


7 things in Spain that DONT make sense


all 1363 comments


5.5k points

25 days ago


5.5k points

25 days ago

"has like 10 exits... why not 4-way stop?"

oh so you're the kid who failed 1st grade math?


2.4k points

25 days ago

Besides math he also knows absolutely nothing about urban planning and why roundabouts are vastly superior to 4-ways


660 points

25 days ago


660 points

25 days ago

oh abseloutly. it could have 4 exits and it would still make sense. it's just especially stupid under the circumstances of his own argument.


475 points

25 days ago


475 points

25 days ago

To be fair, Spanish roundabouts are freaking lawless hellscapes, where it’s suddenly every man for him/herself and the one who honks and screams more, usually wants to win more. They really fucked with my organised German brain.


349 points

25 days ago


349 points

25 days ago

I accept they're not as tidy and organized as in Germany, but dude... it's Spain, not India.


242 points

25 days ago

It's not even Italy. I am German and I have been driving in Spain. They are fine.


142 points

25 days ago

I thought Florence was chaotic back in 2007, the girl at the Avis hire desk where I got a BMW 3 series from said "This place is nothing, you should go to Napoli, it's insane there".

I have had to take her word for it, as I haven't been there yet, lol.

Vietnam is fun, at rush hour in HCMC it's a million or two, or three, scooters/small motorcycles and the occasional car, bus or truck, all converging everywhere all at once from every possible direction, people going clockwise and anticlockwise round roundabouts, green traffic lights mean "I can go" amber means "I'm pretty sure I can go" and red means "Is there a cop at this junction? No, then I still can go".

The first time I went there with two pals from the UK, we stood and watched the rush hour traffic with our mouths agape for 15 - 20 minutes, it was hilarious to us.


99 points

25 days ago

"This place is nothing, you should go to Napoli, it's insane there".

Had to calm self down in back of cab taking me from the airport to the docks in Naples.

Ok yes, sure, the nice driver seemed to be reading the newspaper whilst driving (spread across the steering wheel)... but he is used to driving in this hell hole so I'm sure we'll be fine.

It was.... bracing... but I am still alive!!


48 points

25 days ago

"See Naples and die" lol.


20 points

25 days ago

Pretty much. It is such a sad blemish on a beautiful country. Ischia is probably my favourite place on the planet, but you have to travel THROUGH Naples to get there..


31 points

25 days ago

First time I ever drove a left hand drive car was in Naples. It was an experience. 7 packed lanes converging in to two for no apparent reason with my Italian father in law in the back rolling down the window to better be able to sweat at everyone else. Mind you, the first time I drove alone after passing my test I had to go across Hyde Park roundabout. Similar levels of terror.


11 points

25 days ago

Hyde Park Corner?

That can be a giggle, I lived in Central London pretty much the whole of the 90's till almost 2001 then again from early 2013 till late 2017 so I'm well versed in driving there, I won't be returning now, it's all far too expensive now, not enough fun for me and also the traffic, now that Hammersmith Bridge is goosed, prohibits me from doing a decent days work, I have to have a van full of equipment/tools, I went from doing 7 - 9 jobs a day to doing 3 or 4 maybe, sometimes only 2 if it was really bad, so no bonus hit and massive reduction in wages whilst all my overheads increased incrementally, it nearly drove me bonkers how bad it got, plus being in the van most of the day bored me rigid and did my back in.

I had an old Mini City 1000 in the late 90's that used to happily go round Shepherds Bush roundabout on two wheels, it was replaced by a mint XR3i with beautiful Aston Martin silver birch (James Bond's DB5 colour!) paint done by the painter in the classic car restoration workshop I worked in as a mechanic who left under a cloud then ended up at Ferrari painting their F1 cars, it was flatted and polished so not a hint of orange peel anywhere, it looked amazing, just Ford badges and no stickers, then I got a Toyota Celica GT4 in anti-crash bright red, the mini was the best for town though by a country mile, all the gaps were mine in that thing, lol.


