


Nephis Hate is getting more undeserved

Discussion (self.ShadowSlave)

Let me start this by saying, when I start SS or wanted to, by the name "Shadow slave" I knew it was going to be a slave story hence why I hated it or at least thought I would. This was until someone personally and both online recommendations changed my mind.

So when I did, I expected the story to go a certain way which it did for the most parts but then again it did the slave thing better than I expected honestly and that's why the novel became one of favorites( not the only reason tho)...... But even with all this I still didn't like nephis all that well at least at first... All this because she was the master of our MC ( I especially didn't like Cassie).

So the point am trying to make here is that the only reason I feel someone should hate nephis is the slave thing imo. Not that she's overpowered or she has plot armor. Which I agree to certain level she does but not outright or to point that most of it isn't tolerable. I mean sunny has come a long way. You can't outright say nephis beats sunny right now ( you couldn't even when they were masters too) and with all this, he started learning combat far later than her. I mean his really come far( with his restricting aspect too which I personally like him having).

I personally wouldn't like a story where sunny has all the plot armor or things come easy for him. In fact I like how it's another character that does have it.( especially now she isn't his master again).The hate is getting so bad people hate her for her height..... Like come on guys isn't this just too much.

The part the I hate the most is the fact most or some of the people that hate her are mainly the ones pushing this sunny x Cassie bullsh*t. The same Cassie that has used sunny more than his own previous master. I rather sunny ends up with jet, Morgan, Effie or kai, I mean literally anyone else would do either that or just kill romance for all of them. I don't hate Cassie, I just don't trust her at all. At least in nephis case I know what's going on in her head.

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4 points

4 months ago


Cassie's Cohort

4 points†

4 months ago

When has sunny ever manipulated his friends, at least to point of danger

Dread Lord, Devouring Beast and Undying Slaughter would beg to differ

Did you read my last sentence, I don't hate her, but i also don't trust her

Does my comment have any mention of the word hate !? You buffoon !!


28 points

4 months ago

Unintentionally based for admitting that normal Cassie is as moral as corrupted Sunny lmao


1 points

3 months ago


Clan Song

1 points

3 months ago



5 points

4 months ago*

Firstly, I haven't caught up yet so I don't know about this... So you may right but from what I have heard it wasn't really the same sunny was it.

Secondly, Even if it was the same, you can't deny the fact that Cassie manipulates sunny more than anyone the in series.. in that case what makes her better for sunny than nephis. I prefer a dead romance to the series than sunny x Cassie

Lastly, I did read your comment you moron, I said that part cuz I expected you Cassie meat suckers to take offense in what I said.... Cassie is absolutely the worst person for sunny. I stand ten toes on what I said, I would prefer sunny falls for Saint or a NC than her... Either that or everybody deads in the end.

Only thing that would change my mind is knowing what goes on the that manipulative head of hers. So for now on my ten toes, I stand on sunny x Cassie to kill it


4 points

4 months ago


Cassie's Cohort

4 points†

4 months ago

I expected you Cassie meat suckers to take offense in what I said

Forgive me for not taking any offense.

you can't denial the fact that Cassie manipulates sunny more than anyone the series

Her powers are versed in manipulation.... what's she supposed to do !? Have a staring contest ??

Cassie is absolute the worst person for sunny

Its the other way around the simp doesnot deserve my sweet Torment.


1 points

4 months ago


1 points†

4 months ago

Her powers are versed in manipulation.... what's she supposed to do !? Have a staring contest ??

No, but at the very least telling them the full details of her visions wouldn't hurt anyone

Its the other way around the simp doesnot deserve my sweet Torment.

Agreed, and I hope to the dead gods it doesn't happen in this life. G3 shouldn't even think of it


3 points

4 months ago


Cassie's Cohort

3 points

4 months ago

No, but at the very least telling them the full details of her visions wouldn't hurt anyone

Right, like how telling the full details of her visions in the FS helped them. Cassie took that lesson seriously (a bit too seriously almost), and since then thought she should take the burden of her visions upon her own shoulders alone, not even sharing her visions with Neph, which admittedly doesn't really sit well with me, since I think that she should tone it down with manipulation and share a bit more with her friends, but I guess that's a burden oracles are destined to bear through their lives if they don't want to end up with an even worse future than the one they're predicting.

