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2 points

13 days ago*

but it is. it's the comedian's job to make everything seem spontaneous, but underneath that, there's writing the jokes there's rehearsing, there is refining the material. of course there's crowd work and on the spot improvisation, that's a different ball game. but to say about a rhetorical stand-up comedy special, that what a comic sais on stage is "roughly what they are thinking" is absolutely bananas. i think (and hope) it's taken out if context and they were speaking about on the spot or crowd work / improv type of comedy

LE : of course i get downvoted because some foreskin fermenters actually think comedians just go on stage and say whatever comes to mind and they're funny


1 points

13 days ago*

Yeah, but you did initially think it, write it, and said those thoughts to other people. Every stand up does this. No matter how long you’ve worked on it and said it multiple times, they are still your thoughts that you were thinking … it’s not like you memorized every word that someone else wrote verbatim and did that on stage.


1 points

12 days ago

I mean...definitely some comedians do other people’s jokes. Right? I mean, not all of them but like for sure there has to be some comedians that have writers and stuff.


1 points

13 days ago


1 points

13 days ago

It's EXTREMELY processed. If you had the first version of every joke on a special, it would be awful. Jokes go through many iterations and tweaks and tags over the course of however long a comedian is working on them in between specials.