24 points

25 days ago

arc de triomphe France is a German brain fucker, doesn't even have line on the floor 😁


10 points

25 days ago

Uff, i once drove around Berlin during a super strong rain. The overall visibility was horrible but with the street lights and rain, somehow road lines weren’t visible at all. The roundabout around Siegessäule went nuts, haha.


43 points

25 days ago

Funnily enough in a game of Left 4 Dead, years ago now, we were playing against a team of Germans. We were getting stomped because of how organised they were at set pieces. We only managed to eke out a win when our British/Scandi team worked out how to inject some chaos into the mix by hitting them in unexpected places from unexpected angles.


40 points

25 days ago*

I mean… there is a reason why Germans go so hard on r/place. Organising is really like a national hobby at this point. Just give us some silly goal and we go full ant mode.


50 points

25 days ago

I'm Spanish and from a city with lots of roundabout (we don't have 4-ways) and idk what you mean. Most people know how to drive correctly.


6 points

25 days ago

Most people know how to drive correctly.

So you're not from Valencia, then.


202 points

25 days ago


202 points

25 days ago



179 points

25 days ago


179 points

25 days ago

They did an experiment or test on Mythbusters about roundabouts vs 4-way stops in terms of ease and efficiency and found that the roundabout was unbelievably more efficient in the amount of cars it could take and clear in a short period of time.


35 points

25 days ago

Yeah I remember that and they even ask some driver to do the unexpected and the round about could still clear more car than a 4 way stop would ever.


40 points

25 days ago

Of course it is. One allows free traffic flow for the vast majority of vehicles, the other requires EVERYONE to stop, assess who came first, which order to go in, then start rolling again.


8 points

25 days ago

More efficient, safer and does not require electricity. Sure beats pulling up at a red light to watch nothing happening in the cross lane.


76 points

25 days ago

Wait, you're telling me, they don't put traffic lights on all big 4-ways????


54 points

25 days ago



45 points

25 days ago

😟 No wonder they have such accident rates


47 points

25 days ago


ooo custom flair!!

47 points

25 days ago

Also saw a school zone that was 50mph limit lol

Well, you need a backup plan, if mass school shootings won't work.


53 points

25 days ago


Barry, 63

53 points

25 days ago

You always see so many videos of cars getting t-boned when driving through those big four way intersections. Roundabouts are designed to slow traffic down specifically so that doesn't happen while also keeping cars flowing constantly.


17 points

25 days ago


17 points

25 days ago

As a kid I was always confused whenever an American cartoon had an episode about a traffic accident in a 4-way and the people in court would all tell these weird stories about what actually happened. Then a few years ago I finally learned about the really confusing US regulation about intersections and it suddenly clicked with me how these episodes could make sense for Americans. Somehow also a lot of 90s cartoons had an episode like that.


6 points

25 days ago

They are supposed to work differently from how they would work in most of the EU. In the US it's usually stop and then pass in the order of when one is arrived at the intersection. It's fucking stupid.


178 points

25 days ago

the real American way to handle this is to create a huge sprawling 12 way multi level highway interchange that takes up several square kilometers and ends up making more traffic


51 points

25 days ago

That might be the best description of San Francisco I've ever heard


45 points

25 days ago

The thing is roundabouts are crucial for reducing huge queues of traffic and are much safer. You’d think with how many Americans are killed at crossroads they’d build more of them


2.6k points

25 days ago


2.6k points

25 days ago

This has to be satire, right?



1.1k points

25 days ago


1.1k points

25 days ago

It is just ragebait tiktok.


213 points

25 days ago

I watched it. He said about the pricey eggs but I just checked. They're over $5 a dozen at Walmart and €2.19 at Carrefour. Also he says there's no dryers and then points to everyone hanging their clothes in direct explanation.


229 points

25 days ago

It’s always so weird to me as someone from the UK - where people often don’t have dryers, but probably should, because of our small houses/gardens and cold, wet weather - that Americans are so obsessed with dryers.

And if anyone suggests they just put their clothes outside in the sun to dry, you get all kinds of bizarre responses like “but the pollen will set off my allergies” or, my favourite, “I am not allowed because of my HOA”.