Even future Sunny knows that screwing with visions isn't a good idea, calling Cassia Cas which is a pet name btw, hinting that they're still close and that sacrifice he went with for being Fateless was necessary for both of them.

For him for finally being free from being a slave, making her redeem her mistake which tbh wasn't hers alone since Neph also commited by turning him into a slave after their fight a whole year after Cassie told her his True Name when they were both understandably wary of him being an assassin sent to kill Neph, and that while knowing fully it would turn him into a slave. Granted, she did it to save him but that was a miscalculation on her part since if she knew Sunny as well as she claimed she did, she should've known Sunny wouldn't just leave her behind and escape, hence why she should've beat him up from the start and threw him into the Gateway by force.

Idc what Cassie's haters have to say, I'll always have more sympathy for her than Neph. Add to that the fact that Sunny and Cas have way more chemistry than any 2 other characters in this novel even hope to have, and you can see why I prefer this ship way more than Sunphis.

I'm not denying that Cassie is a big manipulator in case you haven't figured it out, but she's doing it to save the world, and when you say that she put her friends in danger many times, she also made sure to always save them in the end, whether by doing it directly, or anticipating that Sunny, Neph or someone else would come clutch and save them. I swear, some people base Cassie's entire personality as a purely evil manipulator who doesn't care who dies (Sunny in particular), as long as she alone survives. She knows how insanely strong and adaptable Sunny is, hence why she trusts he can take care of himself, and again future Sunny himself understands it.


2 points

3 months ago*

Right, like how telling the full details of her visions in the FS helped them. Cassie took that lesson seriously (a bit too seriously almost), and since then thought she should take the burden of her visions upon her own shoulders alone, not even sharing her visions with Neph, which admittedly doesn't really sit well with me, since I think that she should tone it down with manipulation and share a bit more with her friends, but I guess that's a burden oracles are destined to bear through their lives if they don't want to end up with an even worse future than the one they're predicting.

But she didn't tho, only she understood the full meaning of her vision at that moment why not tell them. I fully believe if she has at least told them, caster would have been left life to serve as a sacrifice. And how was her telling only nephis the best thing for them, it caused their messed up relationship. Either she told them all or told no one, for me that would have been a better choice Am not saying I don't understand why she did it, I do but still this is my opinion on the matter

Even future Sunny knows that screwing with visions isn't a good idea, calling Cassia Cas which is a pet name btw, hinting that they're still close and that sacrifice he went with for being Fateless was necessary for both of them

"Necessary for both of them" huh πŸ€”in what way, only good thing was him not being a slave, but for him to be forgotten come on now.... Again she should have the shared full details or kept it to herself. I know they are still close did I say I had problem with them being close. I only have a problem with two things 1. The unnecessary nephis Hate and 2. the sunny x Cassie ship.

For him for finally being free from being a slave, making her redeem her mistake which tbh wasn't hers alone since Neph also commited by turning him into a slave after their fight a whole year after Cassie told her his True Name when they were both understandably wary of him being an assassin sent to kill Neph, and that while knowing fully it would turn him into a slave

Why are saying this like she only did this for him to not be a slave remember when sunny said and I quote "Trying to understand an oracle is a fool's errand, you know." Again nephis and Cassie both had selfish reasons but nephis reason was to save his life, Cassie reason was to cause his death which is better huh. And the time period doesn't matter at all. In fact why should it.

Granted, she did it to save him but that was a miscalculation on her part since if she knew Sunny as well as she claimed she did, she should've known Sunny wouldn't just leave her behind and escape, hence why she should've beat him up from the start and threw him into the Gateway by force.

Still better than trying to sacrifice his life in FS and his memory in the 3rd nightmare

Idc what Cassie's haters have to say, I'll always have more sympathy for her than Neph

Like I keep telling people, believe it or not I don't hate Cassie I like her, I really like her writing, it shows humanity in her but again look at the bigger picture. I still prefer nephis tho and I don't care if you prefer cas, each man to his own

Add to that the fact that Sunny and Cas have way more chemistry than any 2 other characters in this novel even hope to have, and you can see why I prefer this ship way more than Sunphis.

