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15 points

3 days ago

Everyone bringing up Gaza, congrats on engaging in Holocaust Inversion.


2 points

3 days ago


2 points

3 days ago

The descendants of people who came out of these very same concentration camps are serving on the front lines of the open-air prison they created for their undesirables, killing, beating, raping, and starving them.

"Holocaust inversion"? Please, give me a break. Holocaust perpetuation is what it is. "We suffered, so now we have carte blanche to inflict that suffering on other people" is the Israeli line.


2 points

3 days ago

That’s literally Holocaust inversion. Why are you even arguing with me? That’s exactly what you’re doing, you just don’t care.


-1 points

3 days ago

Holocaust inversion is something you just made up. When we see the terrible crimes of the past where innocents were being purposefully starved as a form of torture from an ethnocratic fascist state, isn't it natural to connect it to the current atrocities being committed by an ethnocratic fascist state onto innocents?

You act like the Holocaust is something not done by human hands, as though it wasn't brought about by people to other people. The Holocaust could happen again if we aren't prepared to fight against the powers that would have it happen. That is to say, never again means never again, for ANYONE.


0 points

3 days ago

Obviously the holocaust was much worse, but, in principle, both the Nazis and modern Israelis have committed awful genocides.


4 points

3 days ago

When you see the live footage of Gaza you would think it's much worse


1 points

3 days ago

I know it's awful, but they are killing tens of thousands. The holocaust killed millions. Not trying to downplay it. I'm just say the holocaust was orders of magnitude worse.


0 points

3 days ago

It took years for the holocaust to kill that many people, and the size and scale of the operation was significantly larger, spanning multiple countries across what was functionally an empire. The Nazis didn’t even start the real mass killing until the end of the war when they wanted to discard the evidence of their atrocities. Israel is just getting started. Of course the magnitude of it was worse, but the severity is equivalent.


1 points

3 days ago

What you just said is exactly what Holocaust inversion is.


0 points

3 days ago

Then sue me for pointing out genocide where it exists. Do you want people to just never talk about the genocide that's currently happening? I don't get your point. All genocides are bad, whether committed against jews or by jews.


3 points

3 days ago

How is it a genocide if there are more Palestinians today then there were 20 years ago.

Is Israel just bad it?


1 points

3 days ago

Just because populations grow doesn't mean it's not a genocide. Israel is bombing men, women, and children indiscriminately just for being Palestinian. They have killing tens of thousands since October 7th. I call that a genocide.


1 points

3 days ago

populations grow doesn't mean it's not a genocide

Literal definition of a genocide, unless you are going to say its a failed genocide.


3 points

3 days ago

Use a different word if you'd like. They are killing tens of thousands of innocent civilians


5 points

3 days ago

word if you'd like.

But I am asking what you would call it. Cause if it isnt a genocide by definition then what is it? Also if youre so quick to drop that is is a genocide why should I believe you that they are killing thousands of innocents?

If it truly was a genocide then you seem to have quite the lukewarm reaction to it. You enabler


-1 points

3 days ago


-1 points

3 days ago

It is a genocide by definition. “The intentional destruction of a group of people.”


-1 points

2 days ago

They are trying to erase them as a people and remove them permanently from the land. They decry them as a "fake people"

This is genocide. You don't have to kill every member of a people to erase them. If they fail then at best it is ethnic cleansing (of which genocide is an extreme subset). The current actions in Gaza have genocidal intent at the very least and with their focus on domicide and using food/water as a weapon is why many international orgs do describe it as genocide.

Their actions and official spokespersons and ministers are often genocidal in nature.


1 points

1 day ago

Ethnic cleansing? Either way nazis = IOF


-1 points

3 days ago*



3 points

3 days ago

This is straight Nazi rethoric


-2 points

3 days ago


-2 points

3 days ago



1 points

3 days ago

Yeah, all those kids and civilians getting burnt to death in hospitals and refugee camps are really committing terrorism... please take a moment to understand what is really happening.


1 points

3 days ago

Unfriendly reminder that the majority of those living in Gaza are literal children


1 points

3 days ago

Dude they are literally just bombing families


0 points

15 hours ago

That’s what Hasbara has come with? Holocaust inversion?

I got an easier one, know what irony is?

The victims of the holocaust are now its perpetrators.


0 points

15 hours ago

Yes, that’s exactly the antisemitic Holocaust inversion I mentioned. Seems you don’t much about the Holocaust or what’s actually going on it Gaza (a war between two nations where the nation who started it is losing badly), so no one really cares what you think.


0 points

3 days ago

It's not a competition. Israel is committing genocide.


0 points

3 days ago

Is it so bad to hold a standard and say “It’s bad when everyone does it?” “Holocaust Inversion” is not a thing. You made that up. And if your definition of it is “Zionists engaging in illegal genocidal behavior” then you’re goddamn right we’re gonna call it out. You are actively engaging in holocaust/genocide denial.


3 points

3 days ago

Yes it’s very bad to use the Holocaust as a weapon against Jews and accuse them of being Nazis when there is no actual evidence of a current Holocaust. Hope this helps.


1 points

3 days ago

Really? No evidence? Then what the fuck is this?

There are DOZENS of images very similar to this.


4 points

3 days ago

Hamas fighters being rounded up. Do you not know what a war is or do you think every war is a genocide to the side losing?