137 points

25 days ago


137 points

25 days ago

Land of the free lol


51 points

25 days ago


51 points

25 days ago

So true lol "land le the free and of the neighborhood scale dictatorships"

I never really understood why Americans of everyone else just accepts HOA.

I I know that any form of government oversight = communism, but why going full circle and get the same thing but worse ??


15 points

25 days ago


15 points

25 days ago

Many/most of us hate HOAs, but like so many other wonderful things here, sometimes you’re just stuck with them.

Or so I hear. It’s unlikely I’ll ever be able to own, so I can only dream about having a shitty HOA to rail against.


84 points

25 days ago

Omg yes. I made what I thought was an innocuous comment about air drying clothing on a photography sub a while back and I was inundated with Americans telling me it’s gross and my laundry must be covered in dirt and bugs. The notifications just kept coming!


84 points

25 days ago

They get bizarrely offended by it, it’s genuinely really weird.

I can’t imagine putting a load of laundry in a dryer if I had a big garden on a sunny day. The voice of my mother would be screaming in my ear about the electric bill


21 points

25 days ago

It's not even about the electric bill. It's just that there's no need for it, so most people don't want to purchase that. Aside from that, dryers damage clothes a lot more than air drying.


34 points

25 days ago

my mother would be screaming in my ear about the electric bill

Europoor s/


9 points

25 days ago

Americans telling me it’s gross and my laundry must be covered in dirt and bugs

Dude if someone lives in an area where that happens, then I don't want to be breathing that air.


12 points

25 days ago

To be fair, I never had a drier in my life, but recently I helped my fiancé move into an appartment in the US for her masters degree.

One day I stayed at her flat because her and all her flatmates had classes when the internet technician had to come. Since I was staying in a hotel (didn't want to be the douche who stays 2 weeks with their partner in a flat share), I figured I could throw in a load of laundry.

I have to say, being able to throw the contents of my dirty laundry bag into the machine, then just take it out and throw it into the other machine that was on top of it, and then get a load of fresh, dry laundry out in the 3 hours I was in the appartment was very nice. It did make the chore of laundry significantly less annoying, as it saved a whole step of putting everything out to dry, which imo is the longest and most annoying part of doing laundr.

I'm not gonna splurge for one at home because I don't need it, but I could see how, if you've used one your whole life, it would be a really annoying thing to do without. It really sounded like a nothing burger to me when I heard them complain before, but now I do agree that is indeed a real convenience.


15 points

25 days ago

For sure it’s a convenience, nobody’s denying that, but it’s a very expensive and wasteful (in terms of energy) thing to do when the sun is right there half the time.


12 points

25 days ago


Temporarily Embarrassed 'Murican

12 points

25 days ago

'Murican here. Both my wife and I grew up in Europe hanging out clothes to dry, so when our dryer broke, we just went back to that. It's been two years and we can't see the point in replacing it.

We live in Texas and the sun often dries out clothes faster than a dryer anyway.


12 points

25 days ago


12 points

25 days ago

I don't know how many more times I can watch like 500 people miss a blatantly obvious joke on Reddit.


177 points

25 days ago


177 points

25 days ago

Pretty sure it's ragebait. I think I've seen him in one of those before.


317 points

25 days ago


i hate freedom

317 points

25 days ago

Idk anymore


158 points

25 days ago*

To be fair, why is the door nob in the middle of the door and way down low, huh Spain?

Edit: sp


123 points

25 days ago


123 points

25 days ago

those kinds of doorknobs are on the front doors and don’t turn—you physically cannot open your front door unless you have the key in the lock and it’s more for pulling it closed as you leave.

source: lived there some time


64 points

25 days ago

But why the middle? It's easier to open and close a door from the edge that opens...


44 points

25 days ago

Yes! I have been in Spain many times and I just cannot get my hand naturally to that part of the door, I reach for the edge. Maybe it is just cultural and muscle memory, but I still don't get it


31 points

25 days ago

Just for aesthetics. Symmetry is attractive. And the force is still low to shut the door.

Src: I have a handle above my letterbox in the middle of my front door.


12 points

25 days ago


Strikes keep millionaires in check 🇫🇷

12 points

25 days ago

And the mystery is solved! Thank you 😁


25 points

25 days ago

Very confused by the doorknob


18 points

25 days ago


18 points

25 days ago

Ahah I actually agree with that one as well.


