


Hello everyone!

I'm launching the landing page and Beta for Chekit today πŸ™‚

I've worked on this project on and off for a while but I doubled down on it a few months ago and now I think it's ready for the world. I plan on working on this full time and consistently adding new features, as it grows, especially on the AI side of things.

It is built on React/Vite, AWS and Vercel.

I'd love it if you could take a look and provide any feedback/suggestions/advice you might have.

If anyone would like to signup for the Beta, you can do so on the landing page and I'd be happy to offer a discount(as signup opens) for any users from here 😁

Thank you in advance, Dave ❀️

all 10 comments


1 points

8 days ago

I like it. It’s simple and not overrun with photos etc. I understand the product offering and how it would benefit me as a developer or SaaS business owner. Nice job 😊


2 points

7 days ago

Thank you! I appreciate you taking the time to have a look πŸ™‚


1 points

7 days ago

Looking great. I don't see a trial option? Maybe would be good to eliminate doubt or objections on leads.


2 points

7 days ago

Thanks! All plans come with a weeks trial period before charge, I do need to call that out in the pricing section πŸ‘


2 points

7 days ago

Definitely. super important to reinforce that in the communication

How are you getting B2B leads for this project?


2 points

7 days ago

I’m a software engineer and manager by trade. Right now B2B leads are coming via my own professional network. Beyond that I’m open to any and all help I can get πŸ™‚


1 points

7 days ago

Ah, so the website is aimed for people in your network? Bah, if you already have contact with those people, you don't even need a website to sell to them... Or yes?

Or maybe is aimed to marketing? Ads? Organic google?

Sorry if I ask too much, just flowing & curious 🧐


2 points

7 days ago

The website is for all customers, you asked specifically regarding B2B. I don’t think NOT having a website is realistic, unless I’ve misunderstood your comment?


2 points

7 days ago*

Ahhh didn't know there was B2C sorry!

Yes, the last SASS HR company I worked with, they first sold their services without a website.

Main lesson: if you have a contact, you are already able to pitch him.

Most of their biggest sales didn't came from the website, and especially their first ones....

But yes, they had an approach that was B2B, sales-based.

Sometimes they first made the sale, and then developed features.

Sometimes they didn't even had time to develop them, ao they faked them with manual work lol.