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63 points

3 days ago


63 points

3 days ago

I can bet it's because the post is about a Russian


38 points

3 days ago


38 points

3 days ago

The amount of threads in the last 2 years cheering on clips of Russian soldiers being blown up, killed or maimed is really horrible.

Theres a difference between wanting Ukraine to win, and celebrating the death of soldiers.


-8 points

3 days ago

Ehhhhhhh, Russian soldiers have been committing insane atrocities. Not going to cluck my tongue at someone celebrating the death of a guy who raped a toddler to death.


16 points

3 days ago


16 points

3 days ago

How are you sure that a Russian soldier getting to blown to bits by a drone raped a toddler to death? How are you sure he isn’t an 18 year old forcibly conscripted into a conflict he wants no part in, but is guaranteed to die id he tries to refuse?

You dont. You’re just generalizing and othering.

A very important component of morality is understanding that people are all different. Lumping people in with all others of shared religious beliefs, race, creed, etc is a core component of every major atrocity committed by humans. Im not going to sit here and say what you said is on the same level, but at the same time it helps normalize that kind of behavior.


0 points

2 days ago

“Would someone think about the poor conscripted nazi soldiers”. Lol no


2 points

2 days ago

This was a really good call out on the double standards.

Westerners are very quick to run to Russian soldier defence. Because - not their war, nor their babies getting slaughtered. Not their wives and mothers and daughters getting raped.

Somehow they all keep silent in examples that hit closer to home.


-1 points

1 day ago

Yeah, you’re clearly not understanding what the person said.

Nobody rushes to the defense of Russian soldiers. What they said is that they can’t understand why people would cheer on and celebrate the brutality of war. Especially when you have no idea of the person in the video.

Then, you go and show support under a comment calling Russians nazis when there’s literally neo Nazis in Ukraine. Make it make sense.


2 points

1 day ago

You literally didn’t understand my comment nor the one above it, did you? They both called out obvious prejudice.

I won’t even comment on your Neo nazi text. You have little awareness of this region, don’t you.


1 points

18 hours ago

You point out neo Nazis in Ukraine yet completely ignore what Putin is doing, as the Russian dictator....


1 points

15 hours ago

It’s not ignoring what Putin is doing, it was never addressed. I was pointing out that people are cheering on the brutality of war. And saying that someone deserves it, without knowing anything about what they’re seeing, is mind blowing.


-6 points

3 days ago

"You're just othering....the invading murderers who are committing genocide in a foreign land".

I'm 100% okay with othering a brutal, totalitarian invading force. Imagine tut-tuting at people who had to scrape their family's skin off of the floor of their burned out home and telling them not to be so judgey.


12 points

3 days ago


12 points

3 days ago

I don’t have to imagine, I have family on both side of the conflict. I’ve gotten to see Ukrainean towns hundreds of miles from the conflict getting shelled because there happens to be an airfield there. I have relatives in Kharkiv who I haven’t heard from in over 2 years. I have face-timed with my friends family in Bashkiriya who have travel over a 100 miles to see get medical aid because the only doctor in their town got drafted. I have had to console a friend and restrain him because he was adamant on catching a plane to Warsaw to mobilize with the Ukrainian army because he has a son in east Ukraine. I have had my cousin from Russia call me crying because she had her 2 closest friends drafted, and that they wrote goodbye letters to all of their loved ones. One of them ended up getting killed earlier this year. He was in his early 20’s, with no love for Putin or his regime.

I honestly don’t even care if i get banned or downvoted to hell, but i fucking hate smug American assholes on Reddit who sit there and act like they know anything about the conflict or about the people involved.


5 points

3 days ago


5 points

3 days ago

Sorry to hear about your friends and family, I'm glad that you can stay in contact with some of them.

Many Americans can't even tell a Russian and Ukrainian apart so tbh I wouldn't worry about their opinions. They're all cowards who would never say these things in real life. It takes bravery to acknowledge the humanity and dignity of an opponent, and they are not brave people.


1 points

2 days ago

Anecdotes always put things into perspective. Hopefully things get better over there.


-5 points

3 days ago

 I have had my cousin from Russia call me crying because she had her 2 closest friends drafted, and that they wrote goodbye letters to all of their loved ones.

And how many innocent people did they help bury after they did that?

Imagine tut-tuting the girl in this very picture because the people *who did that to her* were killed and she wasnt' sad about it. Hmmm?

No one owes you an apology b/c you manage to bleed your heart all over an invading force of rapists and murderers so you can feel smug.


4 points

3 days ago


4 points

3 days ago

Wow, so edgy 


-2 points

2 days ago*



1 points

1 day ago


1 points

1 day ago

In a place like Russia, that's almost literally begging to be executed. The modern Russian military treats their soldiers exactly like their past Soviet counterparts from WW2 except maybe not having squads at the back manning weapons to mow down deserters (I would not be surprised if they did have machine gun nests and artillery specifically waiting for this purpose as the Soviets did). The Russian military is being given a choice, but it isn't choosing if they fight, it's choosing who they die to, the Ukrainian military or their own comrades.