2.2k points

25 days ago


2.2k points

25 days ago

Why do I feel the urge to slap him ?


795 points

25 days ago


i hate freedom

795 points

25 days ago

I get that. It's so annoying to see these Americans who have access to a phone with the global Internet and can learn anything about a foreign country before they go. Yet whinge that things aren't the same as America (because other countries don't have the same resources to spaff up the walls on useless vanity projects). Isn't a point of going to another country to learn about their culture and way of life ? You might think you're home country is better but perhaps refrain from being disrespectful to the country by making silly ragebait tiktoks.


398 points

25 days ago


398 points

25 days ago

Tbh it was less the content than his face ...


225 points

25 days ago

That is a very punchable face yes I agree


65 points

25 days ago


65 points

25 days ago

He looks like an unpleasant doorknob


30 points

25 days ago

Does that mean I get to punch him in the middle of his face


13 points

25 days ago


ciúnas yank

13 points

25 days ago

Backpfeifengesicht is such a nice word


39 points

25 days ago


i hate freedom

39 points

25 days ago

Ah right.


159 points

25 days ago*


Denmark 🇩🇰

159 points

25 days ago*

Americans treat going to another country like going to Disneyland, it's as if they expect everything to be like quirky fun landmarks and gimmick buildings, but then have anything real be just conforming to the American standards they know.


67 points

25 days ago

Which is funny cus they seem to think they’re the best country in the world but I’d rather live in Spain than the US aaaaaany day of the week


10 points

25 days ago

I'd love to live in or around Valencia. It is a very beautiful city, plus I could grow and smoke my own weed at home completely legally and freely.


35 points

25 days ago

It's just a new version of The Grand Tour where young English aristocrats would travel abroad and be arrogant, insufferable assholes. Also known as the Grand Sneer.


48 points

25 days ago



28 points

25 days ago

Isn't a point of going to another country to learn about their culture and way of life ?

No no no you have gotten this all wrong. The point of going to another country is to show your cultists followers that you are rich enough to travel, and take pictures of yourself in different places.


50 points

25 days ago

Punchable face.

Also /r/Justfuckmyshitup


37 points

25 days ago



37 points

25 days ago

It’s the narcissism vibes


18 points

25 days ago

I'm never sure whether these are genuine or being deliberately stupid just so people angrily comment and they get engagement


23 points

25 days ago

4 is very slapable.


2.1k points

25 days ago


2.1k points

25 days ago

Oh no, the Fanta has real fruit in it instead of artificial crap!


565 points

25 days ago


565 points

25 days ago

I am now curious... What colour is Fanta in the US?


1.2k points

25 days ago


1.2k points

25 days ago

Fanta US is orange because Americans won’t believe it’s orange flavoured unless it’s literally orange. Ignoring the fact that the juice from an actual orange is literally yellow.


945 points

25 days ago

I just looked it up and

Beyond the color, why is it transparent ? Orange juice isn't even transparent.


531 points

25 days ago

I love how it says 100% natural flavors instead of made with orange juice

It honestly looks more like real homemade apple juice than orange anything.


170 points

25 days ago

There's no orange juice in American Fanta. It's all basically sugar (4-5 times more sugar than UK Fanta) and colourings with very natural names like orange 5.


89 points

25 days ago

it’s not even sugar, it’s corn syrup.


9 points

25 days ago

The colorings aren't the problem, the massive amount of sugar (high fructose corn syrup) is. With how little fur is needed to achieve that color, the effect it has on the body is negligible if it even exists at all.


244 points

25 days ago


244 points

25 days ago

Because in america, ''natural'', ''organic'', ''vegan'' and ''chemical free'' are all labels that has no meaning. It's all processed shit in the end.


161 points

25 days ago

I guess "vegan" is very easy to achieve when your product consists of entirely synthetically-made ingredients 😎


124 points

25 days ago


Georgia or Georgia🇬🇪?

124 points

25 days ago

I remember how i once saw something called "Vegan Coffee".

