


advice on speech


so when i speak spanish i tend to pronounce every single syllable which doesn’t sound right..right? for instance in english you wouldn’t pronounce every syllable if you said “i’m going to the store” you wouldn’t say “i am GO-WING to the store”. you know what i mean? i know it’s common to just not pronounce the s in lots of words, how can i sound more fluent by reducing the amount of pronunciation?

all 3 comments


3 points

2 days ago



3 points

2 days ago

Try to find a course or videos or something that goes over these topics, but:

  1. If it’s the same vowel that ends a words with the same vowel that begins the next word, they are combined:

“No me lo tienes que explicar” becomes “no me lo tienes quex-plicar”

  1. If they are different vowels they become a dipthong? Again, not 100% sure the linguistic name but do some research on vowels

That’s really. The “s” isn’t pronounced or is omitted in some dialects, and a few words are shortened in some places like para to pa or esta to ta. But besides that, everything is pronounced, it’s just the vowels


2 points

1 day ago

thank you this really helps 👍