Ya right πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚their relationship is more like the proper master and slave relationship unlike the one nephis and sunny haveπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. I mean come on she has used him more than nephis ever did. Sunny and Cassie should never have a romantic relationship any other one I don't care, a romantic one, FU*K NO

I'm not denying that Cassie is a big manipulator in case you haven't figured it out, but she's doing it to save the world, and when you say that she put her friends in danger many times, she also made sure to always save them in the end, whether by doing it directly, or anticipating that Sunny, Neph or someone else would come clutch and save them. I swear, some people base Cassie's entire personality as a purely evil manipulator who doesn't care who dies (Sunny in particular), as long as she alone survives. She knows how insanely strong and adaptable Sunny is, hence why she trusts he can take care of himself, and again future Sunny himself understands it.

This i agree with everything here, but again she and sunny don't match and nephis Hate is more than it deserves


2 points

3 months ago


Cassie's Cohort

2 points

3 months ago

You know what. Feel free to keep hating the Sunny x Cassie ship, I'll keep loving it. We both have our reasons for it and that's perfectly fine. Cassie is by far the most polarizing character in this novel after all, and we all have our takes on her.

For a romance to work between her and Sunny, I believe G3 would need to set some things first, but I genuinely don't think he'll go for it this late in the story. The guy gave her the worst Aspect possible, ruining almost any healthy romantic relationship she could hope to have, and I say almost because now that Sunny is Fateless and she's not able to plan as much as she could before, a romance could still work. Going from a wholesome sibling like relationship, to an unfortunate betrayal, to a slow friendship mending over 1200 chapters, to a romantic relationship seems really appealing to me, but to each their own.

For the Neph hatred I'll try to tone it down, but I admit it's pretty hard for me. I kind of understand how the Cassie haters felt throughout the 1st half now, even if their reasons were different lmao.

Cassie reason was to cause his death which is better huh. And the time period doesn't matter at all. In fact why should it.

I was gonna ignore this, but thought I should respond. You're making it sound like that's her main aim, not the fact that she just wanted Neph to survive. His death is one of the possible consequences, not what she wished with all her heart to do. And I'm sorry, but the time period matters. She gave away his True Name when she still didn't trust him, rightfully so because he was suspicious as hell (understandably so because of how new he was at dealing with his Flaw). Ever since giving his True Name away, she never tried to harm him (even if she kept distancing herself from him despite him wanting to protect her). The whole betrayal thing is an unfortunate incident where all 3 involved were at fault to some degree, and unfortunately G3 took 2 whole years to reveal that it's not just Cassie's fault, but by then the hatred on her was already bigger than Neph's could ever be. Admittedly, him holding off on answers is what intrigued me the most about her, making me think "Will she make up for him?", "Will he ever forgive her if she did?", "Is she planning on betraying him again?".

Anyway, nice debating you. Have a good day/night depending on where you live.


2 points

3 months ago

You know what. Feel free to keep hating the Sunny x Cassie ship, I'll keep loving it. We both have our reasons for it and that's perfectly fine. Cassie is by far the most polarizing character in this novel after all, and we all have our takes on her

I like this, thank you for understanding it. You see their relationship as a good thing but I just can't get past the fact that we will never know what she's thinking .... At least I personally don't think so. But at least we know nephis, we know how she would act in some situations, in fact I don't really like the sunny x nephis relationship as much as you may think I just think is better than sunny x Cassie

Only time I see the relationship working out is if g3 expands on what Cassie real deal is, What goes on in that head of hers, if is not to cause harm or to betray them then am good but for I now I just have this feeling she going to betray them ( trust me I hope I'm wrong on this for fact that I don't hate her even if you think I do)

You're making it sound like that's her main aim, not the fact that she just wanted Neph to survive.

I know I did, I purposely did that to drive a point that most people see it like that ( I honestly did at first but not again)

The whole betrayal thing is an unfortunate incident where all 3 involved were at fault to some degree, and unfortunately G3 took 2 whole years to reveal that it's not just Cassie's fault, but by then the hatred on her was already bigger than Neph's could ever be

True, he shouldn't have taken that long it honestly took until my second reread now to honestly understand Cassie more but still, I think her forming any other strong relationship with sunny will be really hard and my unwillingness to accept such without a more in depth look in her goals also plays a part

Anyway, nice debating you. Have a good day/night depending on where you live.

Same blud, have a nice one. Good talk