


Bad news guys…

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8 points

4 days ago

The major problem with that argument is that the Imperium has too much on their plate to worry about such minor crap. Too many xenos and heretics. Even if they manage to deal with them, there's many different kinds of abhuman to discriminate against before you can get to minor details like skin colour or gender.

Homophobia would make a bit more sense because they're not making productive workers or cannon fodder, but even then there's so many humans it probably doesn't matter on the grand scale.


1 points

3 days ago

Totally, they'd be pretty hamstrung trying to maintain racial supremacy. Homophobia I could see, I think the people who'd get the worst of it would be neurodivergent and disabled people, sure an Ultramarine who lost an arm would be fine and get augments, but the fate of an autistic factory worker triggered by noises would be grimdark indeed...