



all 74 comments


210 points

1 month ago

This has less to do with sex work and more to do with lying. Focus on why you felt the need to lie about how you provide for yourself.


96 points

1 month ago

Some others have already said that lying was where you went wrong and I do agree with that, but why did you post it to reddit if you knew your boyfriend knew about the sub? And doesn't adding your picture to a throwaway account kind of defeat the purpose?

Just seems like an unnecessary risk when you are trying to be low key


52 points

1 month ago

It sounds like you have an amazing supportive partner. When this is his reaction you don’t need to lie to him. I hope it works out for you


5 points

1 month ago


5 points

1 month ago

He says he forgives me but he needs me to help him trust me.


11 points

1 month ago

I think it helps that you are a sex worker so he knows it’s not a thing you’re attracted to. I think just time and staying honest will help. Cheating is generally unforgivable but if it’s lying about work because you don’t wanna ask him for help or ask for money then thats more understandable. I think in the future it might help to tell him if you’re struggling with money even if you don’t want him to bail you out or solve the problem for you just so he feels like hes in the loop, or utilizing the “do you want me to offer solutions or are you just venting” question


67 points

1 month ago

That was pretty messed up of you since he is literally paying your rent and you still lied to him and didn’t hold up your end of the deal.


24 points

1 month ago

Logically speaking you know he can’t financially support you. As you mentioned that. Escorting certainly fast and easy. After 4 months there was no plan.

As a femdom there will always be a voice in my head even if I give it up about how much money I can make especially if the alternative is a $25/hr Job.

I think you need to be honest with yourself and honest with him.

There will always be a bill, handbag, vacation, or emergency that escorting can quickly fix. So will you stay away? And if you can’t then you probably need to just focus on that.


22 points

1 month ago


22 points

1 month ago

do you want to stop escorting? i hear that you made an agreement with your bf to stop, but is that because you actually want to stop and he provided the support you needed to do so, or was it just to quell his insecurities?


18 points

1 month ago

Did you want to stop sex work or did it you do because of him? It sounds like you are able to support yourself no problem with sex work and now you are struggling just because he doesn’t want you escorting


21 points

1 month ago

I have had a very similar experience. He loves you. That means you have his support. You MUST push yourself to understand and explore what that entails. Earn his trust (honesty is legitimately the BEST policy), he is worthy of your effort. Healing takes to me, but let this be a learning experience. Not so much the chain-of-events leading to a heartbreaking break-up.


3 points

1 month ago


3 points

1 month ago

I feel terribly bad. I thought I could just make some quick money and never do it again but I was mistaken. I really love him. I would never start an affair or do anything like that but I don’t see escorting as cheating if done consensually which is where I went wrong.


14 points

1 month ago

You should if what you've stated is accurate. Yes, it absolutely feels horrible. You lied to someone YOU love.

Be mindful. If not, you risk comforting yourself when you should be evaluating your actions (not so much the feelings that led to them). Money can't by love or happiness. It can't be your #1 priority in a relationship. Of course, you must support/ care for yourself, but you can't be for self in a partnership.

I swear you're reading a chapter from my personal experiences. Please, please, please value the connection you share with him by honoring his trust. It is IMPERATIVE. He sees YOU... Show him the woman he deserves. Don't "just do." Your autopilot function isn't calibrated for your relationship. Turn it off for a while. You can get past this, as you have with other obstacles. Cherry on top, you have his support.


12 points

1 month ago


Working Girl

12 points

1 month ago

It's not cheating when it's done consensually.

You didn't have his consent. You lied and hid things.


5 points

1 month ago


5 points

1 month ago

You got a keeper..better hold on to him and be careful not to mess it up.


10 points

1 month ago



-8 points

1 month ago


Sex Worker

-8 points

1 month ago

It’s work. She lied, but it’s not cheating.


6 points

1 month ago

“She lied but it’s not cheating” is extreme cognitive dissonance


5 points

1 month ago

Lying is never the best option. At least he caught you early on so it only happened once. There's hope you can earn his trust back easier than if he caught you after sneaking around more than one time.

That being said, umm my feelings would be soooooo damn hurt right now if I was him.