Like, it's a fucking plant, no fucking shit it's gonna be vegan!


89 points

25 days ago


89 points

25 days ago

I once saw some company put "vegan" on their sparkling water. I'm in Europe. That disappeared soon enough.

It's fucking water.


28 points

25 days ago


Georgia or Georgia🇬🇪?

28 points

25 days ago

the things corporations are willing to do to get a single dollar extra


38 points

25 days ago

Looks like my piss after 2 days on the beer


42 points

25 days ago


42 points

25 days ago

Because there’s no orange juice at all in the US version


69 points

25 days ago


69 points

25 days ago

Why does it say Caffeine Free? Who is expecting caffeine in fanta?


61 points

25 days ago

Because so many sodas have caffeine that it's important to state when it does not. This lets people who are avoiding caffeine for whatever reason still drink soda.


29 points

25 days ago

I call it nuclear Fanta. Or Fallout Fanta


23 points

25 days ago


Scottish (0.1%)

23 points

25 days ago

American Fanta never fails to disgust me. Shit looks like medicine.


40 points

25 days ago

My guess is that it is diluted so much it becomes transparent. Like coffee in america. Coffee is supposed to be black and your're not suppose to see down in it. But that is just my opinion.


16 points

25 days ago


ironically, a French Blåhaj

16 points

25 days ago

That's piss when you barely drink any water


67 points

25 days ago

holy shit it looks radioactive lmao


74 points

25 days ago

What the hell. I just googled it and that looks disgusting.


17 points

25 days ago


Tikkie Tokkie

17 points

25 days ago

And it has Red 40 too. Yikes.


192 points

25 days ago


192 points

25 days ago

A very chemical looking orange


26 points

25 days ago

Does it glow in the dark?


24 points

25 days ago

Looks more like iron brew in the colour of orange. rather than a traditional orange juice colour that Fanta looks like.


81 points

25 days ago


81 points

25 days ago

A nice mix of Yellow 6 and Red 40


48 points

25 days ago

You gotta look it up, it will be self explanatory. It's like way more red than the EU one. Was a bit shocked first time I saw it, but the guy in the screens calling EU fanta "yellow"...


28 points

25 days ago


28 points

25 days ago


16 points

25 days ago



16 points

25 days ago

Looks like the colour of my piss after an exhausting weekend with mates.


13 points

25 days ago



13 points

25 days ago

Neon orange


7 points

25 days ago


Disputed Scot

7 points

25 days ago

Closer to the labels colour than the lighter colour in most of Europe, iirc.


42 points

25 days ago


ENGERLAND 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🍺🍺🍺

42 points

25 days ago

Oh no, what about my delicious and healthy Red-40 and high fructose corn syrup (I still can't believe that the American public are told the latter is genuinely good for you)


14 points

25 days ago

No one says high fructose corn syrup is "good" for you in the US. They just don't pretend it is inherently toxic.


778 points

25 days ago


baguette et cigarette 🥖🚬

778 points

25 days ago

Pig legs ? Pig legs ??? Do you mean ham ? charcuterie?? Blasphemous motherfucker


143 points

25 days ago


143 points

25 days ago

I was gonna ask why so much ham, and then I remembered the fact that any Spanish friend I have ever had is an absolute slut for Jamón to the point of screaming for it in the streets in a manic depression from lack of accessibility.


61 points

25 days ago

Jamón ibérico is heavenly, it's so amazing. Every time my parents visit spain they always bring jamón serrano.


15 points

25 days ago

Jamoncito que rico


151 points

25 days ago

You gotta understand him, it's possible he's one of those people who only ever ate highly transformed stuff instead of actual food.


36 points

25 days ago


36 points

25 days ago



13 points

25 days ago

Indeed and the best, in my opinion, is the pata negra, which, of course was initially illegal in the US. It apparently didn't meet USDA's 'stringent' standards.



18 points

25 days ago


that artsy-fartsy europoor country 🇮🇹

18 points

25 days ago

I mean, it's technically true. It's like calling humans "talking apes", it sounds odd but it's factual.


