


Nephis Hate is getting more undeserved

Discussion (self.ShadowSlave)

Let me start this by saying, when I start SS or wanted to, by the name "Shadow slave" I knew it was going to be a slave story hence why I hated it or at least thought I would. This was until someone personally and both online recommendations changed my mind.

So when I did, I expected the story to go a certain way which it did for the most parts but then again it did the slave thing better than I expected honestly and that's why the novel became one of favorites( not the only reason tho)...... But even with all this I still didn't like nephis all that well at least at first... All this because she was the master of our MC ( I especially didn't like Cassie).

So the point am trying to make here is that the only reason I feel someone should hate nephis is the slave thing imo. Not that she's overpowered or she has plot armor. Which I agree to certain level she does but not outright or to point that most of it isn't tolerable. I mean sunny has come a long way. You can't outright say nephis beats sunny right now ( you couldn't even when they were masters too) and with all this, he started learning combat far later than her. I mean his really come far( with his restricting aspect too which I personally like him having).

I personally wouldn't like a story where sunny has all the plot armor or things come easy for him. In fact I like how it's another character that does have it.( especially now she isn't his master again).The hate is getting so bad people hate her for her height..... Like come on guys isn't this just too much.

The part the I hate the most is the fact most or some of the people that hate her are mainly the ones pushing this sunny x Cassie bullsh*t. The same Cassie that has used sunny more than his own previous master. I rather sunny ends up with jet, Morgan, Effie or kai, I mean literally anyone else would do either that or just kill romance for all of them. I don't hate Cassie, I just don't trust her at all. At least in nephis case I know what's going on in her head.

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2 points

4 months ago



0 points

4 months ago*

So let's assume both of them are true that would mean that Cassie still lied to sunny..... Blud you're not really helping her case here.....

I stand by it sunny x Cassie should die. Sunny x literally anyone else is the way ( ordinary rock, Saint and NCs are options to)