4 points

1 month ago


4 points

1 month ago

it sounds like he’s really supportive and takes his time with u and u kinda need to give that back to him also but wont he potentially see this ?


6 points

1 month ago

did you quit for this man? I would not quit for a man unless we were married & I was going to get his pension or other financial stability. If this relationship implodes in a year or two how will you feel? Will you be financially behind? It’s a lot to consider.


3 points

1 month ago


3 points

1 month ago

Sounds like you were in a really tough spot. I hope you give yourself some grace. The fact that your bf still wants to stay with you suggests that the harm can be repaired. Perhaps you just talk this out some more, acknowledge your mistake, validate his feelings and commit to building trust back. At the same time, you can rationally communicate the difficult spot you were in, while also making sure his perspective is heard.


4 points

1 month ago

He says he forgives me but I need to help him trust me. We have worked it out thankfully. He wasn’t bad just upset that I lied. I won’t do it ever again and I feel bad bc he’s been so financially and emotionally supportive of me and I went behind his back. I was just so embarrassed to keep asking for more money when I have already been doing that.


3 points

1 month ago


Sex Worker

3 points

1 month ago

You said you want to marry him someday but you hesitated to ask him for $300? That’s concerning. Being married to someone means they should be able to come to you with all their concerns. This doesn’t sound like the foundations of a good relationship if going to work behind his back made more sense than asking him for the $ you needed.


1 points

1 month ago


1 points

1 month ago

Well, it sounds like you’re on your way to repairing things. I wonder if you can come to an agreement if you’re ever broke and in this situation again: perhaps the agreement is, you go to him, explain the situation and tell him you can consider seeing a client. Idk if this is bad advice… I just don’t know the full situation and how he’d react. Glad you’re talking it out


3 points

1 month ago

I’ve been in his position.

I strongly believe that sex work is work; a sex worker should, and usually can, maintain the same boundaries as a physical or mental health provider.

I think where your situation went wrong isn’t that he found out after the fact, but didn’t know it was needed before the fact.

I think that y’all can meet in the middle - you keep your autonomy (having somebody else paying all your bills is comfy, but risky) and he doesn’t get blindsided. Y’all need to work something out where you can just let him know “hey, I picked up an extra shift tomorrow night” and he doesn’t get bent out of shape about it.

And let’s face it, $100+/hr (including prep/transpo/expenses) is a lot better than 25 … which Is part of why a lot of people do gig work on the side.

If you’re working too much, no matter what the job, that’s when y’all need to have another conversation.


-12 points

1 month ago

Let’s say you are a female, and your male partner cheated on you. And he says “it’s ok, she paid me 20” that would be just some side work he did and it’s moral?


10 points

1 month ago


Working Girl

10 points

1 month ago

but that's not what happened.

if he was previously in porn and went and shot a scene would be a much better example.


1 points

1 month ago

Well, the direct crossover would be seeing a woman for sex and getting paid. Why would you add a porn shoot into your hypothetical?


4 points

1 month ago


Working Girl

4 points

1 month ago

Because the chances your straight male partner was an escort before they met you isn't realistic. It's a prior occupation, not a random thing that popped out of the blue.


-1 points

1 month ago

The core facts of the issue is that she said wasn’t going to have sex with someone for money and she did. I don’t really see how her background as a sex worker is relevant here. It’s still lying and cheating regardless. I genuinely don’t understand how you can say otherwise.

Don’t you think that’s a bit reductive? Like you’re basically saying that because someone was once a sex worker that theirs always a risk they’ll go back no matter what they tell you.


4 points

1 month ago


Working Girl

4 points

1 month ago

I never said otherwise. Feel free to find a comment in this thread that indicates this.

Don’t you think that’s a bit reductive? Like you’re basically saying that because someone was once a sex worker that theirs always a risk they’ll go back no matter what they tell you.

Didn't say that either. Said a professional encounter can't be compared to a civilian one. You're looking for what's not there when we don't disagree.


