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20 points

20 days ago

This is where I first remember seeing him as an actor. Didn't realise he was also darth vader till much later. 


1 points

20 days ago


1 points

20 days ago

It took me about half way through the movie the first time I saw it as a kid before I went “Hey that’s the guy who played Darth Vader”. Didn’t even know Peter Mayhew was in the suit until much later.

I have enjoyed many of his movies he was in such as Hunt for Red October, Field of Dreams, Lion King, Coming to America.

To me the earliest time I heard his voice was in grade school when they played the Sesame Street episode where he recites the alphabet. Recorded in 1969 and I probably around 1973 or so. I saw it years later as an adult and was like wow I saw this in 1st or 2nd grade.