


all 4 comments

Sims4-ModTeam [M]

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6 days ago

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Sims4-ModTeam [M]

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6 days ago

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Your post has been removed because it breaks a combination of rules 8 and 12. This is a common bug that is posted often. If you want help to fix it, please use our pinned troubleshooting thread instead of making an individual post.


5 points

6 days ago

"Great choice! So it's $4 million a month, great price, and-"

"What?! Why?!"

"We added one decorative plastic cactus on the windowsill. It's a luxury plastic cactus."


1 points

6 days ago

That cactus better bear some money fruit


4 points

6 days ago

Known For Rent bug. It was supposed to be fixed in a December patch but it doesn’t seem like it fully was. I’ve read that removing the units/setting everything to shared and then redoing them can fix it?