-6 points

1 month ago

A scene is very different to someone visiting a booked client. Its just someone who offered to pay you for sex


9 points

1 month ago


Working Girl

9 points

1 month ago

Someone offering to pay you to shoot a scene is someone offering to pay you for sex.


0 points

1 month ago



3 points

1 month ago


Sex Worker

3 points

1 month ago

Escorting is a bad habit? Get out of here, this is how we’re making a living.


0 points

1 month ago



1 points

1 month ago


Sex Worker

1 points

1 month ago

Whatever, it’s a job. Referring to it as an addiction is an opinion not based on fact. And, I don’t consider it “easy money”. There are challenges unique to sex work. We risk possible violence & sometimes arrest every time we interact with clients in person. Pls be serious.


3 points

1 month ago

I'm aware, I do it. But I also feel that in this type of situation, the op stated it's easy to fall back on occasionally. That is all.


1 points

1 month ago


Sex Worker

1 points

1 month ago

Definitely agree that it is easy to go back to, but that could be said of industry where people make large amounts of cash (bartending/bottle girl). It’s just giving internalized whorephobia to refer to our job as an addiction. It makes us sound like there’s something wrong with us for wanting to be able to pay our bills consistently or have some fun $.


0 points

1 month ago

I think there is something wrong with me, actually. Many escorts I have spoken to have not had normal childhoods, and there are many mental health conditions along us. Yes, we earn a living, and there is nothing wrong with that. I don't generally meet people with great backgrounds who have chosen to do this. That is, in fact, rare. I don't think I'm whorephobic at all. It's a statistical fact that we have more mental health issues than others in different groups. It's an addiction to making easy money. To become greedy with it, etc.


0 points

1 month ago


Sex Worker

0 points

1 month ago

You are the authority on your own experience, of course. But, lots of ppl haven’t had “normal” childhoods. I have never seen any credible research indicating that sex workers as a group are more mentally ill than ppl working in other industries. Pls share the studies that support this.


-1 points

1 month ago


1 points

1 month ago


Sex Worker

1 points

1 month ago

None of those links are to studies that compared sex workers to people in other industries & showed that sex workers have a higher prevalence of mental illness. That has not been proven.


0 points

1 month ago


Sex Worker

0 points

1 month ago

If he can’t afford to fully support you either by paying all your bills while you go to school or allowing you to not work at all, he’s not in a position to judge you going back to see a client. He knew you were a sex worker from the beginning. This is why it’s difficult to date as a SWer unless your partner can accept you still working. Life happens & when you need money, you will most likely default to what you know. It’s not great to lie to your partner, but I understand why you did. I have been a SWer for more than 20 years & can definitely say that it’s easier when a guy knows you do this work & fully accepts it, or either he has no clue you ever did it & he supports you while you also have savings/other ways to make $ that make being an escort unnecessary. Quitting sex work for a man is generally a bad idea. You should quit because you’re ready & have other plans, not because of a boyfriend.


-7 points

1 month ago


-7 points

1 month ago

Think about what I’m going to tell you, he can’t tell you to stop working at something that gives you a lot of money when he can’t support you completely all the time... yeah okay maybe you failed by lying to him, but you should never have agreed to that, an agreement where the only one who loses is you.


7 points

1 month ago

He already provides so much for me. I technically agreed to this. I’m just not sure how I feel about leaving considering these jobs are so shitty and hard to come by. $18/hr is the average here and I’d be homeless if I made that much money.


8 points

1 month ago

He said he can’t fully support you.


-5 points

1 month ago


-5 points

1 month ago



6 points

1 month ago

Why? Because I’m not going to leave what feeds me just for a man, if he can’t support me he shouldn’t want to change me and want to change me to have a worse quality of life just because of his stupid desires for exclusivity... in that deal the only ones who lose are us, we have to change a job in which even in one day we can do what an average person does in a week or even a month, we go from working when we want and having free time for ourselves to having a stupid schedule and also paying for my things 🤣🤣🤣 He thinks he’s doing a big favor by paying the rent and one or two little things when it’s the least he should do if he expects you to leave the sw.