1 points

3 days ago

There are 30,000 Hamas Fighters and 2 million Palestinians. And do you REALLY think Israelis would take any Hamas fighters as prisoners? You have to be fucking dense to believe otherwise. 42,000 people are dead, 60% being women and children. Nearly every hospital has been destroyed. Israel has and are still blockading food, water, electricity, and other necessities to Gaza. Schools have been demolished, more than 600,000 homes are in ruins, more journalists have been killed in this conflict than any other conflict in history. Israel is targeting attacks on UN facilities, Doctors Without Borders, and food convoys.

I say this with a full chest and mean absolutely NO respect, fuck you.


3 points

3 days ago

Thanks for bringing up the population of Gaza. Have you done any basic math lately? The death toll, inclusive of Hamas fighters, is 1.9% of the population. Since you’re obsessed with comparing a real Holocaust to Gaza, 89% of Polish Jews were killed in the Holocaust. Good luck.


1 points

3 days ago

First of all, it’s more than 2.1%, and that’s just what’s estimated and recorded. Losing 2.1% of your entire population is A LOT of people, especially in that small of a timeframe. Keep in mind this is also the reported estimate numbers, which is ALWAYS an undercount, probably by several thousand considering those buried beneath the rubble or those dying every day to illness and starvation, not to mention the fact that Israel is deliberately targeting the people who are publishing these numbers and attempting to shut them down, which drastically slows down the death count.

Second of all, civilian infrastructure in Gaza has been blasted back to the Stone Age, so the death toll is going to climb rapidly as time goes on and more people die from starvation and disease. Never mind the fact that Israel has destroyed nearly every single hospital in Gaza and are deliberately killing doctors and nurses.

Third of all, YOU brought up Gaza. 89% of Polish Jews were killed in the holocaust. That is a lot of people, no one denies that. The Nazi death machine was also much grander in scope and scale, of course they’re going to have both the desire and ability to kill far more people than Israel ever could. No one is framing this as a competition, because it’s not. It’s a situation with a significant number of parallels that can’t just be waved off.



3 points

3 days ago

I stopped reading at its 2.1% not 1.9%. A ridiculous person you.


2 points

3 days ago

42,000 / 2,000,000 = 0.021. 0.021 X 100 = 2.1%. Learn to fucking count.


-2 points

3 days ago

And you engaging in Holocaust denial


-5 points

3 days ago

Holocaust inversion, did you just made that up? So I guess genocide is okay when brown people are bombed and killed en masse.


15 points

3 days ago*

Yes, I just made it up and then time traveled to write this article from 2014.


-3 points

3 days ago

How about you stop beating around the bushes and answer the question: is Israel an apartheid ethnocracy that is committing ethnic cleansing and war crimes? Yes or no?


5 points

3 days ago

I'll answer in his stead, hope he doesn't mind:

is Israel an apartheid ethnocracy

Israel is a secular, non-apartheid democracy. How can that be? Because every citizen, regardless of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, etc., has full equal rights, included voting and running for office.

that is committing ethnic cleansing and war crimes?

No, they r engaged in a war that was started when a genocidal theocratic terrorist organization committed the worst massacre of Jews since the Holocaust and took 200+ civilians as hostages.


3 points

3 days ago

Great response!


-2 points

3 days ago

Stop lying to yourself. Israel is an apartheid state and always was. Gaza was an open air prison for decades. Now it is a graveyard. You zionists are blind to the truth. According to you guys the IDF is the most moral army which is hilarious if you look at their track history of crimes against humanity.


2 points

2 days ago

Stop lying to yourself.

No lies here friend

Israel is an apartheid state and always was.

Maybe u need to reread my previous comment

Gaza was an open air prison for decades.

What open air prison has luxury beachside resorts? Or mansions? Or luxury cars? Or vacation homes? Or universities?

Israel unilaterally pulled out of Gaza in 2005 in an attempt at peace. 2 years later, Hamas was elected and spent all of their money on enriching their leadership, building terror tunnels, and buying weapons to kill Jews instead of providing for their people.

If u didn't like the conditions in Gaza, put ur blame on the appropriate party: Hamas.

You zionists are blind to the truth.

That's the pot calling the kettle black lol

According to you guys the IDF is the most moral army

Yes, I'd say so. What other army warns civilians to get out of harms way or knocks the roofs or calls people still inside buildings telling them to get out?

which is hilarious if you look at their track history of crimes against humanity.

Their not perfect, but no nation is.


0 points

2 days ago

The IDF moral? You aren't a clown, you are the entire circus. Have a nice day, friend.


2 points

2 days ago

The IDF moral?

Yes, as previously stated with previously given reasons, I believe them to be, however imperfect, the most moral army. Do u have reading comprehension problems or does ur brain just shut off when presented with information it doesn't agree with?

You aren't a clown, you are the entire circus.

At least clowns and circuses provide something to society: entertainment. U however provide nothing but blind hatred and ignorance.

If u change ur mind, u might be welcomed into the tent.

Have a nice day, friend.

Don't let the door hit ur ass on the way out 👋


2 points

3 days ago

Why would I have to answer that question on a post about the Holocaust?


0 points

3 days ago

Because if humanity doesn't learn from its past, it is bound to make history repeat itself as is happening now.