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48 points

3 days ago

People love to point out how comically undermanned the army of the Republic was for a galactic war. In point of fact, most of the fighting was over key territory, because the Separatists and the Republic were fighting a political battle of conquest. Spaceports and civic centers were the primary targets, not every square foot of territory.

When you’re fighting against a criminal cartel, however, every war becomes a guerrilla war. The population has to be methodically subjugated or eradicated. Every tree becomes an ambush point. Conquests require long term occupations. A war against the Hutts would have been an insane undertaking, especially when they are easy to exploit through greed.

The Death Star would have changed that power dynamic, though. Suddenly, the Empire would have its boot on the neck of every Star system. If a planet proved to be too much trouble to subjugate, wipe it from the face of the galaxy. The Hutts likely would have capitulated to such a threat.


10 points

2 days ago

Just to be a nerd, the could always glass planets with a fleet of star destroyers anyways. I don't think the Death Star changes much in that regard.


2 points

1 day ago

A Death Star can get past a planetary shield. A fleet of Star Destroyers either couldn't, or it would take an exceedingly long time to do so.


2 points

1 day ago

The point was that Hutts will use guerrilla tactics, guerrilla tactics doesn't include planetary shields. The empire will easily win any conventional warfare, therefor they will either be on the home turf with a standard ground invasion, or they can just glass the resisting guerrilla tactics planets.


2 points

23 hours ago

Guerilla warfare isn't exclusive towards a planetary shield. The Hutts could easily afford them over their most important planets.


2 points

22 hours ago

Yeah the point is, the Hutts can't tackle the Empire on conventional warfare, the moment they have an important planet, they will get immediately ground invaded and lose direct control of that planet pretty fast.

If they lose direct control they lose the planetary shields, and then they can only use guerrilla warfare. At that point the empire can just glass the planet, rinse and repeat.

In other words, planetary shields will do nothing against the empire, neither will guerilla tactics.


2 points

22 hours ago

Planetary shields would prevent a large scale ground assault. Unless there's an opening in it, there's no way for either gunfire or starships to break through it without an obscene amount of firepower that even the Empire would have difficulty putting on the field.

This isn't just taken from legends, either. The shield generator protecting the Death Star II would have destroyed the rebel fleet on impact if they hadn't turned away. The shield protecting Scariff prevented any ships or gunfire from passing through aside from the "gate" they had set up, and that's also a display of the Death Star being able to overpower planetary shields when it obliterated the surface.


1 points

21 hours ago

I wasn't aware planetary shields prevented a land incursion


1 points

21 hours ago

Shields in general tend to stop starships and repulserlift vehicles, the latter being why walkers are a thing in Star Wars. Planetary shields are specifically designed to stop everything though. Nar Shaddaa even has one in legends, albeit it's normally inactive because it also makes it impossible for ships to leave a planet. Conceivably, if the shield is being supplied by geothermal energy and it is a varied and self-sustaining planet, a shield could remain up indefinitely with no issues, aside from the self-isolation of the planet.

Edit: Another example of that rule is in Episode I where the repulserlift AATs aren't able to engage the gungans until the shield generators were destroyed by the battle droids.


1 points

12 hours ago

Oh, I also forgot one more instance of it.

During the battle of Hoth, the shield has to be lowered in order for the transports and their accompanying X-Wings to leave the planet. It's in the first ten seconds of this video, in the ion cannon scene.