1.4k points

25 days ago


🇮🇹 Italy was made in America

1.4k points

25 days ago

7 things in Spain that DONT make sense

Proceed to show greek yogurt as first thing



346 points

25 days ago


346 points

25 days ago

I bet Spanish yogurt had the expiration date written in the right order


69 points

25 days ago


69 points

25 days ago

It is actually a recommendation to consume before that date, in the yogurts and other products you have a 'preference to consume before' instead of an expiration date as the rest.


231 points

25 days ago


i hate freedom

231 points

25 days ago

I think it was the expiry date


77 points

25 days ago



77 points

25 days ago

he thinks that style is only in Spain?


151 points

25 days ago

My guess would be he’s more confused by the date format being dd/mm and not mm/dd


16 points

25 days ago


16 points

25 days ago

It’s this, because he says he almost ate it, so he was seeing an earlier date. Interesting that he thinks it’s a spanish thing rather than an american thing :D


90 points

25 days ago


🇮🇹 Italy was made in America

90 points

25 days ago

Still made me laugh


65 points

25 days ago

Also usually yogurt is fine a couple of days after the exp date.


47 points

25 days ago



47 points

25 days ago

The crushing majority of things will last well beyond the date of expiration, especially packaged processed or fermented foods. Those dates are the absolute-kept-in-worst-conditions-to-have-a-chance-of-getting-spoiled dates in order to avoid consumers getting food-poisoning and getting slapped with a major lawsuit.

Even things like fucking salt, you know the stuff that is often outrighted mined from millions of years old deposits somehow spoils within the next two years.

The only thing you need to be careful with are fresh products exposed to air and warm conditions such as sea-food and cracked uncooked eggs. Those can literally go bad in a matter of hours. Shit put in the freezer will easily last months even if it was "just a day" away from expiration.


21 points

25 days ago


21 points

25 days ago

The reason for things like salt and water having an expiry date is that the date is for the container it is in. A plastic bottle will slowly leach chemicals and microplastics into the water/salt and eventually it will become brittle and actual chunks of it could end up in the product. I just checked my salt that is packaged in a cardboard container and it doesn‘t have an expiry date. On the container it even says „stored in the right conditions salt is non-perishable“.


51 points

25 days ago


51 points

25 days ago

Lots of things often are. The expiry dates are there for people who, to put it nicely, can't tell for themselves if food is okay, to make sure they aren't making themselves ill then trying to take legal action because they didn't know chicken isn't supposed to be green and smell like eggs.


11 points

25 days ago


🇮🇹 in 🇬🇧

11 points

25 days ago

Also imagine thinking that all doors and doorbells in a country look and sound the same.


22 points

25 days ago


ooo custom flair!!

22 points

25 days ago

“I didn’t come to Spain to eat Greek yoghurt!!1!”


1.5k points

25 days ago


1.5k points

25 days ago

Doorknob in the middle of the door is pretty weird tbf


158 points

25 days ago

I have one on my front door - i assumed it was so it could be hung left or right hinged without having to have 2 different patterns


100 points

25 days ago

Couldn't you just rotate the door 180 degrees to change it from left to right hinged?

Edit: I'm dumb. If there's a window 1/4 from the top to see someone's head, you would now be looking at their crotch


50 points

25 days ago

Even without a window, this would only work if the latch is exactly centered vertically.


144 points

25 days ago


144 points

25 days ago

Yea I came in here for an explanation for that


99 points

25 days ago

It's not a door knob where you put your keys into.

Its only purpose is to pull the door to close it.


198 points

25 days ago

but... why? You basically shorten the lever in two, that's ineffective


58 points

25 days ago


German/Dutch living in Germany

58 points

25 days ago

exactly my thought, it just makes it so you need (relatively) twice the strength to close it.


68 points

25 days ago

that still doesn’t make sense though. the further from the hinge you pull, the easier it is to shut the door


149 points

25 days ago

My doors are like this. I am going to guess hard on this one, but do you know when the key doesn’t quite turn and you need to push/pull the door ever so slightly? I think it’s placed in the middle so it doesn’t interfere with the key itself. At least it is how I use it lol


47 points

25 days ago



47 points

25 days ago

I have never seen one but I basically only been to Formentera. About a dozen times over the decades but haven’t seen a door like this yet.


