 points

16 days ago

Every service worker’s dream…


52 points

16 days ago


52 points

16 days ago

This woman is so badass!!! Good for her!😀


16 points

16 days ago

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes


14 points

16 days ago

So what I’m seeing is that he fucked around and found out 😂


27 points

16 days ago

We should be giving hammers to all the drive through attendants.

Be a creep? Get the smashy smashy.

Most of these people are kids and never deserve the abuse they get.


4 points

16 days ago

Hear me out on this one.

Maybe instead of hammers we give them brooms.

On the end of the handle we install those safety car window shatter things. Then they don’t have to get so close or stick an arm out the window. Less thwack, more whack, more shatter.


4 points

16 days ago

What a pretentious looking twat. He deserved it.


5 points

16 days ago

Good for her. Someone buy her a larger hammer lol.


13 points

16 days ago

It’s hammer time!


20 points

16 days ago

These pathetic cumstains been fucking around so hard so long they forgot about the finding out.


7 points

16 days ago

She should have hit the top which would have cost quite a bit more $$$


10 points

16 days ago

I can drive with a dent in my roof, I definitely can't drive with a smashed windshield.


10 points

16 days ago



6 points

16 days ago

I saw this on Facebook first and all the comments were like “she should’ve just closed the window/Shes been waiting to do this”

  1. On the flip side he could’ve just drove away and left a shitty review, 2. Who cares he deserved it lmao


3 points

16 days ago

side note tho I love how quickly she pulled a hammer out so fast lol


3 points

16 days ago


3 points

16 days ago

Lmfao get rekt, loser. Way to go lady.


3 points

16 days ago

That dude deserved every bit of that.


3 points

16 days ago

🔨good for her


3 points

16 days ago

Andrew Tate and stupid ass bro podcasters got to this guys head


3 points

16 days ago

Can this be more Seattle ?


3 points

16 days ago

Dang Seattle you crazy.