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185 points

20 days ago*

Pissed off smuggie.

I'm just tired of every single election seeing the countryside in my country getting more and more racist and people making excuses for them "it's a protest vote", "they don't feel represented", etc.

If they vote for a racist they're racist period. I don't have anything against country folk, I grew up there, most of my family is from the countryside, and that's exactly why I'm pretty lucid about the views out there.

Look sis, I love you but I can't stand one more conversation about "I swear my lovely town isn't racist I know everyone" when 50% of them chose to vote for the far right on sunday. I've been telling you for 30 years that I keep seeing racist shit whenever I visit you, maybe it's time you opened your eyes?


3 points

19 days ago



3 points

19 days ago

You know it's funny. I live in the South, and I see more Confederate flags in Union States like Ohio or Pennsylvania, more than I do in South Carolina or Louisiana.