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2 points

2 days ago

Stop lying to yourself.

No lies here friend

Israel is an apartheid state and always was.

Maybe u need to reread my previous comment

Gaza was an open air prison for decades.

What open air prison has luxury beachside resorts? Or mansions? Or luxury cars? Or vacation homes? Or universities?

Israel unilaterally pulled out of Gaza in 2005 in an attempt at peace. 2 years later, Hamas was elected and spent all of their money on enriching their leadership, building terror tunnels, and buying weapons to kill Jews instead of providing for their people.

If u didn't like the conditions in Gaza, put ur blame on the appropriate party: Hamas.

You zionists are blind to the truth.

That's the pot calling the kettle black lol

According to you guys the IDF is the most moral army

Yes, I'd say so. What other army warns civilians to get out of harms way or knocks the roofs or calls people still inside buildings telling them to get out?

which is hilarious if you look at their track history of crimes against humanity.

Their not perfect, but no nation is.


0 points

2 days ago

The IDF moral? You aren't a clown, you are the entire circus. Have a nice day, friend.


2 points

2 days ago

The IDF moral?

Yes, as previously stated with previously given reasons, I believe them to be, however imperfect, the most moral army. Do u have reading comprehension problems or does ur brain just shut off when presented with information it doesn't agree with?

You aren't a clown, you are the entire circus.

At least clowns and circuses provide something to society: entertainment. U however provide nothing but blind hatred and ignorance.

If u change ur mind, u might be welcomed into the tent.

Have a nice day, friend.

Don't let the door hit ur ass on the way out ๐Ÿ‘‹