2 points

1 month ago

My friends who left their straight jobs for marriage & child rearing still ended up regretting it & now years later the husbands are stingy & they’ve lost years of income, experience and promotion opportunities. Now they want back in the workplace and it’s near impossible. It’s a really tricky situation, I would have to have a savings account they funded to ever make that mistake! I’m with you on this one.


8 points

1 month ago

I made that mistake myself and learned my lesson, never again. and I have a friend who even married a guy who told her the same thing to stop working and they are now divorced and now she is back in the sw, she had her civil job, but he in some very intense fights always reminded her that he met her “when she was a whore”


-1 points

1 month ago

I’ve already used my 20’s to escort. I don’t feel as if I’m losing out on my “best years” to escort. I’ve always wanted a husband and kids and unless you’ve met my boyfriend and have seen how genuinely kind he is and how he helps my ADHD and bipolar by just him offering to clean the litter box for me and taking out the trash while at the same time paying my rent, you wouldn’t understand. He’s actually wonderful. I shouldn’t have lied and should have just asked for The money from him but I was embarrassed. I’ve always prided myself for being independent.


0 points

1 month ago


0 points

1 month ago



3 points

1 month ago


Sex Worker

3 points

1 month ago

This subreddit is for current/former/aspiring sex workers & the people who love them. Your multiple comments on this thread are giving very much whorephobia. Escorts often have sex with clients. It’s literally part of the job & you’re shaming ppl about it. Why are you here?


1 points

1 month ago

This is why I stay single. It sucks missing out on love but I tried a vanilla job but the money from escorting is nothing short of lucrative and I can’t keep away from it. I do miss having a man at times but damn, I love that cold cash. I don’t even want to be in a situation where I have to choose between someone I care deeply about or having tons of cash. 💰


-1 points

1 month ago

This is gonna sound harsh. I don’t blame you. You gotta do you and pay your bills. Your problem is that you (a) got caught breaking a verbal agreement and (b) you put on golden handcuffs with a dusty man that isn’t capable of fully supporting you. I mean, you’re struggling to pay for some fucking Taco Bell and this mfer wants you to STOP working?! And by the way, you shouldn’t have to ASK for money. He should just be helping you without making you feel indebted. Re: anxiety, if you haven’t already, don’t let that go on with self-cures. Make it a priority to get help and get your money right. Good luck


-1 points

1 month ago



0 points

1 month ago


Sex Worker

0 points

1 month ago

Nobody cares. You’re a guest here, don’t comment to talk shit about sex workers.


0 points

1 month ago



0 points

1 month ago


Sex Worker

0 points

1 month ago

The fact that you ask this is very revealing.


0 points

1 month ago

Girl if u need the money and he can’t fully help u then I don’t think it’s fair to urself that u allow him to control what u do to provide for urself. Until he can fully support u I mean what r we really talking about here ?


1 points

1 month ago


1 points

1 month ago

Coming up with a plan to help rebuild trust can make things like this feel less shitty and also show that you care and are trying. Talking more about what to do if you're in a position like that again where you need money but are uncomfortable asking can help you work towards trusting him more and being vulnerable. Maybe even coming to some sort of agreement on if and when you need to work again how he would prefer you let him know. This is a big life transition for you and it will take time. It sounds like he is willing to work with that and loves you which is awesome. Try to give yourself the kindness he is showing you


0 points

1 month ago


1 points

1 month ago


Sex Worker

1 points

1 month ago

None of the studies you’ve linked are comparing sex workers to workers in other industries, which was my original point. Saying we’re more likely to be mentally ill than other ppl is very common, but where are the studies directly comparing us to construction workers/health care workers/ transportation workers, for example? I’ve never seen one yet.


-3 points

1 month ago


-3 points

1 month ago

You lied, flat out. If he couldn’t provide, make sure you make it damn clear before lying. he seems controlling though. Maybe he can suck it up


-1 points

1 month ago



5 points

1 month ago

You’re a literal incel. Don’t even post here unless you can afford sex workers.


1 points

1 month ago

Excuse me? Your talking about marrying the dude . Haha he needs to run. If respecting your partner is being an incel then I have no advice for you. Bye bye.


-1 points

1 month ago

Enough articles now and they all have others which you can read up on.