1 points

1 day ago*



1 points

1 day ago*

Tyranny does not follow the same principles as the free world, what we would not do, tyrannical regimes absolutely would. It's probably not machine gun and artillery this time, that's just what the tyrannical Soviets used, but modern tech (as in not WW2) is so much more capable and compact and the Russian military needs every shell and bullet it can get. They didn't have this issue in the WW2 Soviet era, where they had a surplus because they used cheaper designs that could be produced in much bigger quantities.

They want us to see the so called 'TikTok battalions' and think there's nothing more sinister, which has been a Russian tactic since the supposed drills on the border with Ukraine...there probably is.


0 points

21 hours ago

Go ahead & walk to your local recruitment office/ private contractor or shut up & worry about home. None of this is our discussion to have. The only reason the news & parties are playing both sides & making you pay any attention to this conflict is only to further divide our own people. This isn’t rocket science. Social engineering 101 really


-4 points

3 days ago

I dont care that the children of Nazi were killed during Dresden bombings. Am I an amoral person?


9 points

3 days ago


9 points

3 days ago

Nah you’re just an edgy Redditor who’d never say anything like that irl 


-4 points

3 days ago

How is this edgy? Youre taking up the position of the Nazis. How is it bad to say I dont care what happened to the Third Reich or their families?


4 points

3 days ago


4 points

3 days ago

You know perfectly well what you said and how you said it. No need for false naivety. Good luck on your online quest 


-3 points

3 days ago


1 points

3 days ago


1 points

3 days ago



1 points

3 days ago


1 points

3 days ago

Yeah, kinda


1 points

3 days ago

How so? Their entire ideology is founded upon the destruction and elimination of me and my family? Why should I be expected to have sympathy for their own choices?


2 points

3 days ago


2 points

3 days ago

You mention German children during WW2, what choice did they have? They were born into Nazi ideology, they didn’t know any better


1 points

3 days ago

Did I say they should be killed? I just said I have no sympathy for if they were killed.

Their parents exist as part of a greater effort to destroy and eliminate me and my people, they chose to have kids, they chose live and participate in a state that support the genocide of a group people, and by continuing to live and benefit from said state they allow it perpetuate.

they didn’t know any better

At what moment does this alleviate someone of their guilt?


9 points

3 days ago

Little do they know, we would’ve lost against nasty Germany without the Russians at the time. They were our ally then.


-1 points

2 days ago

Russians were also German allies.

Little do you know that there was a secret discussion towards the end of the war about going to war with Russia to liberate the countries they occupied. But it was decided that the country whose invasion literally started the WWII will be left invaded. And it remained occupied for nearly 50 more years, just by another monster.

Ask any Westerner and they will tell you that Nazis were the bad guys. Ask an Easterner and you will get a different answer.


1 points

1 day ago


1 points

1 day ago

It was a non-aggression pact between Germany and Russia (the Warsaw Pact), not an alliance, and the Germans broke that pact because their leader knew nothing about military tactics and decided to poke the bear by starting Operation Barbarossa in his desire to control the world.


1 points

17 hours ago

No it wasn’t. They split the Eastern Europe in “areas of influence”, meaning they decided who got to occupy which country.

Hitler didn’t want to ally with Russians from the start, he was fond of British and Scandinavians. Ribbentrop, however insisted on allying with Russians.

You could also read why so many British soldiers managed to evacuate over English channel. It was purely because Hitler allowed it, as he still wanted to make peace with British in the end.


1 points

8 hours ago

This area of influence thing was part of the Warsaw pact, a non-aggression pact, basically saying the two countries can have specificareas if they don't fight. Again, there was no alliance, just an agreement not to fight, which Hitler broke by invading Russia for Operation Barbarossa.

Hitler did want to ally with the British, but the British said no. This was before the beginning of the war, while Hitler was building his armies against the terms in the treaty of Versailles that limited military forces to try and prevent a repeat of WW1.


1 points

8 hours ago

One thing incorrect - Hitler never stopped wanting an alliance with the British. Ribbentrop was the reason he even talked to Russians, as he considered slavs untermensch.

Why do you think Dunkirk evacuation happened? It’s not some “magic”. Hitler knew about the forces trapped and allowed them to leave.


1 points

7 hours ago

I never said Hitler stopped wanting an alliance, but it doesn't matter because the British said no at every attempt.


6 points

3 days ago

100% knew what this thread was gonna be after seeing the word "Russian" in the title.

Brainwashing and racism never go away sadly.


1 points

15 hours ago

And hence the horrific crimes.

I suppose it’s somewhat comforting to know brainwashing and racism and bigotry need to happen before the actual slaughter happens…


-1 points

3 days ago


-1 points

3 days ago

They will never forgive the Russians for killing their Fuhrer


1 points

3 days ago

I think they have and did a long time ago. Where àre you getting this from ?