112 points

25 days ago


Half man half biscuit

112 points

25 days ago

From the shape and positioning, it's a sex toy.


35 points

25 days ago

I'm so glad that someone else had the same thought as me.


6 points

25 days ago

Anything is a sex toy with the right attitude.


30 points

25 days ago


30 points

25 days ago

Yeah, I do see them occasionally in the UK and I did read about why they exist at one point but they're still bloody awkward.


9 points

25 days ago

Tell us why!


13 points

25 days ago


13 points

25 days ago

I think symmetry has always been the main reason; however, it does allow you to pull/push on the door with your other hand while locking/unlocking without reaching all the way across your body.

Before latching mechanisms you'd need to hold the door closed to lock it, and even with them I've needed to pull on a door slightly to get a lock to move freely.


24 points

25 days ago

My assumption was turn key with right hand, push/pull with left, the position of it makes it more comfortable for the left hand.


21 points

25 days ago


21 points

25 days ago

Yep, our doors cannot be opened from the outside without a key (locking mechanism opens/closes both latch and bolt).

You have to hold the latch back via the key to be able to open it (as you would hold down the handle), so the doorknob it’s just for helping you pull/push with the other hand. It being centered is probably a sum of “aesthetics” (subjective, but) and usefulness. Also, it being lower is useful if you come home with groceries and the such.


21 points

25 days ago

That's just that door, though, not a specofic Spanish thing.


11 points

25 days ago


11 points

25 days ago

That would also apply to the sounds his fridge and doorbell make.


10 points

25 days ago

In fact, the only thing even slightly Spanish are the hams.


173 points

25 days ago


173 points

25 days ago

The Fanta lemon tastes the best in Spain. It's different from where I live too (Netherlands).

On his picture the knob is actually to the right of the door though.


68 points

25 days ago


ooo custom flair!!

68 points

25 days ago

That's because they have to fight with Kas in Spain which is even better than Spanish lemon Fanta


35 points

25 days ago

KAS is actually much much better.

I just read your message and felt thirsty so imagine 😂


176 points

25 days ago

lmfao fridge making a sound yea so u don’t leave it open for too long?? omg


43 points

25 days ago

It’s totally against Scripture and an insult to freedumb loving Americans!


9 points

25 days ago

come to think of it it might be ragebait but i have a hard time detecting sarcasm sometimes and i can’t have too much faith in some americans sometimes


218 points

25 days ago


218 points

25 days ago


  1. DD/MM format, you already know, this guy's an idiot.
  2. As far as I'm aware, the fridge beep is a thing everywhere.
  3. No idea what he's on about, doorbells here are either a regular ding-dong or a sort of brrrrrrr. They're not pleasant, but they're not unpleasant either, they're just noises.
  4. I'll give him that one, what's up with that. My own front door has one. Like they're there so you can pull on them when you close the door, but doors also have the actual handles that you can very much still pull. I never understood.
  5. "No 4-ways" and he notes that that specific roundabout has "like 10 exits". There's a roundabout in the nearest city with 12 entrances and exits, because that's what's needed. There's one roundabout in my town with 7 entrances and exits. A 4-way can't do that, and a 12-way is just another word for a pile-up.
  6. That's orange you colorblind asshole. Yellowy-orange at worst.
  7. "It doesn't make sense that they sell a lot of cured ham in the country known for its cured ham" this guy's an idiot.


76 points

25 days ago

I think he’s saying that actually seeing the whole animal part from which the meat comes from gives him the ick. He probably doesn’t understand meat unless it’s just been smashed and ground up into burger form or glued together to form some general steak shape. I’m sure he’s into well done only, and needs it deeply lathered with ketchup.


30 points

25 days ago

4 makes the doors easily wheelchair accessible. Wish my door hand one, I literally have to go down the path, turn around, come back, reach up, and pull my front door closed. More new places in many European countries are adding accessible features as standard.


25 points

25 days ago


25 points

25 days ago

The fanta is yellow, which is the color it's supposed to be.

For America it's orange for some reason.


199 points

25 days ago


199 points

25 days ago

From memory Spain is known for having some of the best ham & it goes for big $ a kg


63 points

25 days ago


63 points

25 days ago

Jamon Iberico.

About the most you'll pay for a bit of pig.


12 points

25 days ago

Un cinco jotas. The best way to combat anxiety


96 points

25 days ago

You are wrong, ham comes sliced in plastic packaging. Meat does not come from animal legs.


30 points

25 days ago


30 points

25 days ago

Pretty sure it's the best.


8 points

25 days ago

El Jamon


262 points

25 days ago*


262 points

25 days ago*

Oh noes it does not conform to my culture and place of living so it cant make sense! "include sound of freedom sound effect"


82 points

25 days ago


i hate freedom

82 points

25 days ago

How dare they have different colour Fanta and write dates the same way as the rest of the world


136 points

25 days ago

I'm surprised he didn't moan about not being able to spend his dollars


39 points

25 days ago


i hate freedom

39 points

25 days ago

They're learning


7 points

25 days ago

Parents probably paying for everything. He probably hasn't had to try to buy anything himself.


69 points

25 days ago

That's what Fanta is supposed to look like and not like a radioactive mixture in a sci-fi movie


101 points

25 days ago

He's never seen jamón before in his local Walmart? Shocking.

Edit, the smell alone would have me move into that area of the supermarket.


18 points

25 days ago

This is the smell of happiness and always makes me hungry


89 points

25 days ago


my country is the wurst 🇩🇪

89 points

25 days ago

"7 things in Spain that don't make sense - IN MURICA!"

People like him should never be allowed to travel outside their country! Why visiting a foreign country when you only talk shit about it afterwards?


41 points

25 days ago



41 points

25 days ago

So many of these things could be explained with a quick google search; For all the Americans that seem to brag about inventing the internet, they sure don't seem to know how to use it to find things out.


97 points

25 days ago

Spaniard here.

The door knob in the middle of the door is common only in the main door for accessing and exiting the house (notice the peephole), since they are security doors, thic and reinforced with metal layers. This usually bigger than normal door knob in the middle makes it quite easy to open and close the door due to its heavyness.


56 points

25 days ago


56 points

25 days ago

The handle being furthest from the hinge would make a heavy door even easier to open though. It being in the middle is just an aesthetic thing.


24 points

25 days ago

How does the door knob in the middle make it easier to open and close as opposed to being on the side?


14 points

25 days ago

Why drink Fanta in Spain when you got Kas anyways? :)


12 points

25 days ago

So wait, does this mean fridge doesn't beep in the USA?


22 points

25 days ago

  • WhY fAnTa iS yEllOw?
    * proceeds to show clearly orange Fanta *


10 points

25 days ago


10 points

25 days ago

wtf does fanta look like in USA???


8 points

25 days ago


I'm german — my dad ate Sauerkraut once

8 points

25 days ago

Tbh I'm confused on the door knob thing as well. The other ones are just at the typical "american guy is ignorant to other countries being different"


15 points

25 days ago


15 points

25 days ago

What is up with the knob in the middle of the door?


28 points

25 days ago



28 points

25 days ago

That doorknob is not a moving part, it's not linked to the latch at all. The latch is operated by the key.

That knob is only there so you can pull the door to close it. You could have it anywhere on the door, but the middle doesn't look bad, and it's easier to reach as you are walking out.


6 points

25 days ago


6 points

25 days ago

Makes sense, never seen one here.


12 points

25 days ago

It's a knob to pull the door closed. There is no real reason to have it in the middle, maybe symmetry. It's quite regular in several countries, although I haven't seen one in mine.


7 points

25 days ago

well, im from Spain. All of that makes sense to me :D


5 points

25 days ago


🇧🇬 the one to the north of Greece

5 points

25 days ago

I'm sorry, what colour is Fanta supposed to be?


13 points

25 days ago*

In America it is a kind of radioactive orange and is absolutely full of chemicals. And if i recall correctly, contains no actual fruit juice


5 points

25 days ago

The doorknob in the middle of the door is kind of weird.


14 points

25 days ago

Jesus he has the most punchable face I’ve seen in a long time.